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Can we have some demogorgon buffs?

We all know demo is a solid killer.

But he is just lacking a little you know

I think everything about him should be slightly buffed.

10% Faster portal recharge

20% Faster portal travel speed

10% shred range

Shred charges fully slightly faster

He moves slightly faster when charging shred

Shred missed recovery reduced by 0.25s or so

Portals take 2s longer to seal

20% increased portal detection range

5s default undetectable coming out of a portal.

Some Addons changed. Like one that increases detection range should increase shred distance.

Some that increase undetectable (except iridescent) should reduce shred charge time.

Also PLEASE BUFF SURGE it has so much potential. Just make it All gens in terror radius(would be great with M&A) make it all attacks not just basic and 15% regression not a measly 8%

This would not make him op or unfun to play against. This would simply make him stronger more fun and more appealing to play.


  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,058

    What I think should be buffed about him are his addons, they suck, worst addons in the game... It's sad that his best addon is brown lmao.

    Also the Undetectable Status Effect should be increased from 2 seconds to like 4 or 5 seconds, also decrease the volume of the footsteps please.

    (I'm not sure about this one, but I would remove the global sound when teleporting)

    One more thing, when the Shred animation ends it loses it's hitbox, so sometimes I'm right IN the Survivor at the end of the Shred and it doesn't hit, it's just sad. :'(

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited March 2020

    His brown addons are actually really good, they don't suck....deer lung and tripe don't suck (green/yellow) but beyond that the rest are fairly bad yeah.

    It is kinda laughable that his browns are better than his iri addons, is there another killer with iri's that bad in the game?

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,058

    That's why I said that his best addon is brown, also I think the one rare addon that increases the movement speed when teleporting is really good, also most of his yellow addons are decent, but every other addon is just trash...

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    Pig probably. Her best add-ons are the reduced timer, anything to do with ambushes and more traps/boxes.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i'd love to mainly see an Add On rework, honestly.

    i dislike how all his Add Ons are based around his portals, yet they arent even the main aspect of his power (they were supposed to be, but lets be honest, Shred is why we play him).

    some are also just utterly useless, like who ever runs the "slightly increases the time it takes to seal a portal" series? those really need changes, and imo their effect should just be deleted and a new one should be added.

    and there are some cool things you could do with Shred, honestly.

    how about an increased Shred distance, faster Shred charge rate, faster recovery speed or faster Shred speed (the speed at which he launches forward)?

    oh and some fixes ofc. dedicated servers can really screw with you as Demodoggo - ive just recently had a game where my Shred turned into a normal M1 lunge 4 times. like, when i charge Shred with M2, i shouldnt even be able to perform a normal M1 lunge!

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,058

    I would say Pig and Oni do have very bad addons aswell.

  • oh_0k
    oh_0k Member Posts: 712

    The thing is demo as a base killer isn't bad it's just that his kit is so easy to understand survivors have an easy time countering him and it also makes him boring to play. Plus his addons don't change any thing about his power so you can't use addons and make survivors play differently like other killers

    Make traversing portals silent

    Allow him to pickup portals

    put rat liver base

    and rework his addons

  • Pennywise
    Pennywise Member Posts: 256

    Increase his undetectable when leaving a portal and have him crouch walk until undetectable wears off so he is harder to spot (like he crawls in the trailer). His stomping footsteps audio needs toning down a lot, if not completely removed. He is supposed to be partly stealth but it is hard to hear other survivors when all I can hear are his loud footsteps.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229

    Yes that would be the deer lung and the rotten tripe.

  • dhealy646
    dhealy646 Member Posts: 462

    How would basing a whole build around surge just to get 3 gens hit consistently be op

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Yes Demo and Pig add-on rework soon please.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Only Oni's red add-ons are bad. Like they're literally a downgrade if you use them they're that bad. I don't think you can safely say his add-ons are bad when topknot exists. 2nd most broken add-on in the game next to iri head

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    I would like to see his UR/Rares get changed but I do like the fact that he can equip common addons and do really well.

    Also I think he doesn't really need any buffs and is in a good spot. 🤷‍♀️

  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    An idea I thought about for the portal sealing is that it should take the same amount of time as cleansing a totem. (Unless they are already the same speed and i’m just not realising it).

  • dhealy646
    dhealy646 Member Posts: 462
  • NittanyBruin1719
    NittanyBruin1719 Member Posts: 46

    Lots of Demo talk today. Demo is one of the 3 killers I use and I largely agree with those that say he's one of the more balanced killers in the game. The only changes I personally believe he needs relate to his audio cues and lackluster add-ons (well, and his horrid frame rates on PS4 but that's another issue). The main changes I would like to see are as follows:

    No more map wide audio cues when using a portal and when exiting a portal, decrease the sound of those stomps of his, and increase the base undetectable status effect after using a portal--and, in terms of base gameplay, that's it. Like I said, I think he's generally in a decent spot.

    In terms of add ons, I would lower leprose lichen to a rare add-on and make his portal related ultra-rare enable him to see all survivors while traversing the upside down. Lichen is good, but I don't feel only being able to see injured survivors warrants the ultra-rare status. Then, I feel he needs more shred based add-ons. The one I'm most privy to is a rare add-on that would work as a mini infectious fright upon a successful shred hit.

  • MiniPixels
    MiniPixels Member Posts: 536

    I have hundreds of hours in Demi, and is probably my second most played killer to date, behind myers. I personally think that nothing in his base kit needs to be changed, what I do think he needs is add-on changes, most of his add-ons are either useless, or very boring and simple time reductions. Many people were disappointed with his add-ons for how basic they were on release, also a lot of people that play demo will agree that his two best add-ons are actually both browns, the rat liver, and the black heart. I honestly think the only thing they would do to demo is spice up his add-ons, but other than that with how many killers desperately need to be looked at I really doubt we will see any change to him for a long time.