Why are there so many pallets?

This is honest to god ridiculous. Just got done on an auto haven map, I broke 17 pallets and there were at least 5 more. When you combine them with strong loopers and the second chance perks, killer has no chance at all. Stop balancing these maps around idiots, because you're making the skilled players damned near unbeatable.
at the same time I had plenty of matched on that map where you go to areas with tons of car wrecks etc but not a single pallet
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Just checked on grim pantry. 10 pallets total. Not a single one on the side of the map with the dock. Its insane, the maps seem to spawn to either totally screw the survivor or killer.
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yeah, I remember once in a patch note that hooks, pallets and Gens should all spawn a certain distance from eachother....idk if spaghetti code struck again or what but I have seen all those being messed up over many matches.
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Auto haven have always been somewhat of a mess to play as Killer. Since those maps are all pretty small (except Gas Heaven) they usually tend to spawn with WAY to many pallets close together. At least they are somewhat unsafe if you mind game right but still a very survivor sided map in general. And don’t even get me started with the 5 versions of Badham Preschool
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Well, it goes both ways. I had Gas Heavens where the Center was full of Pallets and also Gas Heavens, where the Center was empty because there were so many Tank Tracks (which dont spawn Pallets).
This is the reason why the game can never be competitive, you can end up on a Map with way too less Pallets or on a Map which has a lot of Pallets connected to each other. And a Killer or Survivor is not better/worse than another Killer or Survivor, just because they have to deal with a certain Setup while others have to deal with other Setups.
(Since you mention Grim Pantry, this Map is pure BS - it can spawn without anything for Survivors, making the Pantry one of the only options, so the gameplay for Survivors is boring AF - use your Sprint Burst after a Hit to run to the Pantry. Yay)
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These "idiots" make up 99% of the player base. You probably got blood lodge which is the worst map for this.
It all depends on how "skilled" this team was. At times you've just got to accept that it was a bad map against a good team, where any kill is a good game. Also the killer you're playing makes a big difference.
Either way map rng can be annoying since it can screw either the killer or survivor. The most reliable maps for pallet spawns are mount ormond and hawkins
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If i would be a mod i would ban you for misconduct. Sorry, but insulting others isnt going to help you or anyone else. And again - sorry, but how could i take your complain seriously if you behave like this?
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Did you know that it's against the rules for killers to chase survivors?
Survivors would not have to drop pallets unless you were being a threat to them.So the game punishes you with more pallets.
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There used to be more pallets a year ago. Then there was the infamous pallet vacuum. I think the issue is if survivors know where to run, by the time you break one pallet they can usually get to another one. This is why it's important to learn how to mind game, which way to loop people to force them to take the long way, or don't respect pallets.
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It’s much better than it used to be it used to be close to double the pallets on each map
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Exactly! You combine that with speed gen, perks, body blockages .................... 🤣 the killer goes crazy
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sensative much?
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Dude, Ormond. I swear, that map has like a million pallets and they're all within 10ft of each other lol
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Autohaven is not a small realm. Azarov’s and Blood Lodge (168 sq tiles) are even bigger than Gas Heaven and Wretched Shop is the same size as Gas Heaven. Wrecker’s Yard is pretty small though.
Autohaven is considered one of the best killer realms because most of the pallets are able to be mindgamed and it has barely any line of sight blockers, but also has strong central structures and loop spots. Overall Autohaven is very balanced when compared to other maps.
Badham is terrible. I dread getting those maps.
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Yeah, sorry had a brain fart there. I just have never like playing Azarovs maps as a killer in general. Azarovs Resting Place and Wreckers Yard are the only ones I can stand playing, the other 3 are rage inducing for me. ESPECIALLY Blood Lodge.
and Yeah Badham Preschool is by far the worst map to play as killer
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I feel when I play killer, there are so many pallets. As survivor, there are hardly any even though I know where the majority will spawn. The Game, Autohaven, Ormund, and Asylum have a ton. It's frustrating for sure.
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Most of these couldn't be mind gamed. The cars with barrels on one side that the survivor can take the inside track on to loop for 5 times, then drop the pallet.
I get stuck with that 1%. The ones that know the exact distance to let a killer get close, but not hit. The ones that know every tile on every map. Think it was wretched shop that i got.
Okay then.
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Some of the replies are wild. You can't mindgame a low wall safe pallet. Autohaven is notorious for these. You can get a hit if the survivor makes a mistake, but that's on them, not the killer. That's the whole point of the OP's post, which I agree with. Balancing maps around new or inexperienced survivors is problematic when you get 4 good survivors. The pallet counts on older maps aren't balanced around looping or resource efficiency. It's totally viable to camp and drop pallets on older maps if the other survivors are actually present and playing the game, especially when you factor in the usual god window. That shouldn't be the case.
To the OP: yes, many older maps have ridiculous pallet counts and busted tile setups. Learn Nurse.
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This guy gets it. When you make the game easy for new players, experienced players abuse the system. Unfortunately, I get 4 strong players in most of my matches. I can play nurse at an okay level, but I don't like to main one killer, plus she's miserable to play as, so even when I win, I lose.
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Dead zones of pallets and hooks still happen. We also have seen hooks on top o one another.
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Or have a match on the game and there seemingly only 3 pallets in the entire map.
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If you think the pallets are bad now, go back 2-4 years. Trust me this is pretty good compared to the old nightmare spawns.
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Remember that update where they showed the pallet spawns on one of the swamp maps before and after their pallet spawn update and the spawned pallet count went from 36 to 32? Then they went "see killers there aren't too many pallets anymore!" and survivors complained anyway over that marginal reduction?
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Rotten Fields is the only map with fewer than like 15 pallets, there's way too many on most older maps