Last 2 survivors immersing around and not doing anything... something needs to be done about this.

BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125
edited March 2020 in General Discussions

So I guess everyone of you had one time this moment. You make almost no mistakes playing as Killer and manage to down and hook alot of survivors. Apperantly you kill the first 2 before they can even finish 1 or 2 gens. At this point it is clear that the game is over and the survivors will never be able to repair the gens. But because they are 2 there is no hatch or whatever. The only hope for these survivors is to wait until one of them gets caught so the other one has the chance to find the hatch or escape through the gate when the Killer closes the hatch.

The problem here is that the last 2 survivors dont have anything to do since it is impossible to repair 4 gens only as 2 if the Killer patrols them well. In that case the survivors will just hide and wait UNTIL one of them gets caught. But that can take a while. Because you have no idea where they hide, especially on huge maps like swamp or red forest. You are just running mindlessly around trying to find them. That is really boring as Killer and can take over 20min until that situation is over. That is extremly unfun for both sides. Something needs to be done about that, make that crows appear on survivors if they dont do a gen, totem, chest whatever also. So they cant just hide and crouch around the map for years.

Or make it able to give survivors a "concede" option to end the game immidiatly. These are just random ideas but anything else would work too.. just something...



  • Botany_Meowledge
    Botany_Meowledge Member Posts: 14

    I agree that it's not really fun, just walking around, patrolling gens that haven't been touched, but from my experience, after several minutes or less/more, the survivors hiding around eventually touch a gen, making it easier to determine where they are.

    There are still several tracking perks, like Surveillance, Iron Maiden, Deerstalker, Whispers etc. Being immersed might be seen as boring, but it's still a strategy and I don't think it would be fair to force players to change their playstyle. Killing 2 survivors before a gen is complete doesn't grant you the other 2 kills even though you have the upper hand. They still HAVE to move tiles and while it might take some time to find them, it's not impossible.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125
    edited March 2020

    I can understand what you mean. However, this doesnt mean that they should take 20 min to do that imo.

    Post edited by BenZ0 on
  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125


    Agree! Also thanks for letting me know that this is reportable.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    This is usually why I run whispers. It’s a great perk especially when survivors do this.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125
    edited March 2020


    Yeah agree. But I wonder, I heared once from Ardetha that 3 gen for 10min is reportable to the Killer. But that is exactly the same situation what I mentioned in this post. The Killer dont wants to give up so he is trying his best to "survivor" by protecting the last 3 gens and trying to get a kill like that. So I wonder... why is the Killer not allowed to "tryhard" for his win but the survivors are??

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,266
    edited March 2020

    Identity V spawns crows on survivors who havent touched "gens" for too long.

    DBD could do the same. Or reveal their auras until they get chased.

    But i guess one could argue theyre "trying to outlive the other chump for the hatch. Which technically isnt holding the game hostage"

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125


    Yeah I am starting to record things like that too, sounds like a good idea. I having nothing against immersed survivors but not if they waste like 20-30min of my time for no reason. I would let them even escape if I can but they are not touching any gen so yeah xD

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    Hatch stand-offs were also seen as a strategy. Hiding and not doing anything isn't, and if its obvious you aren't going to do anything is reportable. I'm not saying the killer deserves to win in these situations, but they shouldn't be forced to run whispers bcuz 2 survivors decide to stop playing.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125


    Agree. I had even once this situation on pale rose, I went afk making a pizza and went to the toilett. 26Min later, just 1 gen got started at 20%...

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    No actually, never had it happen to me.

    I feel like the game could in general make good use of a timer (with a reasonable amount of time) at base.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Yeah this isnt hostage holding as much as them just hiding. Find one and game ends.

    Or go afk and let them leave. If you seriously cant find them and dont want to waste time, afk and watch youtube. Or DC and eat the penalty.

    But wanting to punish people for playing stealthily and you cant find crazy.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Hatch standoffs were NOT strategy. It was two people both too ######### stubborn to risk a "loss" instead of looking at each other for 30 mins.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    It's almost as if the killer can find and kill people.

    Or if they're suspecting the survivors are playing stealthily and smart, go afk if you dont want to search (you know, your job as killer).

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    The killer is. If they're making a genuine attempt to catch someone while patrolling 3 gens, and not just looking at them to scare them off. If the survivors keep healing, coming back, getting hit, running, etc that's not hostage.

    Especially since they could just let themselves get caught and die if they wanted to be done.

    The killer is playing smart by not abandoning a 3 gen setup, just as survivors hiding are being smart by not immediately dying and causing the 4th to be screwed via bbq or hatch close.

