I did the math, and this game is not cheap to get into

So I've played the game for over a little bit of 40 hours. I have over 3000 iridescent shards as of right now. I am in no way a high skilled or even mid skilled player. And que times are added just because it makes the math easier.

But the math, at the most lowest level of grinding, says that I can farm 1000 iridescent shards per 10 hour. With 13 survivors and 11 killers, to unlock at 9000 shards each, I would need to play this game for over 2,160 hours.

Yes I know not every character is unlockable with shards. So lets just use real money to unlock them all as that is also an option. Each survivor/killers are $5 per. This comes out to $140 total. This is the price tag of 2 full $60 game with money left over, excluding taxes.

To put this into perspective, that's FF7 RE and RE3 RE. Thats the price tag of all the survivors/killers. With the $20 you had to dish out originally or if you got it on sale, $10. Thats still $150 at least, to get all the content right now. With new killers and survivors being released occasionally here and there.

"You don't have to own all the killers and survivors." You're absolutely right. I don't have to own them, but each survivor/killers have teachable perks that enhances your gameplay. "These can be bought in the shrine of secrets." Yes they can, but the shrine of secrets rotate weekly with only 4 perks per rotation.

Again, at the bare minimum, 10 hour per 1000 shards. That's at least, 80 hours for all 4 skills in the shrine of secrets. There are 168 hours per week, just hours.

There are, by my math, 72 teachable perks. 3 per survivor/killers. Total to unlock all perks via the shrine of secrets, 144,000 iridescent shards. With how much I farm per 10 hours. I need to play this game for 1,440 hours to unlock all the teachable perks in the store. Teachable perks with free survivors/killers will with with just the grind alone.

This game is not friendly to new players looking to unlock everything just to have the option of playing them and messing with them with friends.

If you farm shards faster, i'd like to see the math. Obviously different skill levels will have a different experience. But this is coming from a player with little to no skill in this game.



  • neekocheeko
    neekocheeko Member Posts: 88

    I've had a few people turn away and stop playing because it's expensive and grindy. This game is not very friendly to new players.

  • LordEmrich
    LordEmrich Member Posts: 258

    You wanna see expensive? Go on Steam and look at all the DLC for Train Simulator.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    I got the base game in a humble bundle, so i essentially got it for free. Waited for the steam sale, where I spent $40 unlocking Demo, Freddy, Meyers, Leatherface, Ghostface, Plague, Hag, and Doc. Spent 9K shards on legion, and at least another 12K on teachables. So it can be cheap, you just have to wait for sales.

  • korean_zombie
    korean_zombie Member Posts: 442

    By farming your way to characters at your math, you are valuing your time at 7 cents per hour. I'm missing a few survivors but at 900 hours of gameplay I have spent roughly 13 cents per hour playing. I would bet my internet connection costs more on a per hour basis than I spent on the game.

    Compared to a night of bar hopping or going to the movies this game is ridiculously cheap entertainment.

  • Spirez
    Spirez Member Posts: 674
    edited February 2020

    I got the game free for PS+

    It included the 3 main killers Trapper, Wraith, Hillbilly

    But this was the special edition that was free so I also received Doctor, Hag, Nurse and Huntress. Also included their survivors Feng, David, Nea, and Ace.

    Keep in mind that if you buy full chapters. (Killer and Survivor together) they cost $8 instead of $10 for both bought separately.

    I’ve only bought Licensed killers when they were on sale with full chapters. At the price of $4 for both killer and survivor. With the exception of ghostface which I bought on release day but has been on sale since then a number of times for $2.50.

    If you wait for the sales they usually do %50 off and you could buy both survivor and killer cheaper than the price of one originally.

    The most recent Killer I bought with shards and I will also buy with shards the new killer. I have about 38,000 right now and I haven’t bought any of the last 3 survivors since you can always get their perks from the shrine of secrets for shards.

    Even to this day I have spent less on this game than if I were to buy a new $60 game and I have so much content for the money I’ve spent.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Why buy Final Fantasy 7 remastered and Resident Evil 3 remastered in the first? Way better games exist.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
    edited February 2020

    Survivors are just skins, so pick the Survivor you like and unlock it with Iri Shards; get the rest of the Survivor perks through the Shrine. 13 Survivors, -1 after buying your favorite for 9,000, leaves 12 Survivors and their 36 teachable perks from the Shrine for 72,000. This totals 81,000 Shards for Survivor side.

