Why Is This Still A Thing??

Monster Truck Hitboxes! I don’t remember these hatchets being addressed in the “aim dressing” video.

63 Ping BTW.


  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    Because on her screen you were probably way back, closer to where the hatchet landed.

    Doesn't make it right, but they have said they are going to optimize latency a bit by doing the following:

    So that the survivor has a better visual of where the killer is and vice versa.

    Found here: https://youtu.be/A8SwqJJKlaY?t=1155

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Wow, not gonna lie that would have tilted me.

    Huntress is complicated because she needs bigger hit boxes to deal with loops.

    But I also understand how much it sucks to get hit around a corner.

  • UpsettingDruid0
    UpsettingDruid0 Member Posts: 20

    I've had this happen plenty of times, even being hit by a hatchet when I can't even see it. Dedicated servers have made Huntress a mess and with Deathslinger around the door, I'm curious on what's gonna happen.

    Also the devs said the game engine was never intended for range attacks and if I remember correctly, don't quote me on this, the hatchet hitbox is a flying m1 essentially which I think is way to generous.

  • Blister987
    Blister987 Member Posts: 54

    "IT'S LATENCY" The devs said in a video, instead of dedicating resources in fixing the problem they give you a free lesson of vocabulary.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    You may have 63 ping to the server and so could the killer. But it's 126 ms from when they hit you and it being reflected on your screen.

    It will never be perfect. Even if both of you lived within the same city as the server.

    The movement prediction won't fix it. Inherently predictions can be wrong and cause confusion on both ends.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089
    edited February 2020

    This stream was a bad Joke. It had something from people who think other people are too stupid to understand something and want to explain it. In a bad way.

    Like, saying that 150 Ping is "pretty good" is simply wrong. The fact that not only the Ping from Person A to the Server is relevant, but also the Ping from Person B to the Server was completely ignored. Like, if you have 150 Ping as Survivor, this is not good. If the Killer has 150 Ping as well, this makes it even worse.

    (even tho, I HIGHLY appreciate the Communication of the Devs and I am thankful for that. But this stream had a bad taste for me)

  • fleshbox
    fleshbox Member Posts: 494

    People need to get a grip. P2P was far worse. You were at the mercy of the killers connection no matter how bad it was. We did not even get ping meters for the longest time. To the point that Make Lobbies Great Again (ping meter) was used.

    Id rather have dedicated and miss a grab here and there than back to the old way. At least when i host i have a good connection with fiber. OK, not everybody can afford that but at least servers try to smoothen out ping for all.

    Most games are less than 150ms which is far better, overall, than it was.

  • TheDiz
    TheDiz Member Posts: 243

    Apparently it's caused by latency. I had this happen when I was Feng Min and lithe through the shack window and as I got to the door I got chainsaw'd by a Billy....Thought he juked me and went around but I looked back and sure enough he was on the other side of the window about 5 meters from where I somehow got downed, lol. Watched him walk all the way around through the door to pick me up from the outside of the far shack door....I was quiet disappointed since I my lithe was halfway through before I got downed....

  • siren_sorceress
    siren_sorceress Member Posts: 321

    This ######### happened to me today. You can guess I was pissed as i almost made it out. Shes one of the top killers in red ranks at least in my region. Why? Bc she gets bs hits and I'm sure experienced huntresses know really well how BSly large surv hitboxes are. It's also amazing how fast they are thrown. I honestly cant stand sweaty huntresses anymore.

  • CotJocky
    CotJocky Member Posts: 221

    You got dedicated. It's been happening since the introduction of the dedicated servers. It's improved "somewhat" over the course of 6 months. I don't expect it to get back to p2p standards anytime soon and most likely never. We wanted servers... Well, we got em'!

  • NickelX
    NickelX Member Posts: 20

    People say huntress is so strong, no kidding look at the wall sized hitbox she has, you can round a corner and be like a whole meter away and she will still hit you. Everybody is trashing the new killer saying why play him just play huntress, yeah cause you just need to be in the general area of the survivor to get a hit. If she had actual precise hitboxes she wouldnt be as strong, or you would need a lot of skill to play her.