    And again, on EITHER side, if you think you cant win, or it's a stalemate, give up. Dont sit in it for 20 mins then complain about it. Let them kill you, or go afk and let them escape. It's easier than wandering around for 20 mins then complaining.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    edited March 2020

    Hahahahahahahahah. Aww you're cute.

    Trying to tell me the rules like I havent had to link the reportable offenses to people like you a hundred times on this forum. Love it.

    Look up what holding the game hostage actually is.

    "Preventing the game from being played or ending intentionally to the detriment of others."

    If either side can move the game state, its not a hostage situation. The killer can, they're just bad at it.

    So a killer is bad at their job, so we ban the survivors who dont get caught?

    That's great. Nice job. You had me thinking you actually believed that nonsense for a minute.

    I needed a good laugh today. Thanks.


  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    You sure get triggered easily over the possibility of not understanding the gameplay or rules.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    edited March 2020

    I love how you think that I'm triggered. I'm laughing my ass off hon.

    Especially since you have no idea what you're talking about but trying to teach it to me. Love it.

    I love how you also say possibility as if I may actually be right. Because you know I'm not wrong....

    Also, triggered over a video game? What a way to minimalize the effects of actual trauma on people who do actually get triggered.

    I feel bad for you for so many reasons right now.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Its not hostage holding because you can find and kill them. It is indeed being a poor sport. Why would you want to do this?

    To punish the killer because you got destroyed? Had a game like this recently. McMillan. First 2 dead quickly..last to just creeping around doing nothing. Finally went to top of storehouse and scanned until found em in a corner creeping along. Needless to say.. no one got the hatch.

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    This isn't good advice for someone playing against two survivors who aren't doing anything. The same way telling someone they can win a hatch stand-off if they dont do anything.

  • Gand4lf
    Gand4lf Member Posts: 13

    So, bottom line, you suck. And try to hide it behind the fact that you THINK is reportable. The game allows you to be selfish. If I hide and not do any gens to get the hatch, it's my call, not killer's.

    If survs want to play stealth, they can, even for an hour. As a killer, it's YOUR JOB to find them. There are more crows than ever on every map, you can run whispers, you can see scratch marks from far behind, even by wearing a decent pair of headphones you can hear grass movement and steps even when crouched. As a Surv, they have to survive. And you cannot tell them how..

    So no. We understand just fine. You don't.

  • venom12784
    venom12784 Member Posts: 666

    I have been told this is not considered to be holding the game hostage. This was before end game weekend killers would camp the hatch. Basically I was told is the killer job to find and get survivors

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125


    Apperantly you dont play Killer much. It has nothing to do if me beeing bad trying to find 2 survivors on a 12k m² map. The map is way to big and offers to many hiding possibiltys where survivors "could" hide. I will find those survivors... at some time.. at maybe 20 min? 30min? Or maybe 5min.. but the chances are high that it takes long to find them.

    AAAAA Member Posts: 558

    Had a situation like this as Legion on Family Residence. After 15 or 20 minutes I found them crouching at the edge of the map, in the post game chat they admitted they were trying to get me to DC out of boredom. That shouldn't be a viable tactic.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229

    I pretty much always run whispers now because of this yeah. More often than not they are in the basement, but still it makes it take like 15 minutes to find them and they do it to basically troll you, because they are mad they lost and want to punish you for winning.

    It's VERY clear by the abuse you get postgame when you finally get them, they basically hoped you would never find them and eventually DC that is their primary goal.

    Afaik it is not reportable but it really should be.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125


    Agree.. this really sucks. But survivors tempt to say that Killer mains are the ppl who dont like to lose eh? :D

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229

    I mean most these people are usually uber toxic anyways so when you get them, they almost always say very reportable things in post game chat, or disconnect when you finally do find them, or something like that. So it all works out in the long run usually anyways.

    There is nothing wrong with losing, just don't hold a game hostage. I've never done that as killer even once; I've never done it as survivor either. So it has nothing to do with "Killer or survivor" logic it's just bad people logic.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    We definitely need something like a timer or crows to reveal the Survivors if they’re hiding for a long time (like 15-20 minutes) if the Killer’s not using Whispers or Doc with a Restraint add-on (after it gets buffed in the new patch).

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    I wouldn't mind something be done to address this kind of situations, but I don't see how this qualifies as holding the game hostage and, even if it did, collecting proof would be very challenging. They're under no obligation to throw themselves at the killer. They can try to slowplay as much as they want and wait for their opportunity. It's annoying, but it in the end they can be found. Listen for breathing, grass and start checking lockers.

  • BigBubs
    BigBubs Member Posts: 1,131


    Just ignore that guy. No point arguing with someone who thinks that being stealthy is "holding the game hostage".

