Buff The Pig.

I'm thinking pig really needs some love, not entirely sure what would flow well with her kit tho. Maybe adding the "Deep Wound" status effect on successful ambush hits? Ambush, as is, isn't really useful considering the charge time, auditory notification for survivors, and linear path. Most pigs I see, which aren't many considering there are more killers who offer better outcomes, including myself don't even use the ambush. I tend to just stand up and hit them when my Terror Radius is still suppressed. I also think the RBT (Reverse Bear Trap) needs some love too, I often don't bother putting them on survivors anymore since every time I do they get them off at the first JSB(Jig Saw Box). I'm not sure what to offer for the RBT besides maybe some better add ons, like an ultra rare making the survivors become exposed with it on? That would also fit the lore with Amanda since she would cheat in her games. I'm not sure, any thoughts please feel free to add them!

-A hopeful Pig main


  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    3/4 the killer roster needs buffs, most of them are pretty weak. All be it maps are the biggest issue but that ain't getting fixed anytime even remotely soon.

    Pigs ambush doesn't need a Deep Wound effect, DW is already a laughable effect. The issue killing ambush is the information given to the survivors, IE the roar attached to it and also the sheething sound when she crouches to a smaller extent. Fix those and it will be solid, currently it's pretty trash and you're only hitting bad survivors with it.

    The traps just need their endgame change reverted and Rule Set #2 at base.

    She also needs an addon pass as a lot of them just don't make sense or are plain bad.

    Minor thing, but please raise her view point while crouched. It's so annoying not being able to even see over grass, makes it very annoying to use.

  • Immersed_Player
    Immersed_Player Member Posts: 3

    Honestly, I play quite a bit of pig and i get really frustrated when a survivor can leave through the exit gate with a RBT on. I believe that the RBT should also start as soon as the survivor gets unhooked instead of a gen being completed. i have lost many games due to a full SWF team waiting to pop the gens until their teammate gets their trap off.

  • mr_halloween_1997
    mr_halloween_1997 Member Posts: 8

    I can agree that removing the auditory notification when activating Ambush would be nice. However I don't see that happening since most ever killer I can think of, that has a linear path lunge, makes some sort of loud noise. IE: Hill billies chainsaw revving, and Nurses scream. I see what you're saying how DW is laughable status effect, but it slows the healing process down a bit. If you could suggest a Status Effect from Ambush what would it be? The grass comment is true and funny but she is rather short.

    -The pig main

  • mr_halloween_1997
    mr_halloween_1997 Member Posts: 8

    I agree RBTs need some love to them, I don't think they should be game changing adjustments tho. Pig is usable in the right hands, I've gotten a few quads on her, her abilities are just laughable IMO.

    -The pig main

  • Mo4ntus
    Mo4ntus Member Posts: 416

    Pigs already in a good place the rbts are annoying in the rng is not the best also put more faith in the dash I see people say that the dash is bad but I get good hits at even the strongest loops. The only real changes that need to be made are to the add ones but most killers need that, so nothing new there. I’d say she needs better trap interactions

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Killers are meant to be unique. I don't see an issue if some stray from the norm. Especially seeing as the examples you mentioned are a 1 shot and an ability with much less counter play going through walls. Seeing as the ambush has neither of those advantages I could see it having advantages in other areas.

    I actually wouldn't add a status effect to the ambush at all, it doesn't need one. Ambush just needs to be made more reliable and actually counter loops. If ambush actually functioned how it was supposed to function, she would be solid right there.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,862

    Adding deep wounds to ambush is a nerf. Think about it. You would lose the ability to down an injured or deep wounded survivor with ambush. What do you gain in return? A few lost seconds mending instead of working gens. I would prefer to down survivors.

  • Mrjuice
    Mrjuice Member Posts: 94

    These are the changes I would want

    RBT requires at least 1 search before successfully taking it off.

    Terror Radius reduced back to 24~28 meters.

    Ambush Roar plays near 70% of the Ambush charging bar.

    Increase crouch speed to 105~110% (from 90%)

    Make add-ons that rewards for landing Ambush

    Ambush dash duration extends to 3~3.5 s (from 2.5 s)

    Give us back our END GAME PIGGY since survivors would just 99% gates anyway

    Not all the changes above should be implemented. 2 or 3 changes would help the Pig a lot. The Pig is very fun to play. Her dash can be amazing at loops that doesn't has long walls. Before the EGC update the RBTs also allowed different play styles (Slow down Gens/ Pressure in End Game). The smaller radius was great too since it provides synergies with Whisperer (not sure why the devs nerf it).

    -Another hopeful Pig main

  • Mo4ntus
    Mo4ntus Member Posts: 416

    They nerfed TR because at one point they decided to start to normalize all the killers and ended up tying terror radius to speed(except Michael) and honestly it’s kinda dumb because big loud killers like demo and oni who are beast like have the same terror radius like tiny people, pig and legion

  • Jigsaw_pprentice1993
    Jigsaw_pprentice1993 Member Posts: 225

    im a pig main and her ambush is not useless if u think so then i recommend u watch scorpionz

    now as far as the add ons go yes most of her add ons need to be basekit mainly straps and rule set nr2

    from what ive heard scorpionz did talk with bhvr about pig

    one thing i truly want is pigs TR going down to 24 meters

  • ZFennecFox
    ZFennecFox Member Posts: 510

    Just disable the survivors ability to see Jigsaw boxes you know so they actually have to go find them not just bounce from one to another.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Adding exit gate/EGC as a trap activation would be nice.

    Ambush roar needs changing.

    RBT's are FINE. All the related add-ons aren't.

    Terror radius should be reverted.

    Crouch walk speed needs an increase. At least equal Ghostface or make him as slow us us.

    Do NOT make RS.2 base as it will draw survs to the generators.

    @Blueberry making Ambush apply Deep Wound would be like Deathslinger's Redeemer; they'll go down if you hit them again. Not a great buff, but hey.