New Killers Clubhouse

Howdy ya'll. As a Killer main who is not the best but has some experience under my belt it breaks my heart when i talk a walk on the survivor side and find a brand new level 20 Killer having a real hard time.
I am sure this discussion already exists but just in case if you are a new killer and need pointers, help or advice hop on in and experienced Killers hop on in to share the wealth.
Hey hey
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Howdy hey
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Hi,im really having a really hard time playing killer because of the infinite loops,tbaggers,toxic survivor but i really want to improve my killer experience,any advice to make the game less stressful? I main Myers but i sometime play leatherface and ghostface too,most of the time i got bully by OP Survivors and then they tbag and call me noob,etc
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One of the biggest thing I found to help my killer gameplay was, ironically, playing survivor. Once you know how to play one side you see their limitations and can use that to your advantage. Similarly, your killer experience will transfer to your survivor games.
I know playing with survivors of a different skill level can be very frustrating but its also the best way to get better faster. Playing against lower skilled players maybe fun to cheese an easy win but you wont improve by doing so.
Something else I would suggest is to not fall into the trap of having default perks. Yes, some perks are on average better than others. But each killer is unique and different and having different perks on different killers will also make a world of difference.
Playing KYF will also help you to practice some techniques and learn some different strats.
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To start off with " HAVE FUN " is going to be a very important mantra to repeat to yourself. If you're not having fun you're doing it wrong.
Try not to think about rank. In general focusing on one survivor is bad for the score but it can be very satisfying if you catch a trouble maker.
Use tactics that work, even if people think negatively of them.
Never read the messages, just save yourself some time and never read them. Drop in a GG and a smiley face, ignore what they say and leave.
You have the perfect lineup to really have fun in the game.
Leatherface: once you get his chainsaw attack down, Camp, Camp, Camp it is perfect for clearing out altruists.
Ghostface: when i play survivor nothing scares me more than realizing he has snuck up on me
Micheal Myers: master that stalking and take them out.
If Gen Rush is popping off, tell yourself " well, better find a lucky winner to be my plaything "
Remember killing only gets better with practice and this is how you get in practice and make it fun.
For some winning strategy you need to know the Survivor strategy, if someone is looping you or really hard to chase, that's a runner there to purposely distract you.
No team is evenly balanced, there is always a weak link, ignore the runners and loopers and patrol the gens to find the weak link.
Tunnel Tunnel Tunnel, the less of them there are the harder it is for them. They want to unhook someone, dog that wounded survivor and hook them again till they are sacrificed.
Patrolling is a very good practice, find three gens close to one another and try to protect them then head out hunting. When it gets down to the last gen they have to go into your zone that you know how to patrol.
As stated by Sleepy Willo, KYF when you can for stress free practice.
To finish up here are some personal tips for stress relief.
Troll Hour: you will figure out the specific time gaps in the day when OP survivors like to SWF, and to respond to that i use ringers.
Ringers: Billy, Irridescent Huntress
For me Billy is fun because i can run around like a maniac and every now and then one hit down even the most OP survivor.
Huntress with Irridescent heads and utility belt and black ward, watch them fall.
Funzies: Mr. Puddles, Doctor
Using Clown in Mr. Puddles head makes me smile even if the match is bad cause i am running around saying " Who wants to play with Mister Puddles!"
Doctor i only used recently but to me he is just fun. His laughter is infectious even if he gets hit with a pallet and his powers are just sadistic and force people out of hiding
Last thing, Pallets. You know survivors love to drop pallets on you, don't let them do it, slow down and psych them into dropping it then break it. Even if they want to drop every pallet on the map if you keep avoiding and breaking them, you just took away one of their tools
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This is so wholesome and I love it.
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Thanks,i learned very much from your post,and nah i dont even care about the rank,im currently rank 15 but sometime it match me with rank 5 survivors and i got rekt so bad but i dont care,i just care about my killer experience which is the only thing i play this game,it just hard to have fun playing killer you know,but i will keep what you told me in mind and continue playing,thanks again!
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Leather face is really bad at this time. Hopefully he will get buffs. I main huntress but also play as trapper and doctor. I have 3 years experience in this game and I am willing to help. I am a killer main I play survivor occasionally with friends or if I need to do a challenge or daily ritual. The loops csm be countered if you go the tight way b a out it.
Like me playing huntress some of the loops all I need to do is throw a hat get at them. Workout what sort of pallets for example the survivors have whether it's a safe or unsafe pallet. Safe pallets for survivor u are gonna need to break cos unless they screw up real bad you ain't catching them. Are you on xbox.
