Which maps do you dislike?

- Ormondt (broken aura and visuals, one of the strongest survivor maps)
- both Swamp maps (yaaawn boring, 2 pallets and looks like garbage)
- Hawkins (awwwful! No orientation, noisy as hell, dark passages..)
- The game (no orientation, no windows, stupid ultra safe pallets without the ability to mindgame, to small)
- both Yamaoka maps (oh hell, bamboo everywhere, looks awful, plays awful, 3 pallets)
- Thompson house (waaaay to survivor sided, to many pallets, jungle gyms, huge, corn)
- Shelter woods (boring. Looks like a map done by 15 year old, also not many pallets)
- Bloodlodge (pallet simulator is all I can say about it)
- Haddonfield (well I don't think I have to explain what's wrong with this map)
All the farm maps. All of them.
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Yamoaka, Stranger Things map, Saw map & Lery's.
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Swamp maps. Both of em.
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Not much issues which most maps, yamaoka hurts my eyes in how dark it is sometimes but mostly I despise red forest as a slower killer, love it when they put on a red forest offering, just love it....
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Mainly the big ones.
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Any indoor map, killin or survivin, although the new Lerys had grown on me.
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All the ones that are too big, which is most of them.
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All indoor maps, all Yamoka’s maps, Haddonfield, and Ormand.
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Torment Creek is the only Farm Map that's viable for killer and survivor.
Other than that, every other farm map needs a rework.
And Temple of Purgation is too big.
Shelter Woods needs a rework too, it's barren. Boring. Wasteland.
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Majority of maps have issues for me but Loops and Balance issues aside, I'd choose all the Farm Maps.
Farm Maps give me a headache, Everything blends together in a mustard hue that's horrible to look at and then as Killer you have a face full of corn for 70% of the match.
I really wish they'd change the lighting on them and reduce the corn stalks or space them out so you can see trough them.
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Swamp and Lery's mainly. Coldwind corn depending on who killer is/which killer I'm playing.
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Cornfield maps
God those maps make me suffer
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Lerys, Ormond, Hawkins, almost all maps especially for hillbilly.
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For me its definitely The Game for the same reasons you have put down.
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Corn maps are terrible as well.
Asylum and Pantry have the strongest central structures in the entire game.
Ormond is just one big connected pallet loop.
The Game is pallet kicking simulator with nothing but safe pallets.
Red Forest maps are the size of Jupiter. They need to be shrunk in size.
Most maps aren’t pleasant for killer though :/
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- The Game
- Hawkins
- Yamaoka (Sanctum) - this map is way too dark on ps4, you can't see anything
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Hawkins actually does have orientation (Still an awful map though)
problem maps: Mount Ormond, Hawkins, Haddonfield, Grim Pantry, Pale Rose, Crotus Prenn Asylum, The Game, Temple of Purgation, Mother's Dwelling, all the Coldwind maps, and all the Springwood maps.
Grim Pantry and Pale Rose - Way too big, and literally no pallets. Unfair to both sides, depending on circumstance.
Mount Ormond - Insanely big, a million pallets and windows, and it all connects together. Unfair to Killer.
Hawkins - Although it might seem Killer sided, there are so many pallets on this map. SO many. Only good for stealth Killers, otherwise unfair to the rest.
Haddonfield - The classic. It's big, it's got tons of pallets and windows, and they all connect together. Unfair to Killer.
Crotus Prenn Asylum - Along with the main building being chalk full of safe pallets and a couple god windows, the map is HUGE, AND there are still more really good pallets around the map. Unfair to Killer.
The Game - Tiny, extremely hard to navigate, and very little pallets. The pallets however, are completely safe. Unfair to both sides, depending on circumstance.
Temple of Purgation & Mother's Dwelling - Biggest maps in the game. Tons of good pallets. Unfair to Killer.
Coldwind Farm maps - Way too big, corn is BS, tons of safe or really good pallets & windows. Unfair to Killer.
Springwood - Can generate with the most pallets you have ever seen, or can generate with completely nothing. Unfair to both sides, depending on circumstance.
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As survivor: Swamp maps. Filled with dead zones and very few pallets.
Hawking: Awful map filled with garbage and super unsafe pallets.
Yamaoka maps
Shelter woods: 90% of the map dead zones.
As killer: Yamaoka maps, i can't see #########. It's dark with high bushes.
Pre School maps: Thousand and strong pallets.
And pretty much indoor maps because i main Billy most of the time.
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Shelter Woods, burn it down. Just thinking about that tree in the center makes me mad.
Stupid tree.
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Mt Ormand. It has every single aspect of a badly designed map:
- Excessively big, making patrolling gens as a killer without mobility a nightmare
- Loops intersect, making chases much longer than they have any right to be
- Almost every pallet is safe, self explanatory
And to top it all off...
- The map has a white filter, making tracking scratch marks and seeing survivor auras harder than normal.
Not even "Carbohydrates, The Map" is as painful to play on.
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All of the ones with no visual obstruction.
For survivors, you end up getting bee-lined to, and pallets and juke options are sparse.
For killers, you can't effectively sneak up on survivors.
Everybody loses on those maps. :(
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The swamps. Even as what some might call a "Blendette", but without the immersion.
Not a huge fan of the indoor maps, but I'm starting to like The Game more as killer over time.