Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Why shouldn't all killers quit tomorrow?

This is a sincere question because I wonder how this game is going to live when killers get miss threated to a point where playing killer makes you more frustrated then happy

To point out some issues

Grab animation hasn't been fixed and it's worse then ever

Totem spawns hasn't been changed on 60% of the maps

Totems can still spawn on line of sight of generators

Swfs are still a thing and there is no real reason any killer would want to go against one

Gens are getting done too quickly, you can have the shortest chase in your life and when you reach the hook you'll sill be able to lose 3 generators

Ds is still a dominating perk, where survivors are imune to do whatever they want for 1 minute

Matchmaking is broken, and now it will be hidden to "solve" this issue

This are issues out of the top of my head, and it shouldn't be this easy to come up with issues in the game. If all of the killer community leaves the game, survivors won't have anyone to play against, meaning the game will die. There clearly is a survivor bias when a killer bug gets untouched for soo long, while a survivor bug gets fixed within 2 weeks.

Hell when the wake up perk bug was happening no one got banned and nothing got done regarding that, but with the legion bug players would actually get banned

I just want to enjoy playing killer and survivor, because at this point I might as well become a survivor main since thats where all the focus is going


  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    Because it's still possible to have some fun in this broken mess of a game.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,565

    Killer is difficult. No doubt about it. But I still find it fun. What makes it fun is the constant need to improve and optimize as a killer. Whenever I get frustrated, I take a deep dive into a new killer or playstyle. Lately, Nurse has been the answer for me. It's different for everyone. I think plently of killers are still viable in the current meta, you just might have to play a super clean game to win. I 3 and 4k with Myers more often than not at red ranks, and he starts off at 105% ms. You have to be efficient as killer in chase and in between chase.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,840

    Because some people still enjoy it. These forums love to be negative and complain, me included in most cases, and most of the positive posts (or posts asking people to be positive) are just ignored.

    I, personally, enjoy playing killer. Wraith, Doc, and Freddy are the 3 I love the most, and I'm slowly but surely working my way to P3 50 all perks on them (done on my boi freddy).

    It isn't half as bad as people say; I don't actually see that many people who love to gen rush, or the swf death squads we love to hypothesis about, or really anything I see complained about en masse here.

    So why would I quit, when I find it fun?

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,065

    Sometimes it's possible to have fun BECAUSE it's a broken mess of a game. Every now and again, you get a glitch or big that proves more amusing or entertaining than frustrating.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    cause not all games are as bad as many here love to pretent they were.

    yeah some games are really stupid (e.g. with a dedicated genrush group), but most are fine.

  • Stitch7833
    Stitch7833 Member Posts: 632

    gens get done fast? dude i cant even get a team to touch a damn gen lol, my advice, step back from the game... i have to take breaks quite often from it or id go insane, my teams are trash. not trying to be mean but they dont do anything at all and shouldnt be near red rank and then when playing killer i have to turn messaged off to avoid unneeded messages, SWF are so common not that i blame them but its not well balanced to high level swf. New chapter out on the 3rd so take a few days break and come back with the new chapter feeling fresh

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    If you aren't having fun, quit playing. For real. This isn't salty. Stop doing something you don't like doing just because you've invested time in it.

  • xCarrie
    xCarrie Member Posts: 982

    Because DBD is a drug and we’re the addicts. We know the game isn’t the best, we know it’s bad, and we know it’s stressful. No matter how hard we try to quit and say “i’m done with this” we keep coming back. Only the lucky few get off DBD. 😔

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    The problem is the gens fly way too fast, and there's way too many second chance perks for survivors, and there allowed to make MULTIPLE mistakes and still escape. You pretty much make ONE mistake as a killer, and its GG ez unless your facing taters. That's the problem...

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,141

    Because you don't speak for all killers? Some killers are still having fun with the game.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    I did quit . Played everynight before I lost faith.