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No im on PC bro,and i just casually playing killer,i dont even think it was that competitive like i dont even know what pallets are safe and what unsafe,i tried to mindgame but sometimes i mindgame myself (LoL) and yeah i can clearly see that leatherface is suck at the moment,not like hillbilly
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Lol. I remember one match which was ironic and it annoyed me. I was playing doctor and he is suppose to make survivors mad but they were making me mad as they somehow managed to 360 me and walk into me and miss my attacks. There one minute gone the next
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Damn,so much of the “we are doing a pretty good job so far” lolol
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I remember when killers in this game are suppose to make survivors scare but nowadays all i see is a young kid got bullied by four other lol
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Hi, I play a bunch of killer and survivor, though right now killer more because survivor queue times are awful. I've reached rank 1 on both sides, and my three main killers are Doctor, Wraith, and Freddy. Feel free to @ me if you need some help with the game, pointers on how to pressure, different builds to try, or the big one of "How do I have fun doing this?!"
Good luck guys, I look forward to seeing you out there in the fog.
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hi man,i think im gonna take the big one of how do i even have fun playing killer now?it is so stressful and unfun for me even though i tried my best and no i dont care about rank,i just want to play killer casually but even that is impossible,OP Survivors just make me mad
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Okay so this is all coming from my own experience, but head into matches knowing that you're going to lose according to the game. Killers are ranked unfairly, and most of the time it's difficult to get a safety, and who can forget the lovely survivor who brings a purple flashlight, drops every pallet, then flames you for downing them. It sounds unfun, and it is unfun, but here are my ways to have fun:
-Set a personal win condition. If you're bringing a perk like stbfl have your con being to keep 8 stacks for as long as possible, or get a down with the spirit fury/Enduring wombo combo. Get 4 stacks of bbq, kill a survivor, play a killer you enjoy. Setting yourself a goal is how I have fun in this game right now. For me, when I play wraith, my goal is to get a grab. When I play freddy, my goal is to annoy survivors as much as possible just by existing on the map. When I play doc, it's to try and get everyone into t3 and keep them there as long as possible.
-3 gen them. This is how you win most of the games, because you need as much late game pressure as possible. Specifically on maps like Azarov's, find a gen lock, get that gen lock, hold that gen lock.
-Play fairly. It sounds really counter intuitive; tunneling a survivor is the quickest way to get them out of the game and win, right? Well, it's not exactly fun for either side, will most likely end in a dc, and you don't get anything from it. Now if you try and play fair, and give everyone a chance to do things, not only do you get more points, more emblems, and people are less likely to be toxic to you in the endgame chat, but you feel better yourself. Knowing that you killed 2 or 3 people whilst playing fair, getting lots of BP and experience, and overall you learn significantly more.
-Find a killer you love, and stick to them. If you hate the nurse, don't play her when you're really a trapper main at heart. You'll do much better as someone you like than someone you hate.
This is what I do to have fun, anyway. If they don't work, maybe you can find your own ways of doing it, or maybe killer right now it's for you; it's stressful, OchiDO fanboys somehow STILL exist, and gens like to fly on by. But when you get better- and you do get better- it feels so rewarding to finally curbstomp a team into the ground.
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Lol is this a joke?
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Also I read in one of your other posts you don't know which pallets are safe and which aren't. Rule of thumb: if a pallet has a long wall attached to it, particularly if they can see you, it's a safe pallet. If the walls are short, it's unsafe. These are the ones you can mind game most of the time.
Additionally, turning around and moonwalking around pallet gyms works quite well too, but know that here you want to force the pallet drop asap. Don't be afraid of being stunned, and if a pallet is safe don't waste your time breaking.
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no?why do you think it is?