  • Joao_Bandicoot
    Joao_Bandicoot Member Posts: 286

    You probably don't play as her a lot so I will correct you here, the collision/hitboxes you say are completely enormous and don't demand skill are only on the Survivor screen, in order to hit someone you have to aim correctly on the Survivor hitbox (slightly bigger than the char model). Not that it's super hard or anything but claiming it doesn't need any kind of skill is clearly exaggerating or just shows one vision of the scenario.

  • UpsettingDruid0
    UpsettingDruid0 Member Posts: 20

    Honestly, I've played plenty of Huntress and have watched plenty of videos, you get hits that you SHOULDN'T get. There are no if ands or buts. I've thrown a few hatchets as Huntress and hit people that were around a corner that I, realistically speaking, shouldn't have been able to hit. This doesn't even go into the disaster that it is to be a survivor against Huntress with dedicated servers. I just think the hitbox for the hatchet should be a bit smaller, deathslinger has worse range and hitbox on his projectile but can't downs unless they are within m1 range. I love the idea for both of these killers, but Huntress needs to be looked at, especially with Deathslinger on the horizon.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    They said why in the video about hitboxes. I highly recommend it

  • NickelX
    NickelX Member Posts: 20

    Not true i am a decent huntress and better killer than survivor but the amount of times I have played as and against huntress I can without a doubt say "oh that didnt hit" yet blood explodes 2 to 3m from where the survivor was, and its unfair but im supposed to what just stop chasing cause hatchet hitboxes are just so massive, not saying it takes no skill to play huntress, i mean you still gotta throw it to hit someone and like crossmaps take skill but the hitboxes are really bad sometimes i hate huntess for that reason.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    In the words of Zubat:

    ”should’ve tried harder”

  • Hex_Oblivion
    Hex_Oblivion Member Posts: 27
    edited February 2020

    To anyone that says “to her you were probably there” that’s absolutely false. Not saying it doesn’t happen, but if anyone has played huntress... even on your screen it won’t show the hatchet connect unless you hit the survivor running in a straight line. On my screen... I’ve hit survivors even though they “dodged” the hatchet, the hatchet will explode and show blood even though it didn’t connect. The whole “latency” as an answer to most things, if not everything, is just a weak and lazy counter argument.

  • Rlabotath
    Rlabotath Member Posts: 125

    The problem with Dedicated Servers isn't that everyone's at about 100 ping, even 150 ping. In most games, thats not too bad to deal with since every player is an "active" participant, so it feels fine (everyone shooting slightly off and it works). However, in a gamemode like this, there's only one active player, the killer, and four reactive players, the survivors. This means that for the hit to register for the survivor, they're about 200-300 ping behind, so it looks like garbo. Back when you had 80-120 ping to a killer, that was it. Sure some hatchet hits looked weird, but never that bad.

  • Malik1178
    Malik1178 Member Posts: 34

    Welcome to dbd bud

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    a combination of htboxes and latency.

    are you familiar with how hitboxes work?

  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512

    I just enjoy the times I hear the ######### ting or twack of the hatchet landing in a wall as I watch it happen but then .5 seconds later the server is like, yeah fam we gonna let that slide, you taking this L.

  • Inekos
    Inekos Member Posts: 7

    Easy solution, and i dont understand why its not like this already, server should register hits not the killer side, even if they try to fix attack animations its still seems weird, dead harding on a m1 long attack and the attack it seems to never end until dead hard its over an hitting you after that (or just going exhausted on the ground) or getting hit in the air from a Window drop.., if they fix that probably killers will need buffs(everyone goes for thats hits as killer even me) but will make game better

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    I have 30-35 ping and I can confirm this. I think that issue is a mix of the facts that the engine was not made for ranged attacks (same as it wasn't made for leaning, see ghostface), the hitbox of the hatchets is actually a big sphere for survivor collision (but iirc, collision with environment is detected via a smaller hitbox. Don't quote me on that though).

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620
    edited March 2020

    Its not just servers, he was injured, so ######### hitbox did half of the job.