    Ques for games got longer on ps4

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434


    This. over 23,000 people play the game but apparently he speaks for all of them, when only maybe 3k of those 23k visit the forums. lol

  • Huntar
    Huntar Member Posts: 848

    Personally, I quit playing a few weeks ago. I'm keeping an eye out for any patch notes that make me feel like any of the major issues have been resolved before trying again.

  • Skelemania
    Skelemania Member Posts: 227

    Because not everyone shares your opinions. Simple.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,342

    Because I still have more than enough fun with the game to want to keep playing.

  • Nakedwildman
    Nakedwildman Member Posts: 198

    just accept the fact, you cant play killer and done. I did accept it as a old "Mainkiller", and actually i do really enjoy the survivor being, i didnt felt any stress or frustration past 2 weeks, as survivor....

    As Killer i was almost each Match yelling at my screen because of the Shitshow this game turned into.

  • Nakedwildman
    Nakedwildman Member Posts: 198

    theres enough alternatives these days... game comes, games go, thats how it goes nowadays... I do have plenty other games to invest my money and time onto then dbd... I do login each pair of days, play my own game, and when i feel (happens after 2-3 matches) i get stressed, or i want to play other games, i do it and done. BHVR cant feel untouchable because they arent. Yes, they created a milestone, but with the actual strategy theyre following, they wont go far if they dont hire plentys of new players, because veterans are more then frustrated already. Except these "game is sooooo easy cuz im survivor git gud" Survivors, if i was considered a Main Survivor since beginning, i couldnt hav had any reason to complain at all.... but they dont understand how it feels as a killer... and none of them, did show after a "git gud" HOW TO git gud...

    then they select the one youtube video of a 0,0001% streamer, which made a very lucky gameplay against potatoes, and show it as "proof" and "legit"...

    Ridiculous these peeps with 2 braincells.....

  • BigBubs
    BigBubs Member Posts: 1,131
    edited February 2020

    OP , just a suggestion - try playing some survivor and maybe you will see that it's not that easy on the other side.

    It's kinda funny how you think "all killer community" is only players who play ONLY killer. Hell , I play killer and survivorI would never want to be in any of those "communities" if it consists of people who think they have to get easy games all the time and are whining the moment they lose. Both survivor and killer "mains" crying about stuff they don't know because they didn't play the other side enough. Why should anyone even care abotu what you think if you only play one side and barely touched the other?

    Have you even tried some other competitive games that are "balanced"? I guess you didn't because you would complain about losing a game here and there.

    It's just silly how some of the "killer mains" who never touch survivor feel so entitled to win 99.9% of their games because they think they are the best or something.

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,770
    edited February 2020

    Just as a direct response to your specific issues you listed.

    Grab animation hasn't been fixed and it's worse then ever

    Yeah, this sucks pretty bad but is more a server issue and giving survivor movement priority over the killer grab. You can still grab through windows easily but otherwise, yeah it sucks sometimes and I do hope they change something with how it calculates if you got the grab or not.

    Totem spawns hasn't been changed on 60% of the maps

    Totems can still spawn on line of sight of generators

    I personally don't have any issues with totems. Yeah, sometimes you get unlucky and have a really bad spot but even if totems are really well hidden, once you know the spawn locations it doesn't matter anyway. It's a quick check and the entire tile is covered whether good or bad. Against experienced players it doesn't matter where the totems are as they'll be found quick with perks helping as well. I do think messing with totem spawns might help some newer killers though since they'll stay up longer.

    Swfs are still a thing and there is no real reason any killer would want to go against one

    I honestly don't think SWF groups are as big a deal as people make them out to be. Yes, you may get a death squad every now and then, no your standard SWF is not some unbeatable force of nature. Most of the time they tend to be overly altruistic, just mess around or are just standard level players. I'll take a normal SWF over a group of experienced solo players anyday.

    Gens are getting done too quickly, you can have the shortest chase in your life and when you reach the hook you'll sill be able to lose 3 generators

    No argument there, gens go quick and there isn't enough time unless you're a high tier killer or a high tier player. 3-gening with POP or slugging does help mitigate it and you can still snowball with a lot of killers no matter how many gens are done. That said, I think maps are the bigger problem with gens getting done quick. Smaller maps give you a lot more room to go on chases and protect gens while big maps just waste your time unless you're a high movement speed killer.

