All Killers Proxy Camp

gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

I run Open Handed+Kindred in Red Rank games so I get +50% more range around the Hooks. And all that combo has done is make me realize that most Killers don't leave the area around the hook. Even Rank 1 Killers do it. They might kick gens or break pallets nearby, but they rarely actually leave.

We're at the point where Killers have an easier time slowing down the game by preventing saves than guarding generators. Getting a hook where the Killer is out of the 24m Kindred Range only happens if the Killer is running Discordance or Thrilling to know exactly which gen to go to. (Or they're a nurse with range add-ons and Make Your Choice going afk waiting to snipe the save and abuse the mechanics)

The majority of my games go like this:

1 Corrupt Intervention

2 Killer Patrols Open Gens to get a chase

3 Unlucky teammate goes down.

4 Three Gens pop around the time of the Hook

5 The Killer proxy camps

6 Game devolves into hook trading and slugging

7 The game ends like that.

7.5 Or teammates realize that the Killer is proxy camping, finish the gens. And the game ends with 2-3 people dying because they want Benevolent points and feel bad leaving people behind. 1-2 people escape through the Gate because the Killer has no interest in chasing someone away from the Hook/Slug


  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    When I return to the hook it is because I am actually proxy camping a gen, since I had to hook the survivor next to it.

    And you know the first thing they are going to do is double team and rush that gen...

  • ImMrBloo
    ImMrBloo Member Posts: 23

    4. Three Gens pop around the time of the Hook

    that's the issue right there as to why Killers do it. It sucks for you, but imagine how they feel when they block off a portion of the gens, get someone almost immediately and hook them and bam 60% of the game is over before the intervention even runs out. At lower ranks it doesn't always happen, but at higher ranks it's a gen-rushing fest where 9/10 the survivors don't even go for the totems.

    Other day I ran a full totem build

    haunted ground, devourer hope, thrill of the hunt, ruin

    and not a single survivor went to take any out, they just gen rushed it and tried to escape because at the end of the day, what's it matter to them?

    They rushed their points before the killers build could get going and when it started to get going instead of wasting more time cleansing every totem they just left the guy I hooked to die

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    Your comment was completely invalidated the moment you said that "you have to use DS". You know that DS is the cause of most cases of tunneling? If you played killer then you would know that tje only counter to DS is tunneling early game on purpose. And no, "jUsT dOnT tUnNeL" doesnt work.

  • OrangeJack
    OrangeJack Member Posts: 464

    Just because the killer doesn't immediately go to the other side of the map every time he hooks someone doesn't mean they're camping. I would recommend playing killer more.

    Hooking someone and patrolling the gens surrounding and using pop on one of the gens is an example of why the killer might not leave asap. Alot of the times as a killer you'll know that one or even two survivors are already in that area so leaving isn't an option. I wouldn't classify any of these as "proxy camping".

    Also nurse's are very rare to see as a survivor let alone with that perk.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited February 2020

    Why is the nurse thing mentioed as "abuse". It seems for me a clever way.

    As a killer I go not to survivors and say they "abused" the game mechanics because they used a toolbox, or flashlight (bugged flashlights are not included in this line^^).

    Sometimes I read here really strange things...

    But btt: The objective of the killer is to kill and the most killers have not the map pressure to really hold the survs away from the gens. Often the killers with the best map pressure have not the necessary map pressure, for this high level of map control.

    But what every killer has in the most games is the knoweldge that the average survivor will try to save his fellow survivor. No matter the circumstances and that can be a powerful tool.

    Edit: And that means proxy camping is not always a bad thing for a killer.

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    If a killer loads into your game, he's proxy camping by default. When 2 gens can pop consistently by the time you get your first hook and you can't zip across the map, what do you expect? The idea of leaving the hook is counterproductive when you know as soon as you turn your back someone will save, forcing you to start the whole process of chasing, looping, and downing so the other 3 gens pop. That's if the survs even respect you and don't bully you and unhook in your face, safe in the knowledge that BT and DS will negate killer progress. And if you haven't a one shot ability, you might as well hold the exits open for them.

  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662

    ..there are different ways to kill survivors. and the best one is patrolling gens instead of camping. you might end up with only one kill if you camp. pressure all survivors not only one lol camping is a legit strategy but it normally isn't effective

  • Schmierbach
    Schmierbach Member Posts: 468

    Do gens if you see the killer proxying the hook. That's what kindred is for.

    Most killers do this when they know a survivor is nearby or the gens they want to patrol are nearby.

  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662
    edited February 2020

    funny because i mostly only see killers complaining here..

