Kobe chances increase in bad situations?

Maybe this is common knowledge and IDk. But I sure feel like while playing killer this is the case. If I really hurt a team quickly and have them all on the hook. It sure feels like the odds of them being able to kobe are way the hell higher than 4%

If I have 2 people on a hook and go to find the other person. It should nearly be unheard of that one of them kobes and saves the other. Yet this happens way more than 4 out of 100 possible scenarios....

Same thing with keys in chests. It sure feels like when a key is needed the chances of them finding one in a chest go up massively.


  • tactic
    tactic Member Posts: 356

    Lmao, I get what you mean, this happens quite a lot for me.

    Guess you just gotta pray they don't kobe, or maybe even wait around the hook for a bit in case they try.

  • ASurvkillivorer
    ASurvkillivorer Member Posts: 1,874

    Yeah thats whats so dumb. That should almost never happen. Yet here I am....time and time again im like really? The game is going to penalize me for not camping a hooked survivor? Then I bet if I camp the hooked survivor the hatch will magically spawn under the person downed I need to go get...

  • tactic
    tactic Member Posts: 356

    Yeah, it really annoys me tbh, mostly because I get really worried about where the hatch could've spawned. Hence why my matches usually end up with me slugging 2 survivors so neither can escape lol

  • ohkarl
    ohkarl Member Posts: 8

    Survivors are more likely to try and Kobe when they probably aren't going to get rescued.

    It's risky to try to Kobe first hook usually because it shortens the time people can rescue you on first hook.

    Late game survivors are usually on 2nd or 3rd hook anyway or there are still other survivors able to rescue.

    The only scenario it makes sense to try is a super early snowball or right before you start struggling so ofc it's going to happen more then.

  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512

    This happened to me this morning. I got hooked. I Kobe'd. Went to save my other two teammates but didn't realize they were on death hook.

    The killer couldn't believe it and let me have hatch. It was a Freddy so I was honestly surprised and extremely pleased with the outcome.

  • thenegativone
    thenegativone Member Posts: 254

    And youve got to remember, its not just slippery meat that affects this. @ASurvkillivorer are you checking endgame to rule out things like luck offerings, deliverance, and up the ante?

  • SaintsxSinners
    SaintsxSinners Member Posts: 53

    I definitely feel like they do because it happens all the damn time.

  • LoneWolf820B
    LoneWolf820B Member Posts: 12

    You sure they aren't using deliverance? If they unhook someone, they get a guaranteed Kobe

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    You'd know if it was Deliverance because the Survivor would be broken when they jump off the hook.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Nah screw numbers and math, is better to get your pitchforks and go after the devs calling it Survivor/Killer biases.

  • Eilodem
    Eilodem Member Posts: 3

    The real Reason why it's looks like Survivor had an increased in kobe chance it's for theses resons:

    • each Survivor had 3 tentative to kobe with a probability of 4%
    • they are 4 Survivor
    • Perk which increased chance or give more tentative

    So if u hook 4 Survivor in the same times at stage one :

    • all the Survivors can try to kobe, so u erpeat teh experience 4x 3 (are even more with some perk) so u try 12 times ur 4% (or more with perks and other stuff)

    In short the probability to at least had one sucessfull kobe is higher than expected (i will let somoen else doing the maths behind that)

  • LoneWolf820B
    LoneWolf820B Member Posts: 12

    Yeah I know but I didn't know if maybe the op just hadn't realized that or something. Lol

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,347

    Think about when survivors usually try to Kobe. Most of the time it's either in the situations you're talking about (especially when they're the last alive and have nothing to lose, or in a 2v1 where one is on the hook for the first time), when they're doing it for fun right before getting unhooked normally or when trying to suicide on the hook (in which case they probably DON'T want to kobe in the first place).

    If someone kobes in the face of their savior on the opposite side of the map you probably won't even know they self-unhooked, unless you see it or know no one could get them you're just gonna assume some sneaky survivor got the unhook. But if someone kobes when you know that's what happened and escape/reset the match you're gonna remember that one. The exact same thing goes for keys in chests.

    And that's on top of what others already brought up, like how a full set of 3 attempts is more like ~11.5% than 4%. Considering the probability of rolling a 6 on a 6-sided die is ~16.7% that's gonna happen somewhat often.