Bad killers forcing depips on all players?
When will the new ranking system be implemented? I know that the current one is completely meaningless but for players that see rank 1 as the only goal in this game, how is it fair that a killer that decides to face camp and get gen rushed.. or a killer that simply cant hook anyone can force the entire survivor team to depip since they cant get any altruism or chase points?
Essentially all you did was blame killers for Behaviors terrible ranking system and also neglected survivors gen rush. Very entitled
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Sorry if i may understand it wrong, but theres nothing wrong with Gen rushing. Its the survivors objective. And i say this as a killer.
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How am I entitled? Because a killer couldnt get a single hook during the 10 minutes we took to finish 5 gens and open a gate? I'm entitled because the killer spent the entire match tunnel visioned on 1 player? I'm entitled because when they finally downed someone, we couldnt get any altruism due to a killer deciding to face camp on a 1 shot down killer?
When you clear all the totems, and the killer is tunnel visioned on 1 person.. what else is there to do but complete gens?
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The fact you care about pipping is unimaginable. Ranks do mean ######### soooooo.....
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Sounds like you want a bot to farm off of. When you gen rush with zero killer interaction, then obviously expect not to get points in categories.
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If you're mad about not getting chased, go find the killer and get chased. I've literally done that if it feels like the gens are moving too fast. I'll go totem-hunting or literally go find the killer and bother them into a chase. (Just the other day I actually found the killer - a Trapper - stuck in a loop while setting and retrieving his trap. It took me going right up to him and getting hit for him to break it, and he almost got stuck in it again when he passed over that spot of the map.)
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The point of the survivor is to do gens and escape from the killer... I shouldn't have to chase down the killer and hope he chases me without getting myself killed just to rank up.
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I ran into a depip tonight, The Killer was a potato as The Spirit. Never downed anyone, in these matches I usually verify no NOED and allow The Killer to down and Hook for points. 99.99% of the time The Killer is thrilled with the free points. However unless you're SWF, there's always that one immersed potato that bolts for the Exit Gate and triggers EGC so then you depip lol
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You think this is bad? An insidious bubba with no hex perks who stands in the corner and refuses to hit anyone can, mathematically, force anyone who is lower than purple to depip, provided you instasaw and flawlessly camp anyone who comes near you. Like, pure math, zero way to pip.
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You aren't entitled, but the MAIN issue is that it can take 10 minutes to down just ONE person, regardless of rank, a killer should not be in that powerless of a situation, simply because they play to kill, in a "horror" game of all things. As you know in most of those situations when it took a killer 3-5-10 minutes, of any skill, to down just ONE survivor, the gens are done, their team is coming to save them, their team has BT, DS, deadhard, the gates are already 99%, if the killer is unlucky not even noed will help them because the bones are done, this happens more, and more, the survivors objective allows them to get away without even seeing the killer if they do nothing but generators and hide at the right times. If you want points, and know you are getting away scot free, and are getting none, sandbag a little bit, miss some skillchecks on purpose, do bones, take the killer to the immersed claudette or the toxic nea waiting in the bush to blind, the entity will thank you for it, and the killer won't feel powerless. Sandbagging also brings a lot more fun into the mix, because sometimes you end up being sandbagged, or camped for it if the killer knows whats up, and thats okay, its funny as hell.
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If you took 10 minute to finish the game that mean you had some chase but if you take 4 to 5 minute to finish a game like most of my game and the killer did not hook or hit anyone of course you will depip you only did gen and nothing else
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Wait you want the game adjusted because some individuals made up some personal goal and something/someone interfering with that is therefor being unfair?
What if its the killers goal to never have any gens done? should we not adjust the game so survivors cant do gens because that would be "unfair" to the killer(s made up goal) ?
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What in gods name are you talking about? Did you literally just skip over everything and just put a random comment? "Killer only focuses on 1 player because they arent smart enough to break chase and ends up getting gen rushed", why should the survivors be punished because the killer makes poor choices? We did our objectives, we escaped.. why should we be forced to interact with the killer if it wasnt necessary in the match due to a killers choice?
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ermm no, quote:
"for players that see rank 1 as the only goal in this game, how is it fair that a killer that decides to face camp and get gen rushed...."
"For players who choose some personal arbitrary goal, this tactic isnt fair as it hinders them from reaching that self made up goal."
Hope that makes it a bit more clear.
A killer can play how they want, if that does not align with someone's personal goals well thats too bad, same way vice versa.
You call the killer not smart enough, maybe catching 1 player and camping them to death was their entire goal? Heck I played a couple of games as clown with my only self given objective bein to hit survivors with bottles, thats literally all I wanted to do and did.
Why should the survivor be punished? ermm you are not punished, you are playing a game and this was how it turned out...if you cant handle the possibility of not making your goal then idk why you even play games to begin with.
You are not forced to interact with the killer....just never start a match of dbd which is literally survivor v killer and you will not encounter one, however if you choose to start up a match then...well you sign yourself up for that interaction, if you mean however that you dont want to try to save someone being camped to death then....dont? just leave?
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Well thats the reason why ranking system does not work. Bad performance of the killer = also bad "performance" off the survivors ( also the way around ofc) in the sense of raking up. Obviously that is not how a good ranking system should work (the harder the one side fails, the better the outcome for the other side should be). Right now you get most when the game is as equal as possible which makes no sense.
#########? Where was he blaming the killer in his post? He made a point and he is 100% right with that.
In fact it is you who shoved words in his mouth.
EDIT: This is how i see the ranking system. The Entity wants to see blood and entertainment. If he/she/it does not get that, everyone suffers from that. A bad excuse for a ranking system, but thats the best you can make yourself out of it.
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It's kinda the same thing as killers only wanting 4ks.
Which I am guilty of myself. I will always see 4ks as a win. 3ks if they get the hatch I can handle.
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As a killer, I shouldn't have to waste time kicking gens when my primary objective is to kill and sacrifice survs. I also shouldn't be punished should I camp a person to death or mori them but the devs force interaction through the flawed emblem system. It cuts both ways and against logic.
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It is so incredibly easy to pip as survivor so who cares? Even if you get a dozen of these games in a row you can get back to rank 1 in no time.
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Not the point.. We're talking about BHVR's failed matchmaking system where everyone is punished because one side was bad. Put it into this perspective.. If your favorite Football team won a game 28-0, but they failed to get an Interception during the game and both teams to lost. Or in Hockey if your team won 4-0 but they failed to get a single hit in the game caused both teams to lose.. Or Baseball... your team wins 5-0 because your pitcher got a ton of strikeouts (gens) to close out innings, but both teams lose because you didn't catch enough pop-flies (chases)?