    "nerf instaheals! nerf toolboxes! nerf DS! nerf BT! nerf adrenaline! too many pallets! nerf balanced landing! nerf gen speeds! nerf dead hard! nerf unbreakable! please make survivors spawn in the dying state because i can't down them in 10 seconds!!!!!!"

    i think killers have gotten so much buffs and survivor stuff nerfed but nothing is ever enough for them. they want everything to be as easy as possible. no effort at all just ez 4k every match please devs other survivors did their objective while i camped so gen times need to be nerfed!!!!

    "oh my god one survivor escaped this game needs to be fixed it's completely one sided"

    "oh now they nerfed an obviously broken killer.. what are we going to do now, this game is so survivor biased"

    "nooo my crutch perk got reworked guess i'll leave the game instead of adapting"

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    Sometimes you HAVE to do some camping, tunneling, and slugging to win as a killer. If three gens pop after my first chase and I hook a survivor in the basement and all my gens are on my side of the map, why would I leave? You just can’t play fair especially if you are a low mobility killer. No way to win against optimal teams that way.

    Sometimes a survivor gets hooked in the killer’s three gen and the killer has no reason to leave the hook.

    Most games you just can’t play nice and get 12 hooks and except to win.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    The sad truth of it is: (proxy)camping is just super effective, and often the more fun way of playing just bites you in the behind so you dont get value for that.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    do they camp or do they defend the hook?

    cause why should i be leaving when i know someone is around?

    also, i'm usually leaving the hook area after doing what i gotta do in it (e.g. kicking stuff), though when you get saved before i can go and find someone new, i will return

  • LordEmrich
    LordEmrich Member Posts: 258

    There's no such thing as camping for the Killer. My objective is to kill the Survivors by any means necessary. Survivors start every game on Super Easy Mode while Killers must play on Hard - Insane every match so what're you complaining about?

    I'm hoping one day before this game dies they put out a patch to make this game entirely Killer sided like the game (Deathgarden) you guise let die was.

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

    If a killer proxy camps, then survivors by default proxy gen rush.

    Doesn’t really make sense and it’s really stretching it to fit your biases.

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    So what is the killer suppose to do? Sprint across the map into nowhere everytime they hook someone? Maybe they saw someone around there, maybe there running BBQ and didn't see auroras. Calm down. Eat a snickers...

  • scarslookgood
    scarslookgood Member Posts: 157

    Mostly, I only see killers in hook proximity because they know a survivor is nearby already, or because a survivor is running them in the hook area.

    They may linger a moment to break a pallet or gen, or to set traps, but it hasn't been a huge issue (on PS4), that I've observed; I also use Kindred III with Open-Handed III

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    You seem to be generalising all killers into one group. I never camp hooks, nor proxy camp. The only time I'm remaining near a hook is if a survivor decides to run me around the area, which at that point, if the hooked survivor dies, that's on the survivor that decided to run me near the hook. Yes, some do camp, but not every single killer. I think you just had a few bad games tbh.

  • ApeOfMazor
    ApeOfMazor Member Posts: 471

    Try playing killer where you just waltz away from the hook looking for survivors like how people expect. Its a surefire way to end up killing no one. Especially if ypu try to respect the made up no tunneling rule.

    And you're right in your scenario. 3 gens down means they've probably said f it and just camp for 1 kill, better than nothing. The altruism though turns it into more or turns it into hook trading.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    So I'm only going to address the things that are relevant to me.

    Instaheals never bothered me because they made me a better killer, but the medkit nerf in general was stupid. Toolboxes need to be nerfed to where they don't affect gens, but than again gen speeds are still too fast without toolboxes or perks, because only 3 killers can keep insane map pressure.

    The only survivor perks I have a problem with is DS and DH. DS last too long. I was playing a match as Nurse. Survivor got unhooked which activated DS. I had chased and hooked 2 other survivors. When I ran into the survivor that was hooked 2 hooks ago I got hit with DS which really punished me because the other 2 survivors made a bad play. Only reason why I have a problem DH is because it's not being used as intended. "JuSt bAIt DH!" Yeah sure, how do you bait DH when the killer isn't even in a close enough range to the survivor and it's getting used just to get to the next loop.

    Yeah sure the devs have been nerfing survivors and I do play survivor, but every time they nerf survivor nothing changes about my gameplay. I can still do gens, loop, unhook etc.

    I don't blame the killer community for complaining, right now the game is a bully simulator for survivors, and a ball of stress for killers. Why? Because the devs wanna nerf everything that makes killers stand a chance, and they are fixing to nerf thantaphobia and Dying Light. But it's ok for survivors to run 4 crutch perks. Survivors make a mistake (which killers have to capitalize on) they have crutch perks to help them instantly recover from it. But if a killer stops to sneeze, the exit gates are already opened.

