Missed story opportunity - Survivors becoming killers

Why as there been absolutely no attempt to explore this amazing concept?
The whole premise of the game is killers sacrificing survivors to the entity, allowing it to feed off of the hope of survivors until they, themselves, become a killer.
Yet there has nothing in-game or otherwise to suggest that this has ever happened.
All survivor backstories are just that, stories of who they were before the entity yonked them into it's pocket dimension. After that their tale seemingly ends. Nothing more is heard from them. We don't get to see what happens to them or how they react to their situation, and I don't mean gameplay-wise.
For example:
How does their psyche hold up?
Do they form bonds with those around them?
Have they asked each other about their life before the trials?
Does the entity start to whisper to them as their hope fades?
How truly willing are they to butcher their fellow man just so they can't experience the pain anymore?
None of this is explored.
Not trying to sound rude or anything, but that is not the premise of the game.
The premise of the game is that the Entity feeds off the hope of the Survivors, yes, but it does NOT have them become Killers. In fact, Killers are just as fed off of as Survivors.
In Tome I: Awakening, we are introduced to a man simply called the Alchemist. Through his Archive, we see the Void. Here, the Entity stores the husks of Survivors and Killers that are no longer of any use to it. These people have had all of their hope drained, and are trapped in the Void. They are neither alive or dead; just empty husks standing around aimlessly, unsure of their purpose.
There are no Survivors that have becomes Killers... except for the Alchemist. His last archive speaks of how he is willing to tear both Survivor AND Killer apart limb from limb just so he can get one more flower. These flowers give him power, and he is constantly searching for one more. Then another one. And another one.
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The premise of the game is the same it's always been, but I'm aware of the uninspired retconing that are the tomes, and how boring they is.
It turns what could otherwise have been an interesting struggle into the entity being a generic eldritch bad guy that dines on hope like Mcdonald's fries, without any nuance that could've been brought out in the characters it snatches.
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Okay then.
SHOW me where it was said that the premise was always the Survivors eventually becoming Killers. Old Alpha text. Dev tweet. Dev post on reddit or here. SOMETHING to back up that premise you claim has always been present.
And I'm not trying to purposefully attack you. This is an idea that I would also like to see explored. But I seem to remember, before the Void being revealed sometime after Legion (I think it was shortly after Legion's release anyway, given OLD discussion posts from December 2018 talking about it here), that the premise was that the Survivors are in an infinite cycle of life and death, accepting that they cannot escape but still try anyway.
THAT'S the premise I seem to remember. Not the Survivors eventually becoming Killers. And believe me, I pay attention to the lore. It's what got me here in the first place. If you can show me where you found that premise, then I'll believe you. Until then, I stand by the lore we are given in the game.
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I support Dweet as a killer. Anways, I think it would be hard to have a survivor as a killer unless they were a survivor that we could never play. I wouldn't mind a killer who has a backstory of being a survivor and something happened to them or something, but it would have to be a survivor we haven't previously known. I wouldn't mind some more killers who had a backstory of being good before becoming a killer, as long as it could be explained. For example, Plague's backstory is sad to me, she just was trying to help people and wound up dying to the plague. I do not understand though why she is a killer. Nothing in her personality from her backstory to me makes sense why she kills now when she used to be seen as a savior.
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Plague is an odd one but think about it like this: She believes that the Entity is one of her gods. She would literally do anything for them, including kill. Especially if the Entity tells her that the Survivors a blasphemers, trying to spread a false religion to her people. No way would the High Priestess of Babylon allow this.
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I've always known what the premise was as it's my favourite part of the game's lore, and until now I was having quite a lot of trouble trying to find the passage that mentions survivors becoming killers. And now I realise why.
They literally rewrote the official wiki without telling anyone.
In this guide, in the "Customs and Traditions", a quote from the wiki is mentioned from how it was at the time. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=950545138
"With each passing death a little of the survivor's soul is lost. Eventually as all hope evaporates, the survivor becomes less and less useful to the Entity, slowly devolving into a cold and emotionless shell.
These lost survivors, whose hope has long since left them, eventually become what they once feared so much: the very killers that hunted them."And here's what that passage is now.
With each passing death, a little bit of the Survivor's soul is lost. Eventually as all hope evaporates, the Survivor becomes less and less useful to The Entity, slowly devolving into a cold and emotionless shell. Those lost Survivors, whose hope has long since left them, were eventually thrown into a limbo realm known as "The Void".
I don't know what I'm more livid about.
How they completely discarded a brilliant idea or how they did it WITHOUT ######### TELLING ANYONE.
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Okay, I see now.
I don't think the devs control the wiki themselves, but this is just... bad. No mention even in the trivia section about older statements.
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How is a source from a wiki(that anyone can edit) proof that the devs retconned their lore? Because looking through the lore streams and the lore in their official page, there was never an official confirmation that survivors became Killers after being drained of hope. The closest thing we had was Baker speculating what would happened and his guess that Trapper may had been a survivor once, but that is all that there was about it, in universe guesses from a source that lacked a lot of information:
With each “death” I feel myself weaker, a little piece of my soul devoured by the darkness before I awake. I fear, eventually that I will lose hope. I wonder, then, what this dark entity will do with me then. I want to find out, but I fear the answer.
I came seeking answers but I drown in riddles instead. I know not how long I will be able to carry on. I have all the time in the world. But only during the small pauses that I am granted. During the hunt my time is restraint. I learn more and more. But my hope and sanity depletes faster and faster. What am to become of me? Have the killers started out at this campfire too? I bid this journal adieu. I must focus on staying alive.
And the fact that Survivors go into the Void after losing hope is not proof that now Survivors can’t become Killers. We have a canon example in the Alchemist so it is possible for that to happen, but the Entity needs an incentive to do it and the survivor needs to have the potential and state of mind to transform into one, which I think makes much more sense than survivors transforming into Killers no matter what. I would think that is the same as the Entity choosing Killers in the real world, they have to had some “killer potential” or darkness inside them that the Entity can exploit.
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The original quote was made by one of the wiki's first admins, way back in 2016, actually just 3 days after the game's release. The editor in question has been inactive for over 2 years by now and it's unclear from where that piece of information originates. It could have been from an early dev diary, a post, the artbook (doubtful) or he could have come up with it by himself. Fact is: we just don't know.
I would not call what the devs have done a retcon for this case.