What makes you a survivor/killer main?

deollie Member Posts: 168

I'm curious to see why some people choose to play one side more than the other.

I'm personally a killer main due to the fact that the gameplay is a lot more fun for me and overall it's just more interesting compared to playing survivor.



  • WeaponXMetsu
    WeaponXMetsu Member Posts: 81

    I can consider myself a killer main. I loved playing killer and before ranks got messed up it used to be 80% of what I played for a time, but recently it's gotten so hard. Sometimes when you start out with a team of red ranks it makes me think if I want to continue playing killer. Like, if the game goes by way too fast I just basically wasted my time "playing" or simulating playing the game. That's when I knew it was time to hang up my killer main role. Since I'm casual I'm not going to go for the long hours of learning every killer to their max potential.

  • Keezo
    Keezo Member Posts: 454

    Started as a surv main as killer lobbies took too long, then i switched to killer as infinite loading screens finally broke me, and (old)Doctor gave me the loving embrace i needed to stay a killer main 'til the end of time.

  • deollie
    deollie Member Posts: 168

    I feel the same way when I play survivor. Like it's fun at first, but after a few games I'm either annoyed from teammates/killers or I'm bored.

  • mrdead
    mrdead Member Posts: 51

    Survivor. Mostly just enjoy the challenge and the huge Killer wait times are crap... I can play 2 games before I get a lobby most of the time. Then there's how toxic even rank 20 survivors are. Not worth my time.

  • Jigsaw_pprentice1993
    Jigsaw_pprentice1993 Member Posts: 225

    Killer i love to be in chases all the time especially if i really outplay them or find a fun trick to do

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533
    edited March 2020

    I’m a survivor main because the characters are more relatable you know because they look like or in some cases ARE real people.

    In case you’re wondering which Killers I play occasionally the answer is Legion and Freddy. Because they actually look like real people. Freddy is pretty scarred up but I’ve seen real people with burns that look similar

    Also, I tend to be a Support main in games and survivor is the altruistic role

  • Jigsaw_pprentice1993
    Jigsaw_pprentice1993 Member Posts: 225

    Besides from demogorgon every killer is human yes even my main the pig

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    probaply the fact that i dont enjoy survivor gameplaly...

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Whether or not I'm allowed to have fun.

    As a killer, being an ex Nurse main, all my fun has been taken away.

    As a survivor, all the fun is still there.

  • deollie
    deollie Member Posts: 168

    I understand not wanting to go against try hard players. I started to play killer more often and at first it was fun, but as my rank got higher I kept getting matched with swf (literally got like 3 in a row once) and it's just not fun getting looped constantly or "bullied."

    I'm just not the type to try super hard at killer so I lose interest when I get players who wanna play super competitively.

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609

    Me teammates are... well, you know; I hate pressing M1 for the victory; the killers I go against are also like my meg teammates and Q times atm

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267

    I just love playing survivor. I like the feeling to escape. The feeling of the chase, saving someone, leaving them behind, playing with randoms(sometimes) and friends(sometimes). Playing killer is lonely, i like playing with people and helping them. Even if they screw me over. I always play Support, so I'm well acquainted with the abuse.

  • deollie
    deollie Member Posts: 168
  • deollie
    deollie Member Posts: 168

    This is true. Rank definitely does not determine the skill of some players, that's for sure.

  • deollie
    deollie Member Posts: 168

    I get insulted when playing survivor though too, mainly when I use urban evasion for some reason 🤷 They think I'm just crouching the whole when I'm just trying to be safe and emerse 😂😂

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    I prefer to not be attacked.

    I also like to not have to depend on others for my success.

  • ClumsyBunny
    ClumsyBunny Member Posts: 48

    To be honest. I love the way kate looks and her backstory. Plus it’s really fun to play as a survivor especially SWF

  • Lucian
    Lucian Member Posts: 51
    edited March 2020

    Was a killer main, but I can't find any reason to continue playing the game. It's just not fun as a killer, and the "horror" aspect is misleading when survivors don't fear you, quite the opposite aside from the random "oh there's GF or Pig..".