    That's why I stopped playing the game. Killer isn't fun anymore, and survivor isn't as challenging as it use to be

  • pizzamess
    pizzamess Member Posts: 209

    Did you hear that killer mains the second you hook someone run to the entire other side of the map or you are ruining my fun.

  • Frankie
    Frankie Member Posts: 807
    edited February 2020

    Everyone, you should all keep in mind, this thread was made by the same guy who said, verbatim:

    "NOED is overpowered" because "The perks to help survivors find dull totems aren't meta perks. If you don't use meta perks you don't win."

    It's painfully obvious they are new to the game and don't have a handle on..well..any actual game knowledge yet.

    I'd say "run kindred", but it's not meta. So he won't.

  • Laakeri
    Laakeri Member Posts: 835

    I personally want to leave the hook as chases are the most fun part for me. But when I hook this poor survivor and see 0 BBQ auras and scratch marks from 2 different survivors what am I supposed to do?

  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662

    i agree on toolboxes they need to be nerfed. and they will be nerfed now. but other than that, gen speeds are fine.

    "only 3 killers can keep insane map pressure" killers aren't supposed to be overpowered. insane map pressure shouldn't exist. good map pressure is a different thing.

    this game is now more balanced than ever, and killers STILL complain. because they want to 4k every match and have nothing to worry about.

    "but every time they nerf survivor nothing changes about my gameplay. I can still do gens, loop, unhook etc." that's just how the game works, when a killer or survivors get nerfed they can still play the game. it's just going to be harder/different.

    survivors have been nerfed to the point that if they stop getting constantly nerfed, killers will complain. even now, the next update will heavily favor killers, but i STILL see a lot of complaining.. because nothing is ever enough for killer mains who need their ez 4k with no gens done

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited February 2020

    I know huntress sure does a lot. She never moves beyond line of sight with the hook so she can hit the unhooker and then insist she never camped, or tunneled when she hatchets the person off hook.

    "Proxy camping" is basically the only camping there is. No one can really face camp in the old meaning, though I guess leatherface does something like that.

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    I literally say in the post I run Kindred. And I do every single match.

    That's how I'm aware of the problem.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    - "nerf moris, billy, nurse, noed, ruin"

    - "omg I need the hatch how am I supposed to escape with 3 dead and we did no gens?!?"

    - "oh no, they reworked an obviously broken perk (MoM, Balanced Landing, etc), the game is so killer sided"

    - "they ruined my crutch perk (DS, Borrowed, MoM, Insta heals even), I guess I'll quit instead of adapting"

    And the list goes on.

    See how silly it sounds when you act like one side gets ######### on and the other doesnt? Killers just get MORE #########.

  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662

    i don't think anyone asked for the ruin change. the devs just saw it unhealthy for the game. balanced landing wasnt broken, it was just good. look at the forum and you see which side is the whiny part of this community.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Whiny people are the whiny part. Not one side or the other. It's just one side may be more vocal or get listened to.

  • Frankie
    Frankie Member Posts: 807

    Yeah. You also say you won't run a totem detection perk because "it's not meta and you can't win without meta perks". Imagine trusting a person with that flawed mentality.

  • DetectiveBingBong
    DetectiveBingBong Member Posts: 67

    Gen speeds have been atrocious for a while. Ruin was vital to counteracting that speed for the slower killers. The fact that there was an overall upsurge in 3 or so gens popping after the ruin rework shows this. A lot of killer nerfs or reworks are based around "how fun it is to go against" i.e. Doctor, Legion. Dead Hard just needs to be fixed, not nerfed. Most people want Unbreakable to not mix so well with Decisive. Most of us have just noticed that the devs seemingly try and do more to make the game fun for survivors. That being said, I don't care about kills, just how fun and interesting the match was. If I get a 4k because the survivors sucked i'm unhappy. If I get no kills and the survivors were genuinely skilled, then i'm satisfied, and can use the match to see what I need to work on.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    "gen speeds are fine." Sure..., gen speeds are fine because by the time the killer hooks 1 survivor 3 gens pop. Yeah..., gen speeds are fine.

    "this game is now more balanced than ever." Sure! Keep in mind that before ruin got nerfed the only thing killer's were complainig about was how strong DS, MoM, etc was because of whatever reason (I never used those perks because they took away all skill), and the only thing that survivor's were complaining about was how strong certain killer's were because they didn't wanna deal with the challenge's the killer's presented them with. But, sure! The game is balanced because survivor's don't have to put in any skill or effort to win, while killer's have to play in a way that they nor survivor's don't like in order to win or have fun.

  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662

    another whiny dramatic killer main lol. i guess you see what you want to see, not how things are actually. don't lie to yourself

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    I always leave the hook. I mean if there's a survivor nearby, I'm not going to leave. But if there isn't, I'm heading to whichever Survivor I caught closest with BBQ.