Devotion Reward Ideas

Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

Hey all, we play and play and play, and while it's nice earning Iridescent Shards for every level, we used to earn them every match, so my question to you all is what do you think is a suitable devotion level?

The idea I've always had is increasing BP Cap by like 50K with every level, this would then reward long standing players the ability to level new content faster so you aren't stuck in that grind you've probably done countless times, what are others thoughts on this?


  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    Nah, that would never happen, it would skew the game too much between beginning players and long term players.

    This can only be something nearly meaningless for it to be fair.

    I dont think its bad to have an iri shards boost upon leveling up, maybe like 1000 shards or so.

    Next to that I think a Charm is the way to go, just a cosmetic, that changes its shape or icon on the shape based on your level.

    So it could be a medalion with an artistic rendition of the number of your current devotion level.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    Experienced players already have all the perks and 1000+ of items/addons I don't think letting people hold more BP skewes the game even a little bit besides levelling new content faster.

  • Shirokuro
    Shirokuro Member Posts: 182

    I think they should just give slightly more Iridescent Shards per Devotion level. You can't buy everything with them anyway so the devs wouldn't probably lose too much money out of it.