This is ridiculous

Finding a match lately is almost impossible, it literally takes me more than 20 minutes to find a lobby as survivor, even if it does it’s always the same people over and over. In one match I went against a trapper who camped and tunneled me so you can say that game lasted 5-7 minutes, the next game (took 30 minutes to find) I found a lobby with the same people from before and when the game started, surprise surprise, it was a trapper and yup you guessed it, it was the same trapper and yes he did camp me and I did not get saved once (I guess my teammates knew it was the same guy from before so they didn’t even bother). I was pissed that it took that LONG just to put me with the same crappy teammates and just to get face camped by the same guy.

Why is this happening? Is there a problem with the servers? A few nights ago everything was completely fine, usually the longest queue time would take 5 minutes at most, why is it longer now? Why does it keep putting me with same people? Is this happening to anyone else? Anyways, sorry for ranting on and on I’m just annoyed by this.


  • SkeletonWitch
    SkeletonWitch Member Posts: 94

    Why do you think I stopped playing killer? :)

    And to answer your question, I always play at the same time, sure it’s a little late but it was just fine before.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    maybe the new ranking system will help a bit, for now, idk play killer yourself or something, not much else is possible

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    Depends on the ranks and I obviously can't speak for PC or PS4, but on Xbox at rank 7 I'd don't have to wait much more than 5 minutes, 10 at the most. At rank 16 (my smurf) the load ins are almost instant.

  • nicnc82
    nicnc82 Member Posts: 372

    They're just trash, low skilled killers is all. Im rank 4 killer, play against red ranks and never camp no matter what (unless a survivor keeps trying to just farm their teammates in front of me) and I try my best not to tunnel. Still get 3 and 4ks. And I dont use ruin. They just are whiny little babies throwing temper tantrums so they are taking their ruin nerf anger out on survivors and trying to ruin the game for them. Its pathetic.

  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854

    Please explain to me and to every other person who types this nonsense how exactly changing the matchmaking is going to increase killer population. It boggles my mind the amount of folks that have not given 2 minutes of thought to the bridge the devs are trying to sell to the dbd player base. I’ve posted this question before but I’ll do it again: “is there any matchmaking system in any univers that includes the same number of people but can shorten q times” please take a couple of minutes with that. Eventually the realization will hit that the devs are fixing exactly nothing. All that will happen is you won’t be able to see rank and we will all be too dumb to understand that nothing changed

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    Get used to it.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    The funniest thing to me? The ruin change benefits the top killers the best since their mobility synergizes

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    ok.... how about you think about this:

    Right now the matchmaking is based around matching people up with the same rank, if non of the same rank its available it starts expanding to different ranks, then it expands more, then it goes a bit outside of your area/ping, and starts searching etc etc etc until it finds a match, that process might take a while

    Now who knows, maybe the new match making will be far more forgiving with this and secretely do a way with actually trying to match people of equal skill all together and just match people up.

    That would certainly reduce the wait time now wouldnt it?

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    Didn't Ruin reward facecamping? You weren't wasting time because gens weren't being done.

    We don't need a Scarecrow killer because we already have a strawman.

  • mrdead
    mrdead Member Posts: 51

    Play on Steam

  • Maníaco_da_garrafa
    Maníaco_da_garrafa Member Posts: 144

    Did Tru3talent or Fungoose gave any opinion about what's causing the matchmaking issues or you're just using Tofu's opinions about balance to deem anything he says as wrong or biased?

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    Hiding ranks won't fix matchmaking. If killers aren't playing then you're still stuck at square one. The devs idea to fix that: breakable walls to waste your time, buff sabo to frustrate the ######### out of you, some little changes to some killers (including changing a mechanic that should have never been with Trapper), making toolboxes faster, and nerfing Ruin with the worst biased statements ever. Switching to surv only compounds the issue of queue times.

  • Maníaco_da_garrafa
    Maníaco_da_garrafa Member Posts: 144

    I don't watch Ohtofu, in fact, i hate him bc the way he talks, it annoys me.

    However, he's the only one using actual thought process and info to discover what's causing the mm issues.

    "these balance changes are making the game annoying, therefore, less killers and matchmaking issues, i just know it, believe me", this doesn't make a single bit of sense for me.

    The killer always was the "bad" role, since killer is supposed to play sweaty against four other players (assymetric games are impossible to balance), and if we compare the game now to 1 and a half/two years before, it actually was WAY WORSE to play killer, so blaming balance as the biggest cause of matchmaking issues is simply a big and fat lie.

  • Dannly
    Dannly Member Posts: 19

    It's not like that, seriously. I'm currently a rank 2 killer and almost always get 4ks (which doesn't actually mean much, you can just slug the hell out of them and get those results). However, there are definitely issues. Ruin is garbage now, nobody uses it. Maps like Mother's Dwelling, for instance, take you a great amount of time for you to travel around and sometimes there is just no time for that. Even if you end chases quickly, they will smash gens. You are getting a lot of hooks? No matter, one guy solo can do all the gens, seriously. Currently, if you go against 4 optimal survivors, there is nothing you can do.

  • Maníaco_da_garrafa
    Maníaco_da_garrafa Member Posts: 144

    It was biased, but not enough to cause a killer strike.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    No what he does in that video is try to express it's any reason but because Killers don't want to play anymore. I'm not saying he's wrong. I just don't see it past him to not agree to the dev's every word and change because he knows it gets him views.

