What's your number 1 reason to actually quit DbD?



  • angelnsky
    angelnsky Member Posts: 17
    1. the continous nerfing of survivors.
    2. . Killer coddling
    3. onesided mechanics
    4. mori's (insta heal nerfed while mori's remain the same)
    5. NOED (another insta kill and nothing to counter it)
    6. Oni insta down (another insta kill and no counter)
    7. New OP killer.
    8. continous nerfing of hiding places for survivors i.e bushes, rocks, and nooks
  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    It's just not fun.

    The match-making and balancing are big issues which make it that way.

    Just loaded up the game after around 5 days off (finished part 3 Tome challenges).

    Did my 2 survivor dailies...attempted to do a sacrifice 3 with the Clown daily...got slaughtered. I'm currently a tier 11 and was against 4s and a 1.

    Finished the match and turned the game off.

    So yeah, for me, DBD has never been a super fun game. If it wasn't for the inclusion of horror icons like Myers and Freddy, I would of never bothered.

    I think I have just reached the end of my tether with the game.

  • Kai6864
    Kai6864 Member Posts: 377

    The community would probably bring me to leave. All over the forums I just see complaints- some are completely justified (Dedicated Servers for example) but it annoys me that some people discredit the developers over a flaw that couldn’t possibly have been guessed would happen (Sanctum of Wrath generating that infinite with shack + long wall jungle gym). Some people need to actually think before they start typing.

  • Techn0
    Techn0 Member Posts: 405

    If the map design gets even worse than it currently is and no improvements get made on the massive problem maps I guess, but I don't really play DBD as my "Main game" anymore because of the maps so any change won't frustrate me as much as it would have a few months ago.

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045




  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    I think I’m getting burnt out. The game is just a hot mess right now. I haven’t played it all week, turn it on today wait 8 minutes for a game as survivor just for someone to go down quick, I unhook them as nurse is hooking another ans they just stand there not caring. Think they didnt want to play on hawkins. Flat out refused to play or move. When nurse hooked them again they killed themself on hook. It happens so often now. The disconnect penalty is a joke, an absolute joke that solves nothing . “Oh wow bbq stacks!!” You have to be a pretty petty killer main if you think getting some crappy stacks makes up for the fact that the game is just quite simply 💩 right now.

    It wouldnt be as bad if the queue times werent awful. But you wait close to 10 mins just for people to decide “nah, dont like this map/killer i’m done”.

    Then you switch to killer and its the opposite. 4 man swf with 10,000 hours between them, they pick the map with offerings and bring all their strongest little toys. Green/purple toolboxes, med kits etc with bnp and instaheals.