  • andyollolloll
    andyollolloll Member Posts: 940

    I enjoyed killer at low ranks but once you get playing survivors on comms you realise you can't be everywhere but they can.

    So I play survivor now which is boring waiting for a game even if killers get insta lobbies.

    The new batch matchmaking should stop killers getting insta lobbies which will be interesting for the game

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I play survivor more because I love to talk. If I'm not in a swf I'll either play killer for a hour or another game.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    I'm colorblind so im pretty much forced to be a survivor main

  • SirCracken
    SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414

    I'm a killer main because I'm an overachieving masochist who enjoys breaking down a brick wall with nothing but a plastic spoon and my own skull.

  • Maievh
    Maievh Member Posts: 62
    edited March 2020

    Survivor - bought the game because of the coop aspect, if not for that i wouldn't have looked twice at it.

    There are a couple killers that looks fun to play but the little interest I have toward trying it is choked out by the current matchmaking system.

    Edit: typo

  • deollie
    deollie Member Posts: 168

    Randoms can be the the death of us sometimes... Literally 😂😂

  • scarslookgood
    scarslookgood Member Posts: 157

    I find it dull to play killer, so I main survivor. Also, my wife and I play together so survivor is our only option.

    For me, killer is a monotony of find-chase-down-hook, find-chase-down-hook, like I could waltz to it. The way I play survivor engages my thinking in a different way. I have to think about where I want to run, what gens I want to do, how to stay hidden, hunt for totems, unhook, heal, try to play last minute hero, and a variety of other things. Usually I switch perks every two matches, so I'm in a constant state of adapting and reconfiguring how I operate.

    When I do play killer, I prefer M1 killers because I have to give additional thought to where I'm going and what I'm doing.

  • deollie
    deollie Member Posts: 168

    Hmm... I never thought about it like that, maybe they could add a setting to the game that changes the way it can be viewed?

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    You must play at rank 10 to feel like a predator as killer. I play killer because the queue times are faster and its so incredibly boring to stomp on killers as survivor.

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    Survivor for sure because i love the thrill of the chase. But sometimes it’s frustrating, way more frustrating than playing killer simply because you have to rely on teammates so much. I just wish they could give us more survivability when it comes to the chases. I kinda wish they weren’t so fast. You get caught and it’s a toss up as to what’s going to happen. In a game like this where the killers bound to find somebody because that’s what the game relies on - survivor/killer interactions. Why are they making interactions so short lived? I don’t need killers flying at me 100 miles an hour or one hit knocking me - at least put a LENGTHY cool down on that. Because getting hooked or dying is a big deal in this game. That’s a BIG deal. I shouldn’t be looking at the scoreboard with so few points because the killer didn’t leave me alone or just mows me down. Nah, that’s not fun.

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    You can say “don’t get caught” but somebody has to. Otherwise this game wouldn’t be fun for killers. So one hits are just stupid. Because that’s not fun for survivors. I don’t care what your ability is. Then put a longer cool down on that. Once or twice per game everyone. Exposed needs to be nerfed for sure. Which is a problem in a lot of perks like NOED

  • neekocheeko
    neekocheeko Member Posts: 88
    edited March 2020

    60/40 in favor of survivor, although lately been going on 70/30 I think. I get bored of killer honestly. 9/10 games I end up with a 3/4k in reds. Also, I think survivor perks are more fun in general like pebble, plunder builds, autodidact, any means necessary etc. Killers just don't have fun perks. You just end up running stuff like BBQ for points, Pop. They're good perks but boring compared to survivor ones.

  • rayoxium
    rayoxium Member Posts: 112

    Killer main

    Survivor is so boring, in order to win you have to hold M1 a lot on a generator. And the game is basically determined if the killer wants to play like a jerk or not.

    I like constant action, finding people and chasing them. Also Huntress is so satisfying to play, cross map hatchers, having an ability to use in chase. She’s so good.

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    I played killer because I loved being the hunter. I worked in a haunted house, so actually being a virtual serial killer was awesome

  • Divinitye9
    Divinitye9 Member Posts: 392

    Because holding M1 and hitting space every now and again is about as exciting as watching grass grow.