    Killers are unique and are worth unlocking (some more than others). Don't bother getting Killer perks from the Shrine; save up to unlock them. 11 Killers for a total of 99,000 Iri Shards for Killer side.

    If half of the Shrine perks, on average, are Survivor perks then you would have to spend 40 hours/week saving up for them. Any excess time is used to spend on Killers.

    Post edited by Nos37 on
  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,816

    I mean, pick your favorite killer or survivor (or 2 or 3) and master them before buying more. Most perks are not worth the time or money. And the more characters you buy the more teachables you unlock making your grind that much more intense.

    On console many the best killers come with the game. Billy, Hag, Nurse and Huntress. Or, if you feel you absolutely need to get every character, get the Nightmare edition. There are also dlc sales like 4 times a year.

    If you look at most video games these days as "What does it cost to own everything?" then yeah it's expensive as #########. But you don't need everything and even more so you do not need everything all at once.

  • Spectre13
    Spectre13 Member Posts: 179
    edited February 2020

    I play the game through my Xbox game pass so I didnt pay to get it. I play to save and have a ton of shards. The only time I spent ALOT of shards was to buy The Plague. And months later I'm higher in shards than before. Saving more up to see if I wanna buy Deathslinger. The only time I ever spent real money was to pay $2.99 on a Halloween sale for Myers. Best $3 I ever spent in a game. And yeah there are other perks I want from survivor or killer but that's why I constantly check the new perks on sale in the shrine. That's how I eventually got my hands on BBQ and Thana and Selfcare etc. If you want everything at once and have no patience of course you're gonna shell out some dough.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    They have sales on this game all the time. Every player doesn't need every character unlocked to participate and have fun. Start small and work your way up. Grind some shards for a few characters, buy a few on sale, and in a few months you'll have a near complete roster. As long as you don't feel the need to buy everything instantly then you can get into this game at a very reasonable rate.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    This is a subjective thing anyway you can't tell someone there are "better" games if these are the games someone enjoys, and secondly, the games aren't even out yet so how could you possible say there are better games anyway?

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,172

    Oh, oh no. My brother tried to talk us into buying that when he was little.

    $5000 worth of trains.

  • LordEmrich
    LordEmrich Member Posts: 258

    Oh yea it's overwhelming. I have Train Simulator on Xbox and slowly but surely it's getting there.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,172

    I could not even imagine spending that much! Like, you can't even sell it!

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Maybe brand new players shouldn't be looking to unlock everything. I know when I first get into a game, I'm not usually desperate to own all the DLC right away before I've even decided if I'm going to play it long term or not.

    And I'd say $10 is actually a pretty good price for a DLC in a relatively successful game. I probably spent about $300 on Sims 2 and only got half the expansion packs. And that was 10+ years ago, too.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Maybe brand new players shouldn't be looking to unlock everything. I know when I first get into a game, I'm not usually desperate to own all the DLC right away before I've even decided if I'm going to play it long term or not.

    And I'd say $10 is actually a pretty good price for a DLC in a relatively successful game. I probably spent about $300 on Sims 2 and only got half the expansion packs. And that was 10+ years ago, too.

  • LordEmrich
    LordEmrich Member Posts: 258

    Well it's not too bad when it's every couple months or every few months especially if it's something you enjoy.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    But you don't have to own every Dlc. It's true that it adds to the game. But you're far better off starting with the smaller roster and then adding to it as you get more into the game. You are right though. For a new person, buying all the Dlc at once would be a big investment.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited February 2020

    "This is the price tag of 2 full $60 game with money left over, excluding taxes."

    That's extremely cheap. What two $60 games are lasting you for 4 years?!

    People come into this game and look at the full price to immediately buy everything and act like it's overpriced. This is 4 years of content!

    "But the math, at the most lowest level of grinding, says that I can farm 1000 iridescent shards per 10 hour. With 13 survivors and 11 killers, to unlock at 9000 shards each, I would need to play this game for over 2,160 hours."

    Of course it would take a lot of playing. If it was easier they would make zero money because everyone would just get them for free. They have too make a profit.

    "There are, by my math, 72 teachable perks. 3 per survivor/killers. Total to unlock all perks via the shrine of secrets, 144,000 iridescent shards. With how much I farm per 10 hours. I need to play this game for 1,440 hours to unlock all the teachable perks in the store. Teachable perks with free survivors/killers will with with just the grind alone."