    Ds is still a dominating perk, where survivors are immune to do whatever they want for 1 minute

    Honestly, DS is at its worst at endgame if everyone else is gone and only the DS remains while they slowly crawl out. Any other time in the game, you shouldn't even be worrying about the person that got unhooked. Slug them, ignore them or eat it if you have time. At end game, you should be going for hook trades and slugging, not directly attacking the person that just got off due to BT/DS. Get some slugs, chase the others out and don't get overly greedy for kills.

    I do think they should change it to where if you hook someone else, the DS is no longer active. I've eaten a few DS's and I don't even remember hooking the person in the first place.

    Matchmaking is broken, and now it will be hidden to "solve" this issue

    Yes, this is a big one and probably my biggest complaint of the game at the moment. I do the think the new system will be better though, it certainly can't get worse then it is.

    As for your topic title, why would they? Plenty of people enjoy playing killer for whatever reason. Don't take the game seriously and just mess around and have fun in anyway you can. If the game is actively bothering you to play it then it's probably not for you and you should either move on or find another way to play that would make you happier.

  • scarslookgood
    scarslookgood Member Posts: 157

    I switched to playing more killer recently for extra BP, for the archives challenges, and for the faster queue times. Because I don't care if I rank up, I find it relaxing rather than stressful. Generally, I get at least 2K, but even if it's 0K, it's still fun and profitable.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    You can't expect the majority of the playerbase to share your opinion just because they don't bother commenting on the forums. Quite a big chunk of players including me think killers are second in priority all the time. Killer bugs never get fixed while Survivor bugs must be fixed as soon as possible.

    You labeling someone's opinion as not important because it somehow doesn't speak for any of the playerbase is exactly what is wrong with people's attitude.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434
    edited February 2020


    Opinions become unimportant when I and others have seen the same handful of people constantly complain.

    Also, I mentioned the playerbase number because some people on here seem to think that the killers on here are the only killers that exist. It's going to be the response when they use words like "ALL". Seems pretty entitled to call out everyone that plays killer simply because they have an opinion and doesn't enjoy the game... doesn't mean the rest aren't.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    There is no argument why killers should stop playing. Lately iam just seeing crybabies all along in the forum, which looks like some people trying to do propaganda with different accounts. Nothing in this game changed that such a mass of complaints would be reasonable. This is just a big shitstorm with fake talk.

  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512

    Because people run into nontoxic survivors like me who enjoy playing with nonmeta things. I'll be a head on pro yet! Just you wait. (Sorry Killers IK head-on is kind of toxic but I want have some fun besides being the medic)

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 2,002

    Because you're being dramatic and it's honestly not that serious. I get 3-4 kills in most of my games and rarely ever get hit by DS because I don't tunnel *shrug*

    xBEATDOWNSx Member Posts: 636

    Because it's honestly nowhere near as bad as the forums and subreddit make it sound.

    Just like when I play survivor: you win some and you lose some. It's not the end of the world to get zero or one kill. I play killer because I'm decent at it and my girlfriend loves to watch me play.

    Also because Scream is one of my favorite horror movies and it's a dream to play as Ghostface.

  • Sounds like a killer who got too used to 4k around the brown ranks

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    I stopped playing months ago, but I still have hope for this game. Not a lot these days, but some.

  • Sylorknag
    Sylorknag Member Posts: 760

    Stopped playing like a months go. And now with the new Division 2 expansion dropping this week, guess I'll be staying away for a long time.

  • Huntar
    Huntar Member Posts: 848

    Glad it's not just me. I didn't expect to enjoy Division 2 half as much as I am, but it was hard to justify skipping it for just $3. I'm seriously considering whether to pick up the expansion when it drops. I'm thinking I'll hit level cap and see how I feel then, and grab it if I'm still wanting more.