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what children call you a noob? Do any of you realize this game shouldn’t be like this? Survival horror games are a genre of video games that don’t need battle passes or in depth gameplay to the point where it’s that serious or competitive. They’re supposed to be fun. I’m a survivor main and I’m telling you from my experience it’s not fun unless I’m walking out with multifaceted accomplishments 😂 I need my points at the end of a match regardless of me dying. If I get killed too swiftly than this game really has a problem. Survivors t bagging you is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard complained about because YOURE THE KILLER. If you failed to kill them with the enormous amount of abilities this game gives you I don’t know what to say
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thanks man,i was always play fair,i never camp or tunnel anyone,im just not playing it right i guess anyways thank for the advices,ill keep what you say in mind,thanks
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i dont know man,i think im just bad at the game but i swear the survivors got so damn more advantage than killers,and people playing survivors are so toxic and impolite (not all but most i met),it kinda make the game unfun you know
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and the number of abilities a killer got is nowhere near the survivors,they got way too many second chance perk since killer got nothing except hex perk that got clear out of the map in the first 30 second of the game
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That’s ridiculous. If anything this game is super killer sided you just don’t know it yet. I’ve seen killers in the good ranks with some good tactics and experienced being a killer without perks in the ######### ranks lol and came to the conclusion that, unless all 4 survivors are doing exactly what they’re supposed to be doing at all times they’re almost all in trouble all the time. Because I didn’t have to try really to get my 4Ks. I just want my points man even if we don’t make it out. So I think people playing survivors t bag because making it out alive isn’t a consistent thing for some people and they like to rub it in 😂 but nooooo... I’ve had killers just leave people slugged I don’t want to hear about t bagging survivors. That’s just stupid
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Chase them out then 😂 at least survivors don’t have their points held hostage because it makes me wanna back out watching the dying state timer reduce to nothing . It’s petty and killers don’t need to be able to do that
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This is just an idea, but i hears there is a dbd vrchat somewere... anyone know about that? We can create a club in vr xD
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you are probably facing low rank survivors so you think that getting 4K is that easy,us killer main dont care about easy win you know,we just care about our gameplay experience and it begin to be unfun when you reach mid and high ranks with toxicity,bad maps,perks,tbaggers,....Killer with good skill is very rare and even then they probably struggle to get 4k or even 3k everytime,this game is not perfectly balanced and that is a fact
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i dont know if you are trolling or something but you said chase them out just like it is an easiest thing to do with infinite loops,bad map design,flashlight,etc etc, just not simple like you think my friend,if it is why would we complain in the first place
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Are Campers allowed in here?
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campers or not you are always welcome bro,this is killers club =))
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Thanks bro, It was really cold outside in the rain. ❤️
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Howdy Killers, just checking in.
Remember Campers is a survivor term, at the end of the day it's a tactic that works.
Even experienced killers could run into a match against 4 swf survicors perked to the max and see the gens popping off and say " time to find one and camp"
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I have played with you on Switch! =)
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The best thing to do as killer is to tunnel and camp the heck out of them. You want to make any survivor mains quit the game forever. =) lol
Just kidding! If you camp you also lose points because you do not get the chase and hooking a survivor only once also equals less points plus camping gives all the other survivors a chance to gen rush and escape leaving you with less then 10k points. I mean who wants to wait 10 minutes to play killer only to get less points then the person that died?
I mean if you want to camp then by all means camp. The survivors will thank you and you will still get points. I personally do not mind camping killers even if I am on the hook and do everything I can to stay alive as long as possible giving my team the best chance to do gens. It is why I run Kindred so they can see the camping killer.
I agree though with Vig play anyway you want I was just trying to explain why as a killer I do not camp and why as a survivor I like killers who do. I will say though when I play killer I use to camp and it was very boring standing there watching one survivor die OR in some cases they would open a gate and use borrowed time on the survivor and all get out. lol
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that's me lol
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New Killers Campground easy tip:
When archives are open you might be able to double up bloodpoints doing a ritual that also allows the archive to be completed
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New Killer Lament: Doing archive and really want that Mr. Puddles suit and i am all out of killer missions and have to do survivor ones instead...makes me feel bad when i have to survive and a new Killer is left without a single kill...
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I started maining nurse a few months ago and most of the toxic survivors stopped being toxic
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Awesome! and lots of respect for being a Nurse main. I didn't have the patience, discipline, talent to get good so i always have a lot of respect for those who give her the time to get good.
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New Killer Tip: Difficulty shift
As you know or will learn depending on your region there is a time when matchmaking really piles on the difficulty, use this as a chance to try your most devastating perk and addon builds
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New Killer Fun: that awkward moment when you switch to survivor and it's the people you killed
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Love the idea of a killer club!
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New Killer Fun: Deathslinger
If you aren't getting the hang of him yet, try to at least have fun human fishing.
At best i get 2 out of 4 kills and sometimes none but for me it's just fun to use him.
The key to any killer for me is making them fun for yourself.
Over focus on scores can make you salty but if you at least have fun during the game, the rest becomes superficial.
Here is a list of my killer fun moments.