    I know in the past there was problems, and I know that can be said by both sides, but that's not a good defense of why things are so terrible now.

    All of these buffs to survivors back to back, and consistent nerfs to killers back to back pushed people away. That and the terrible matchmaking/ranking system created long que times for survivors, and it's only going to get worse from here if you have tested the in's and outs of the updates in the Chains of Hate update

    It was and it did.

  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    I totally understand. My friends stopped playing this game with me because of the slow matchmaking, so now I play all alone :c I'm not too sad about it but it is boring and I sometimes give up and just go and play killer.

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    A lot of killers did quit, the killer nerfs were too crazy. Ruin was removed from the game, the new version is unplayable, and that changed how survivors played even if the killer does use it. There's no reason to play cautiously anymore, just do gens and you cannot lose

  • Izo_Quartz
    Izo_Quartz Member Posts: 250

    It's seems that no matter what anyone says, forum killers will always find any reason to try acting like they're the victims.

    Que times take 30 minutes? The survivors must have drove the killers away

    Got bodyblocked in the basement for 20 minutes? The survivor must have annoyed the killer

    Got hit from 10 feet away from the killer? Must be the survivor's connection

    The Entity forbid that killer is somehow the one to blame for anything bad happening...

  • megdonalds
    megdonalds Member Posts: 742

    Really weird, because almost every of my matches consists of potatoe surivors and end in 4Ks against sweaty tryhard tunnelerinos. Seems you are just playing another game than me.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    I'm convinced MM doesn't like me. Even at rank 11 I was getting purple and reds most of my games. Some of those reds were total newbs but most weren't. Now that I depipped back to like 15 due to the reset I'm still getting the same red/purples most of the time. I'm pretty much playing other games until they do something about the current state of the game. As per Kote's advice :P

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Survivors lobbies have been broken for months and months and months, way before the ruin nerf was even announced, I don't get why the people here keep acting as if it's somehow the cause of it all.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Yeah that must be it. All these little baby killers. They just don't play the game to teach survivors a lesson. Has nothing to do with the fact that they don't enjoy playing killer anymore.

    To bad it really does lead to survivor players taking way longer to find a lobby. But yes, blaming all these entitled killer players is the way to go.

  • Kwikwitted
    Kwikwitted Member Posts: 641

    Nobody's saying it's THE cause but it is an underlying factor.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    no it's not because the lobbies have been 10+ minutes for a very long time, they didn't get longer when ruin was changed, they didn't change at all in fact, they've been broken foreverrrrrrrrrrr

  • Kwikwitted
    Kwikwitted Member Posts: 641

    Nobody said the lobbies don't have their problems, but to pretend the killer population, particularly at higher ranks hasn't dwindled is just being delusional. Less people playing killer will affect the lobbies, you can't put all of it on the lobbies being broken.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    I'm not buying it, if it was due to killers leaving then the issue would have been gradual, not the day after a patch was released, which is what happened in this case, I see plenty of killers in red ranks, I'm in red rank myself, I'd love for them to undo the match making change so we could see if it has any impact but like I said, the 10 minute queue times happened the day after a patch, not gradual, not over time, like the flick of a light switch.

  • sekkima
    sekkima Member Posts: 194

    Try to play killer, you find game in seconds. 😂

  • megaweenieman
    megaweenieman Member Posts: 323
    edited March 2020

    Are you really complaining? The tears survivors have spilled to make killer unplayable and now you’re upset no one wants to play killer?

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526
    edited March 2020

    What patch made killer unplayable?

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • dastru
    dastru Member Posts: 165
    edited March 2020

    before the ruin nerf it took at least 10 min to get a lobbie, after the nerf its pretty much the same so all the killer main plz do yourself a favor and stop selling that pity story it's kind of pathetic and stop giving other killer mains a bad name

  • SkeletonWitch
    SkeletonWitch Member Posts: 94

    Funny how some people can change the entire subject and make it their own entitled sad little tragedy story :)

    I had nothing to do with your precious Ruin, you want to cry about it make your own thread.

    I don’t even like Ruin anymore, so leave me out of this.

  • BigBubs
    BigBubs Member Posts: 1,131

    Lol this guy here is salty af or something.

    I play killer just fine and don't don't mind having swf and red ranks thrown against me when I'm in green myself.

    Matches are not short all the time like the "killer mains" like whining.

    Pretty sure pretty much every killer out there makes some mistakes. They just think they are perfect when they 4k. How can you even know that you made no mistakes?

    And about survivor queues...well , I wait around 3-5 minutes which is totally fine. And with new matchmaking coming soon I hope, we probably will wait less. So nah , no need to cater to killer crybabies who find it too challenging to play. Just go play civ v.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited March 2020

    When I'm rank 15 and being paired against reds most of my matches, I'm not having fun. When I have to bring my best perks, my best killers I'm no longer having fun. When I switch to a killer I hardly ever use for a daily or to mess around and get bullied by a good swf, I'm no longer having fun. The amount of kills I get or don't get has nothing to do with it. I can lose a match and still have fun. Lately I've been having a hard time finding reasons to play this game because of all the issues. It's pretty much only frustration for me at this point.

    So in Kote's words, I decided to "Play something else" :P

    I don't need data to tell you I'm not the only one feeling this way. The devs keep upsetting either side, those people are going to leave and que times get worse. I've said my 2 cents, back to Warhammer