Who should the next killer be?

There's a lot of killers from movies, TV shows, and comics, that I would like to see in dead by daylight. I think a lot of them would have potential. So which guest character would you like to see as the next dead by daylight killer?
Who should the next killer be? 53 votes
Jason Voorhees
I want the next chapter to be original tbh, but if I had to choose from these it would be Jason.
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Jason Voorhees
I doubt it would ever happen but if Jason made his way onto the killer roster I would play this game until the end of time.
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The amount of hype when people thought it was Pinhead, I felt like it was the first time in awhile the forums had united. I want it to happen.
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Jason Voorhees
I honestly prefer original killers that tap into the backstory of the game to be honest, but of all the options Jason seemed like the most fun.
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I would actually vote for someone else like pyramid head, but out of the given roster for me it has to be either Pinhead or Slenderman. Jason would be fine too, but we already have him more or less in the form of the Trapper.
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I voted Chucky because I think it would be so creepy to see a doll come after you
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Jeepers Creepers
Jeepers Creepers since he so underrated and he is basically a demonic creature in a scarecrow outfit.
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Nemesis (Resident Evil)
*boom boom boom boom*
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Nemesis (Resident Evil)
In my head Nemesis would be a terrifying, monstrous threat. But I think that upon him actually being implemented, that vision would fade quickly.
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With the new movie it's more possible than ever.
Candyman candyman candyman candyman candyman come to dead by daylight please !
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Nemesis (Resident Evil)
Nemesis for the speculation that if he were to be introduced, then Jill and and Leon could also be introduced as well. Looping killers to insanity with Leon would definitely become meta. Then again, seeing Leon being able to get killed by some teens with cheap hunting knifes would definitely be weird to see.
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The head dude at behavior. His special power is screaming pretty good job so far while he gets looped, blinded, a million pallets dropped on his head, and gen rushed all in a matter of 7 mins... His base cosmetic is a behavior shirt, and his weapon is his pen.
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An original killer.
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The stealth killer that draws power from being notices and drawing attention. THE SJW would be his name. Hehehe.
Either Slender or something Mrs Trunchbull-esce
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Even though they said Chucky wouldn't be possible because of his height I feel that they could make survivors able to see his aura when he's more than 30 meters from you. And his power could be the ability to climb on top of walls and have an audio cue where he jumps down 1 second later after the sound cue and makes you lose a health state.
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I'd like to see Slenderman play out.
However I picture it though, I can't see Jason Voorhees being in the game because Trapper, or at least his looks are close to them.
What would Jason's power be anyway?
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I don't see Pennywise on this list and it makes me sad, though even if he was on the list I still would have gone with my original response.
For me there are only three extremely likely candidates:
Candyman - The movie release coinciding with around the same date as the next chapter's release is extremely suspicious and makes it too perfect an opportunity to pass up.
Pennywise - Capitalizing on the popularity the character has seen due to the release of It and the recently released It Chapter 2, also a character the community has long asked for
Pinhead - the recent teaser trailer for chapter 15 completely baited the entire community and the response has been overwhelming support for Pinheads inclusion into the roster. Think about the teaser for Chapter 15 as a teaser for 2 chapters, Chapter 15 AND Chapter 16 š¤
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Sadly I forgot to add pennywise to the list. But I agree, and would love to see him implemented into the game. I just don't know if they would do it or not since we already have the Clown. I know that they're two completely different people and have different powers, I just don't know if they would have two different types of clowns in the game or not. Although they have Billy and Leatherface who are a lot alike, so I guess it could be possible.
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Hillbilly and Leatherface are prime examples of characters with similar themes or looks but function entirely differently.
On the same note people draw some comparisons between Legion and Ghostface. People thought Legion was actually BHVR's attempt to "replace" Ghostface since they couldn't get him in, but of course that was just a rumor and Ghostface pulled through (Thank God)
I know he's kind of unpopular amongst the DBD community, people don't care for him as much, but a lot of people still want Jason Voorhees to make it in, it would be pretty huge for DBD and get a lot of people who haven't paid too much attention to DBD outside of our community to pay attention then. But people always draw comparisons between Trapper and Jason
Long story short, BHVR having a similar original killer to a popular license is nothing new, and The Clown / Pennywise are far from the first characters to be compared. Trust me it's nothing to worry about, and it sure as hell would never stop the dev team if they can secure the IT license, in an interview with Mathieu Cote (Game Director of DBD [also the guy who seeks out these licenses]) Pennywise is his dream license to obtain for Dead By Daylight as of now.
So we're talking support from both the community, and the highest positions in the dev team for that license. It's just up to I guess Stephen King the author..? I'm really not sure how that works if the film license is separate from the creative license, something, something... it's pretty complicated so I hear. As licenses tend to be, so what's new in that department really
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Jason Voorhees
Don't think it'll happen but we can still speculate.
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As much as I love Pinhead, Candyman would be awesome. He does have a hooked hand so he already fits right in. Imagine him sending swarms of bees after you.
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Iām dying for Jason to come to DVD, but I also absolutely love Candyman
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Jason Voorhees
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(I know what you did last summer)