Clown: i just love clowns so a bit of pre jams to Killer Klown Theme beforehand and i am good, now with Mr.Puddles skin i have even more fun
Hillbilly: singing cotton eyed joe while sprinting across the field
Doctor: He giggles all the time and his powers make for some fun torture even if they don't inflict damage, also i imagine Dr. Hibbert from The Simpson's
Huntress: Honestly Huntress requires more dedication for me, i am having the most fun when i am nailing the hatchet shots which feel oh so good.
Trapper: Easy enough to use so i have less fun but can always count on him if i have a ritual or archive achievement to do
Hag: Rune Trap Fiesta! Just find a good spot and fill that sucker with traps. Bad strategy for a successful game maybe but freaks out a survivor and helps with those teleportation hit rituals.
Oni: listening to Tokyo Drift before doing a Demon Charge
Spirit: Easy enough to use that i just have fun chasing and phase hunting people down
Wraith i have just started using and is fun to hunt people invisibly, Nurse i am too lazy to have fun with. I bet skilled nurses have a ball blink hitting survivors but me i need max perks to do a ritual.
The rest i haven't unlocked and Leatherface i have and enjoy mainly as a fan.
So never forget to get out there and have fun.
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Tunnel one guy. If they do bad- tunnel two guys. Easy.
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New Killer Tip: Tease those pallets, pump the brakes so you don't get hit then destroy
New Killer Apologies: had a survivor match for the Archive and a new Clown got a no kill :( if i didn't need to survive for the challenge i would have let them get in some practice and a kill.
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A big pointer that even I forget a lot of the time;
Congratulate when the survivor makes a good play; I find in game when a survivor succesfully loops me, jukes me, or out smarts me in some way. I don't get so stressed out if I go "Nice play, nice play", "Good stun, good stun", "Well done flashlight save, well done". Make sure you repeat it the second time to really gear it in. If you keep providing your mental thinking with positive responses to negative situations then you will have less negativity by the time you reach the scoreboard.
Also laugh when the survivor does something toxic like teabagging, emoting, flashlight spamming, or noise spamming. As irritating as those things are if you laugh like as if you are laughing with them it also stops the negative fore thoughts.
When you are doing these two things all the time as well, you start to become more aware of the mistakes you make thus learning from the stronger players instead of just being their preverbial punching bag.
Extra tips;
Also don't forget to congratulate yourself during game. When you get a hit, or optimize on a survivors mistake give yourself a nice royal chuckle, and well played. The positive self feedback helps you concentrate better, and in time get even better at the game.
Last tip; Close the end game chat with the arrow button bottom right of the box the moment any survivor says one negative thing. Good survivors are going to punish that one toxic person, or other survivors may emphasize on it negatively, and you don't need those toxic attitudes in your life. Just hit them with the "gg wp" and/or "gl next round" and close the box if anyone sends any bm your way. If you are really resilent hit em with that "I'm sorry you didn't have fun, gl next round" and just move on.
Make sure to report any racism, or suggestions of self harm.
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Glitter bomb!
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New Killer Tip/Challenge: Background music
If you have a headset with a splitter or other means to listen to music i recommend it depending on your mindset it can have some benefits
1: get pumped and ready for the match
2: lower the music volume to being almost inaudible so it won't distract from game sounds, i have a slight focus problem so this subconscious focus on that sound sharpens my regular focus and also occupies too much of my mind to allow me to get frustrated
3: keeps the mood
4: Ear blind challenge: when you become GREAT with a killer, try the ear blind challenge and Jam your favorite music while killing in a murder music video
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Positive Energy: we all get frustrated from time to time and the discussion board is mostly negative feelings so i want to encourage positive energy and how to make your gameplay fun.
Me personally i am not a very serious gamer and have fun playing the game and even take the bad stuff in stride, in fact even better thanks to advice from this page.
Continue to make the game fun for yourself, ignore bullying, ignore the hate and savour those sweet kills and fun moments.
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What's the fuss?: to me the mark of a good killer is when you can see the common complaints flooding the market and wonder what the fuss is all about.
I'm playing the same game and same characters and abilities and enjoy the product.
Is this what gaming culture is? I'm a moderate gamer from the Nintendo tribe so it all seems fancy and fun to me.
As advice i would say try to stay free of the misery culture, the game is good for me and i don't expect perfection.
Just play the thing, have fun and if you can't have fun, stop or drop in and see all the advice and tips on how
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Kind Killer Recognition: not sure if its a trend but i have seen 3 kind killers in 6 days.
These Killers are mid rank and just politely let survivors do gens and leave.
Maybe that ideal of paying it forward really does exist?
It's nice to see and makes me proud to be a Killer Main