    I just find survivor incredibly boring. Running in circles, doing gens, having teammates bail my potato self out, running some more.... snore

    I would rather see people run from me so I can smack them and watch them scurry off.

    Also, to be honest, hitting a Jake and hearing that one pain noise is still hilarious to me to this very day.

  • deollie
    deollie Member Posts: 168
  • Kycer
    Kycer Member Posts: 337

    Killer main. Why? Because I hate myself.

  • Joelwino
    Joelwino Member Posts: 550

    I play killer because I know that no matter what happens, when I lose or win it's completely my fault. I'm the one who messed up and I can improve from it, or I'm the one who succeeded and I feel good. As survivor, it doesn't feel as good if I get carried/sandbagged.

  • deollie
    deollie Member Posts: 168

    I've noticed that with my self as well in a way, getting a 4k-3k is so much more satisfying of a "win" than escaping through the exit gate as a survivor to me.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    I was always a killer main. That's what drew me to the game. The ability to play as iconic characters such as Myers, Freddy, Bubba, the Pig... As well as the Huntress, the erie humming, the ability to be a threat at any distance...

    Mainly is was the concept of the hunt. Not being overly strong, but hunting others.

    I still have yet to find anything like Legion, Sprinting after survivors ready to stab them repeatedly in order to get the kill...

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    Survivor main because of the interaction with killer. I don't use ds, head on inventory items (aside from medkits) I don't teabag or linger or fast action. I don't farm. I play like a saint. I play support, I play distract, I hardly ever use exhaustion perks. I play at rank one this way all day and I give a thumbs up to killers that 4K without camping tunnelling slugging unnecessarily. Usually Freddy and Billy's ATM with ruin surveillance and infectious are really hard to go against especially if I'm the only one with map awareness. But I do not deter. I soldier on and wait patiently for a day when killers besides Billy Freddy and spirit are rank 1 viable. On that day I will play killer but never as a main. I'm too empathetic for it.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    I like beeing responsable for my own actions. I want to win by doing my own stuff not with my teammates. I like beeing a cruel Killer chasing and killing innocent survivors. Its very fun to have intense chases and playing alone against a 4 man team, where your mindset goes against 4 at the same time. Its a nice challange and really statisfying killing survivors after a well played mindgame or a well made hit.

  • UkilledLegion
    UkilledLegion Member Posts: 620

    I use Legion because its 1 of 3 killer who impossible to loop long time :D

  • deollie
    deollie Member Posts: 168

    I hate the thought of depending on random players. Sometimes they'll help you, other times they'll just leave you to die cause their life is on the line to finish that gen. Meanwhile, I'm in the struggle phase actually dying 🤣😭😭

  • Watery
    Watery Member Posts: 1,167

    I feel too guilty when I play killer. I play for the panic, not the perpetrator.

    Not to mention I think the cosmetics are cuter. Which is obvious, due to how the game is— but if it’s cute and snazzy and I feel great wearing it, I’m gonna probably stick to wearing that. Cosmetics mean a lot to me— and if I’m dying, I’m dying pretty.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    I main survivor because I enjoy the close calls when hiding from the killer. Also my eyesight and hearing aren't the best. So that makes killer more difficult for me.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125


    Yeah I know that feeling haha, hang in there! xD

  • deollie
    deollie Member Posts: 168

    We all have to die, it's just how we wanna do it I guess 🤣🤷😂

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Awesome! I played killer for a long time, but switched to survivor this past year. I also play with my wife after she got into the game and just find it fun to survive together and work as a team.

    I did enjoy killer for a long time, but I just wanted to be good at survivor as I was constantly facing red ranks and it presented a different challenge then what I was used to.

  • DexyIV
    DexyIV Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 515

    I used to main survivor, but I don't enjoy it very much anymore. So I pretty much just play killer now. Doc is fun, still waiting on Deathslinger because he matches one of my favorite aesthetics. I generally feel like I have more control over my performance as a killer than survivor. More nerve-racking and management that survivor, yes, but less things completely out of my control