Knockout is an evil perk

I’ve had some matches lately where the killer used Knockout, Infectious & Deerstalker (4th one varies). In the last one with Trapper, 3 people bled out completely (1 from beginning of the match - I tried desperately to find him cause I felt really bad, but I couldn’t & then I stepped in a trap). I didn’t care before because this scenario was so uncommon, but I’m running into it a lot more often and it’s just awful. What does the killer get out of doing this? I know I know. Some people just enjoy ruining other people’s match enjoyment. I so wish that perk was nonexistent. It takes quite awhile to get into a match as survivor lately (PS4 for me) only to have to run around trying to find survivors before they bleed out then lying on the ground waiting to bleed out yourself. Then, do you at least get good BP to show for it? No. Ugh... sorry for the rant. I needed to get out my frustration. Thanks for listening!
Just run Unbreakable, Tenacity, Empathy, Bond etc. Easy counter. Or message another survivor where you are slugged. Another easy counter. Or play SWF with voice com. Another easy counter.
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Sounds like a very average build tbh. No way you'll get consistent wins with that unless you're already very good at a specific killer.
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I think you're missing the point of it.
"Some people just enjoy ruining other people’s match enjoyment."
This is not why people use Knock Out. They use Knock Out because it avoids many of the very strong and popular perks built around hooks like DS, BT, We'll Make It etc. It also makes them not waste time with pick ups, walking and hooking. It also avoids flashlights.
There are many, many upsides to not hooking whether that be perks or time.
Post edited by Blueberry on9 -
True but letting survivors bleed out gets you nothing. Im fine with slugging but pick em up at some point
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That's a lot of perks to run, you just never know when you're going to run into Knockout. That's why it's increasingly best to just play with friends. I ran into that two nights ago but I don't remember who the killer was. I ended up dying on floor and the other did too. One person was slug near another and one of them had unbreakable so they were able to get back up. In an effort to punish the killer for such playstyle, they ended up wasting his time by hiding for 30 minutes and then the killer disconnected.
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Since I have no way of knowing who the killer will be or what perks they have, am I supposed to run that build every match just in case the killer runs a slugging bleed out build? Thanks for the feedback though. I play a lot of solo. It’s hard coordinating SWF around people’s schedules.
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Yeah it's pretty much a troll perk at this point.
Killers I see running it are always just slugging everyone to bleed out.
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Exactly. The killer wasn’t picking anyone up. He got a 4K at the end with not much BP. I assume he most likely didn’t pip. Also, no one had flashlights in the lobby.
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I enjoyed hearing about that punishment.
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If you get slugged often why wouldn't you run Unbreakable?
Or, do you think Killers shouldn't be allowed to slug so you don't have to think about countering it?
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I would at least run unbreakable , there have been several times where I was slugged and saved the day with unbreakable . give it a try !
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I would also say though that games where they never pick up is extremely rare. The only times I ever see the killer fully let everyone bleed out is if they were very toxic.
Not to mention for the killer to be able to even pull that off and have everyone slugged at the same time with 4 of you up, the team had to be playing really bad in most cases.
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Since Unbreakable is a one-time use perk, it isn’t that helpful against a killer with Knockout & Deerstalker trying his hardest to keep you down.
I never said I don’t think killers should be able to slug. This is a specific scenario.
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It's great against solo players, but SWF completely counters Knock Out. I don't think it's that useful personally.
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Understood. Like I said it was very uncommon before, but for some reason since the last update, I’ve been seeing it a lot more often. This was the 3rd time this week. I know that most likely 3 times in one week will not happen again, but after this last one, I needed to vent my frustration. It always makes me feel better to do that on here.
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I have to make more of an effort play SWF. It’s just easier to play solo because you don’t have to work around people’s schedules.
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@Cassandra_Alexandra While Knockout is a common perk for slugging and it can be used for nefarious purposes COUGH
In general it's simply used as a perk to delay survivor information. If I down a survivor as Huntress without Knockout, even if you hear my humming you are less concerned by me as you can see that the downed survivor is a distance away from you. If I equip knockout though, you no longer know where the downed survivor is and on killers like Huntress it let's me potentially sneak right up on you when I finally hook them. So while it is a strong slugging perk, it has other uses that are less sadistic.
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Yeah, sorry I didn't mean to imply you should have to play SWF. I am a solo player myself and Knock Out can occasionally be a problem. Just make sure you either run an information perk to keep tabs on other players, or run a slug perk to help yourself get up.
Slugging will be infinitely more common since Ruin is changed and Sabotage is going to be buffed big time. So make sure you prepare.
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Knockout is like Insidious or Head On, one of those perks that add very little to the players running them except trolling potential.
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I just about run unbreakable every match as killers love to slug more often than not these days. Some do it out of strategy/time saving/pressure and I'm okay with that. I dislike it when a killer slugs to hover over your body until the last possible second before bleed just for the sake of wasting time. Those types of players are the minority. But, don't forget about empathy.
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Run aura reading perks like bond, empathy or, aftercare. They beat knockout
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I like using Knockout - not to slug, just to deny intelligence to the survivors. Lessens their ability to know exactly where I am and slows down their planning for the save until I hook - by then I'm ready to find the next survivor. Sure there are counters but for the most part it can provide an edge.
Of course if I have to slug, it still comes in handy as they need to find them while I chase down another.
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Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind.
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Useful perk while playing solo.
Spine Chill + Empathy (counter knock out) + detective hunch. These perk combine together provide you information that close to SWF level.
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Well, that sucks... but I honestly don't even remember the last time I saw knock out 🤔
I did run into third seal yesterday...but it was adept hag, so I don't think it counts 🤷♂️
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I main killer and slugging has never paid off for me. I have never run knock out but I love killers that do.
The more survivors running unbreakable. Just means more are facing me with 3 perks.
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I use it to mess with peoples heads, no deerstalker included usually I knock someone out then go stealth as pig and crouch around to see if anyone is close by if they haven't already been found by infectious. I use it're a don't need that information anyway.
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Unbreakable ruins this build.