Hypothetical Question: What if all instant down abilities didn't exist?

How would the game be balanced then?

Most survivor abilities are based around scenarios that the killer is using their best and most broken abilities and perks, but what if every killer was at base a 2 hit down killer?

Gens would definitely be slower. They'd calculate in that every encounter WILL be drawn out.

Billy would still be top tier being able to instantly catch up to a survivor. Nurse wouldn't go anywhere. Myers would get his stats redistributed into faster walking speed and faster swipes.

Endgame would be a lot different. Noed just has a speed boost. Although maybe hitting a survivor wouldn't give them a speed boost?

Hmmm. So many things to consider.


  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Leatherface and Ghostface would need to be re-worked entirely. Oni probably as well. I could see a case for Billy and Myers to be re-worked too.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    Ghostface highlights them the longer they're stalked. They're exposed as in they show up better and you see their aura for a duration. Would also compliment his photography background.

    Oni they would turn his dash and charge attack into a large AoE explosion.

    Leatherface already has a multi-hit mechanic so they would have to adjust only the values for the speed of the attack and it's duration. Remove bump penalty.

  • ImMrBloo
    ImMrBloo Member Posts: 23

    You'd need to remove a lot of survivor add-ons if that were the case

    self healing => borrowed time => insta heal bottle & needle => brand new part

    or limit 1 person on the team to bringing a toolbox only, 1 bringing a medkit only

    that's the only way that scenario would balance itself out because so many of the survivor perks are beyond broken when there's 4 of them in a match that's running.

  • RobMeister88
    RobMeister88 Member Posts: 351

    The whole game would have to be reworked. Insta down abilities are needed on most killers otherwise they have to rely on survivors being potatoes and not running at least a 2/4 meta build.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Aura reading would not be worth the time spent stalking. I still say he would have to be reworked.

    AoE would really depend on the execution, as making the attack too big would make it nigh impossible to counterplay, and making it too small would make it not worth the effort.

    Multi-hit would not be worth it, as it would have to be balanced such that it doesn't function as a "may as well be a one-hit", which means it won't be multi-hitting people very often.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    Borrowed time negates one hit downs and is supposed to ward tunneling tendencies. If there was no one hit downs, literally nothing changes.

    Self care has some clear downsides like noises and Nurses Calling, and if they balanced gens around 2 hit killers then you'd be even more of a potato for using it.

    This is making my head hurt. You're all still posing this against the normal game. This is a hypothetical situation. Does everyone think the game would function exactly the same except you're even more crippled?

    What are gen and action speeds? Are there more status effects? Which killer abilities change? Which get buffs? Does no one know how balancing works?

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I mean, all the Killers with instadowns would likely need to be substantially reworked anyways, regardless of what else about the game is rebalanced accordingly.

  • OrangeJack
    OrangeJack Member Posts: 464

    There would be no point in stalking as gf why would you spend time stalking, not hitting/injuring survivor just to see their aura later when several perks already show your their aura. I'm not gonna hit/chase this survivor so I can see him very clearly later.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    It's the setup like it is for any other M1 killer which in this scenario, every killer now is.

    You'd immediately counter any mind games behind objects, or be able to juggle multiple survivor locations.

    I dunno. He gets a speed boost too. You throw in some suggestions. What is the root issue besides gens being done too fast? Is swf the absolute evil that is tearing this game apart?

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849

    I don't mind insta-downs that are built into a killers basekit, I hate addons, that give killers an insta down. Looking at you Huntress and Clown

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    Lmao "balanced". That's probably their endgame anyway. No one shots so survs can fly through gens then bully killers to make up the other points.

  • mylesmylo
    mylesmylo Member Posts: 354

    I don't think they could handle the responsibility of having to change that much stuff on killers that quick to fix that kind system lol Freddy and Doctor tell you there ability to work quick.

  • mylesmylo
    mylesmylo Member Posts: 354

    Clowns isnt no where near as bad as huntress lol I dont find alot of perfect bottle hits with clown players, you know when someone actually plays as him lol

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    Insta down abilities I dont mind

    Its things like Iri head that need to go