Maining one killer or playing various killers



    xBEATDOWNSx Member Posts: 636

    I main

    1. Ghostface

    2. Legion

    3. Doctor

    4. Clown

    Once the survivors are in the lobby, I look at what they're bringing and take an educated guess on perk builds off that then change my playstyle to fit that.

    "Oh you're bringing all toolboxes and no medkits? Legion it is.

    Flashlight, key, and map? The Doctor is ready to see you!"

    Sure sometimes it doesn't work out but it's still fun to try to outsmart em even in the lobby.

  • Nickeleye
    Nickeleye Member Posts: 278

    Billy and Piggy are the two I play mostly.

    Piggy when I want to relax and just have fun.

    Billy when I want to go try hard.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Every killer is played, but since i can not deside always, i use Spin the wheel.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,255

    I used to mainly play hag before her rework. Love her background and the whole camera trick. I tend to switch to other killer s just to get some time away ftom her.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    I play all killers, but some very rarely, either because they're are dumb easy or really cheap. Keep in mind that I generally play without add-ons, except when I'm about to prestige.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited February 2020

    In the past I mained each killer on rotation to get good with them, but nowadays I play everyone based on my mood (and rituals/challenges).

  • MysticMusician
    MysticMusician Member Posts: 149

    I play all different killers. I have a few that I play more than others but a lot of times I like to use a random number generator to pick my killer. Some of my favorites to play are Plague, Legion, Hag, and Spirit.

  • Techn0
    Techn0 Member Posts: 405

    I wake up

    I play Clown

    I go to sleep

    I wake up

    I play Clown


  • vigthepig
    vigthepig Member Posts: 44

    As a numbers man i started with three mains, once they were prestiged and back to 50 i would pick another to work on.

    Now i work on all killers so i can make the most of archives and rituals

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,919

    I am the exact same. I always find myself going back to Spirit. I love her backstory, her aesthetic, and her playstyle. I’ve put more hours and bloodpoints into her than any other killer. I have some killers at P3 that still need perks (Demo, Nurse, Huntress) and when I get to 1M BP I just don’t care enough to sink BP into them. I dump them all into Spirit and get more add-ons.

    I’ve avoided her a bit recently in favor of Plague due to broken sounds but I’m starting to play her more often.

    Overall I’ve probably put more BP and had more playtime as survivor (Meg) though.

  • Frankie
    Frankie Member Posts: 807

    I rotate killers. I have a couple that I might consider my "mains" based on how much time and bloodpoints I've invested in them (Wraith and Ghostface), but I play most all of them. Though there are some I outright avoid for one reason or another, such as Myers (because his stalk is broken since dedicated servers have been a thing) and Hag (for similar dedicated server related reasons). I'm also not a Nurse guy.

  • Pennywise
    Pennywise Member Posts: 258

    I play most of the killers and wouldn't say I have a main but my favourites are Myers, Ghostface, Demo and Pig because I think the more stealthy killers are the most fun to go against as survivor. I haven't played Wraith enough but he is fun to play as.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    I used to play all Killers.

    Then there were too many to thoroughly enjoy them, so i mained Wraith.

  • Quol
    Quol Member Posts: 694

    GF and Spirit are my main but I play others once in a while

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    I seriously play most of the male killers and Huntress. I almost never touch Hag, Spirit, or Nurse though.

  • scarslookgood
    scarslookgood Member Posts: 157

    I'm a Doctor main and play probably 60 - 80% of my matches with him (before re-work too), but I'm not afraid to switch it up and play the others, even if it means 0k. Shape, Legion, Plague, and Trapper are especially fun for me

  • Ghost_Face_Main
    Ghost_Face_Main Member Posts: 618

    Use portals as a sense of gen control by placing them close enough to generators, which I always place them to the closest at start, but don't entirely commit to placing all immediately. Active portals seem to get the survivors' attention to see that you are monitoring if they are within detection range/on a gen. This can create a slowdown by distracting them off generators and on your portals. Tactics like this work well and even better with the portal seal progress speed add-ons.

    Shred only if you need to and can w/ confidence and timing.

    Using add-ons to increase the undetectable status can help get the jump on survivors that are near an unnoticed portal that should be placed at an unpredictable location near the gen they're on.

    Hopefully, this helps.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    I play various killers.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    I can't play a killer for more than maybe 3 or 4 games in a row without getting extremely bored, unless it's maybe Nurse. I mainly play her, Demo, Pig and Doctor. For some reason I play Pig the most out of all my killers, even though she's the worst killer I "main"

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,162

    I am a Myers main for killer. The Halloween chapter is what attracted me to Dbd since I am a huge Halloween fan. I love making survivors believe in the boogeyman.

    Once in a while I'll play some Clown, Wraith and Plague.

  • Ardjet
    Ardjet Member Posts: 85

    I want to experience them all, so I've played every Killer in the game and got their achievements (except a few Adept ones). The only Killer I've never played is Bubba. I don't know, I just don't feel up to it... he annoys me, and he's kinda bad. Plus I've already got his perks from the shrine.

    If any Killer would be crowned my main, it would be Nurse. After her I mostly play Spirit, Freddy, Myers, Ghost Face and Doctor (in that order of frequency).

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    I almost play every Killer, some times more or less. I played the past few days alot of Trapper for example. When I mained the old Legion, I played them 2 weeks straight up, I loved it. Before the sounds broke I played ALOT of spirit. A few hours per day, now I play alot of Oni, he is alot of fun.

  • HauntedMandalorian
    HauntedMandalorian Member Posts: 99

    The Pig, The Nightmare, The Plague & The Clown are my mains. I play as The Demogorgon often, also.

    I try other Killers every now and then. Some are fun, like Wraith, Ghost Face and The Shape, but others like Legion, Nurse and The Hag are just clunky and awful to play as. Well, Hag’s issue is just that she’s short and doesn’t perform well in certain Realms.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I play Pig for a majority of my killer time, but I switch it up for dalilies and Archives. Sometimes I'll just play a different killer just because.

    Picked up Trapper for the first Archives and found him not horrible. Doctor for the fun of it. Hillbilly and Spirit because they are widely considered the most powerful on console and I wanted to see what the hype was, and to prove all the Hillbilly apologists that his hammer is viable. And Freddy because I love his rework.

    Pig is still my favourite. Oink oink, motherfocker.

  • Andy111777
    Andy111777 Member Posts: 62

    Depends, the usual m1 killers I can play switching around but when I play huntress I'll play her for a while

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    i like to play some killers more than others.

    But as i'm doing random builds on survivor for weeks now, i started doing the same on killers :3