  • WRussoW
    WRussoW Member Posts: 715

    Hide and seek, advanced level

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454

    idk about you but i use whisphers on doc and when it lights up use his aoe shock

  • Gand4lf
    Gand4lf Member Posts: 13

    No. Just enough to get all of them p3 except clown and Demo. 2,4k hours.

    Maybe you just need to play surv in order to understand where they posibbly are hiding.

    So you will keep ignoring the fact that instead of running whispers for SOME exceptional matches, youre asking for bans and penalties.

    I'll make it easier for you: "yes, I was wronga for asking these, I need to get better".

    There you go, feel free to copy/paste.

  • Nickeleye
    Nickeleye Member Posts: 278

    How often does this really happen? As a killer main 90/10. I just dont run into this scenario that often.

    I also have never heard of the 3 gen strat being reportable for holding the game hostage. Is that correct?

  • scarslookgood
    scarslookgood Member Posts: 157

    This situation me bonkers, even as a survivor.

    I can't count the number of times I've been one of the last two and been sacrificed first just because I won't sit on my thumb and wait for the other person to do something. I know they won't, I mean, sometimes they surprise, but mostly not.

    I've spectated and watched survivors wait until the killer DCs, and it happens more often than it should. Bad survivors three-gen themselves even at purple and red ranks (I'm not exempt, although I try to pay attention & avoid this), then won't touch any of the three that are left.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125


    Prestige doesnt mean you are better, its just bloodpoints ;P And I play equally both roles. Also you should learn to read a post before you comment. I never asked for bans or penaltys, you surely get triggered easily. Maybe you have to sort something out about your anger problems?

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125


    I am not sure aswell about the 3 gen. I dont run that often into those situations aswell, maybe once or twice a week? But if that happens it really sucks because I stay then a good chunk of 30min into a game like that where I already could play 4 or 5 other matches if you know what I mean

  • OtakuFreak
    OtakuFreak Member Posts: 206

    If they aren't trying to do generators there's a chance they're looking for the hatch as they have a key.

    If not, they're holding the game hostage and it is a reportable offense.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125


    The Hatch only spawns when 3 gens are done, so 2 are left. I described here in my post that they didnt manage to finish 2 or just made 1.

  • OtakuFreak
    OtakuFreak Member Posts: 206

    In a general match, the hatch may spawn. But for your game, they were just holding the game hostage.

  • Gand4lf
    Gand4lf Member Posts: 13

    So I need to read? I'm salty towards hypocrites like you.

    Saying on your second post that started to record in order to report. And trying to prove by any means (like the crybaby you're) that this is holding the game hostage, wich means report and ban (temp or perma).

    So, you've been proven wrong in the entire post. Nobody agrees with you more than 1 or 2 baby killers like yourself. This is a 1 out of 10 situation, and you have LOTS of tracking perks.

    I would suggest you to go play FIFA or any CoD, that are made for people like you. But no, please keep entertaining everybody.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Its a little bit of the killers fault. even in such a situation, i try to repair gens anyway, and thats why i get caught, and the one just hidding goes free.

    So if i find myself in such a situation again, i too will thing twice about repairing, because i could be the one going free as well.

  • XombieRocker
    XombieRocker Member Posts: 324

    Had this happen yesterday, playing as the Plague on Autohaven. 2 survivors left, 3 gens left. Patrolling last gens, all regressing, all infected so I'd know if they were touched. I realize after a few sweeps that the survivors have given up on working on the gens entirely. Begin to circle the map looking in corners, in lockers, in buildings, in the basement. Nothing.

    This went on for 15 mins until I heard a Feng running behind me. Chased her, sacrificed her, then I closed the hatch because I had spotted it during my endless search. Immediately, last survivor jumps out of a locker right next to me. They had been hoping for hatch escape when their friend died. I downed them and puked on them til they died of EGC.

    You waste my time, I waste yours.

    To the people saying killers not being able to find these kind of survivors are "bad at their job", that is categorically false. Survivors are almost silent when not running. The in game music hampers being able to hear soft sounds like grass rustling and breathing. If that Feng hadn't started running behind me, I wouldn't have heard her. Because of how early survivors get warning of a killer's approach due to 32m TR, it is easy to get in a locker, wait for them to pass, and move to a new locker to prevent the appearance of crows. Even on a map that is relatively smaller, survivors can make minimal moves to drag this out as long as they want. Unless you're playing a stealth killer or brought tracking perks, there's nothing you can do, no matter how good you are.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,603

    They confirmed if the survivor isnt even attempting to do gens it is holding the game hostage.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,603

    @Peanits and one of the mods confirmed if both of the survivors are just hiding the entire time it is holding the game hostage because the game cannot progress until they are found or a genie is done. How they get proof idk unless they can watch the match.