    You wouldn't need to be buying all the teaching and the killers/survivors. If you unlocked the killers/survivors you would be able to get the perks and not need to buy the teachables out right. It's one of the other, not both.

    It is a lot of content to purchase at once or to play to unlock it all through play time, we aren't disagreeing there. However, when you look at the fact that the content is 4 years worth it, that is pretty reasonable. If you're new to the game you shouldn't immediately be needing every single thing unlocked anyway. This gives you a goal to work towards and not just having everything immediately handed to you. I'm honestly even surprised they allowed any Chapters to be purchased through game time period as that is quite overly generous.

    Post edited by Blueberry on
  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    10 hours for 1000 iridescent? You're doing something terribly wrong at that point.

    Like, 2 or 3 hours max.... on a bad day...

    xBEATDOWNSx Member Posts: 636

    Well on Xbox it is offered for free with a game pass subscription. I've owned my copy since it was released on Xbox how ever long ago.

    But one way this game could cater to new players is to swap out a free trial on Killers and Survivors once every month or two. That way if you don't own one and want to see their perks/ just test them out before out right buying em, you can.

  • Digwiid
    Digwiid Member Posts: 311

    Damn dude i know everyone's entitled to their own opinions but that's just plain wrong.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105
    edited February 2020

    140$ is not that crazy when you take in consideration for how long they are already working on that game and how much you get as a player. There are also sales, so if you wait for the right moment, you might just play less then 60$ instead.

    I can remember me buying a stinky 16 bit game i played through within less then 2 days for pretty much the same money back in the days. Video games are for what we get not that expensive anymore.

    Or think about other compareable activitys like cinema. For 140$ you get less then 20 hours of enterainment, no including that you need a car, gas and you have to spend time to even get there.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    FF7 is overrated. It's the same case as The Ocarina of Time. RE3 was an incredible game, but it seems that all of them are being remade to get gamers to shell out more cash.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632
    edited March 2020

    The games are being remade with better graphics to make money.

    The RE games are given better graphics with a new feature or two. (For all the modern kids, Hurk and Tofu are NOT new characters and chapters.)

    Final Fantasy 7 seems to be taking a FFXV approach which is neat so I can amend it for that. But that's the only big change.

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    I did my research and only bought survivors/killers that I thought had perks or gameplay I’d want. Plus, when you play the game enough and can get multiple perks per week with shards from the shrine (heck I’ve even bought all four perks on weeks when they’re really good).

    There are plenty of “filler” survivors/killers that don’t have anything amazing so saying you have to spend $140 is kinda ridiculous.

    The last two chapters have had nothing of value in my eyes and have been easy skips. Even though I have the shards and auric cells saved to buy them

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    I just bought the game with all dlc last week on steam for 120 if im remembering right probably will get the new killer when he comes out

  • FogNoob
    FogNoob Member Posts: 117

    Dude.... there is NO WAY it takes 10 hours to get 1000 shards, even if you're doing poorly.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    Only an idiot would say this game isn't expensive to get into. The reason why it's a good game is not because it's "cheap to start" it's because you can take your time getting all the parts of it, and you can put your money only towards the parts you want. However even then if you consider time is money - it takes a long time to get the bp to even unlock all the perks on each killer/survivor. While the game at the same time encourages you to play all of the different killers, and all of the different survivors at the same level.

  • Watery
    Watery Member Posts: 1,167

    As a sims player, I’m gonna disagree. My wallet hurts after playing Sims 4 for so long.

    Anyways, you hardly NEED some killers to be successful, and you spend your money how you want to. Most of the best perks in terms of survivor, are:Adrenaline, DeadHard, We’re gonna life forever for points, Borrowed Time etc. These are base game. The only counter-able argument for this is DS, but that’s only ONE. I don’t know killer well enough to distinguish the best perks, but NOED, Nurses, and Sloppy are all basegame and seem to be frequently ran.

    How about going out for gas? That can be 27-36 bucks depending on where you live. That’s 3-4 DLC’s.

    There’s also HumbleBundle and other code sites that can sell said codes for the game itself or DLC’s for a lot cheaper. Your math only contributes to buying it when there aren’t sales, which the game itself becomes SUPER cheap— same with the DLC’s.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    If you really want to be big brain about buying dlc put 1,000 bucks into a stock that pays dividends and pull the 20 or so bucks out every quarter and buy dlc with it.

    Make them buy the games for you.