Please do something to gideon's meat plant
It's almost unbearable at the beginning, what with all the safe as heck pallets literally everywhere .
and dont get me started on the room right above showers . not only does it have two extremely safe pallets but it has two more pallets below .
everytime I load into this map I just get ready to play pallet breaker simulator .
i'd rather they change hawkins
its horrible for both sides
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Meat plant is a good map for killers. Spine chill is going off all the time because the top and bottom floor. It's hard to know as survivor when the killer is actually coming for you. Survivors get scared off gens really easily on that map since killer radius seems to be everywhere.
Honestly I think this is the first time I've seen a killer complain about the meat plant.
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The reason is that this map has only a handfull of windows, that means if the pallets will run out and the gens are not done in that time by juggeling good or the survivors just dont hold M1, then it is basicly a free win for you as Killer. You just have to eat all pallets and eventually if all or atleast the most pallets are gone you won on this map. Also this map is awsome at tracking survivors, it is very easy to hear the footstebs, especially because this map has 2 floors and is really small.
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Imo The game is fine, it just needs more windows and less pallets to compensate that, but overall this map is cool and a nice alternation to other maps.
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Disagree. For killers it is a great map to have given it is an inside map/many pallets are unsafe.
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lmao thats not fun
being able to just hold W on 90% of pallets isnt good gameplay for either side; it has no skill or mindgames involved at all. there is a reason the higher end of players prefer maps like Azarovs as they are more balanced.
and inside maps are not really good for killers. take huntress, you are almost always forced to hold W and M1 and as a ranged 110% killer, that is an awful experience.
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It's better than corn.
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I agree 100%
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Gideon's is one of the most Killer-sided maps in the game... despite the number of safe pallets.
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I respectfully disagree. The amount of completely safe pallets is unacceptable and the amount of totally unsafe pallets is also unacceptable.
I don't think the map itself needs a rework, I just think the pallets need to be adjusted.
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It’s fine. I like smaller maps as it allows most killers to pressure more effectively.
Would you honestly prefer one of the corn field maps?
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Killer sided or not, its one of the worst maps. Confusing, too much rng, the famous wromg stair sign, etc.
Yes, I mean it as a killer
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But Killers alreay have a higher killrate on that map than the others. Removing pallets makes that worse.
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The problem is, that the map just doesn't feel good to play at. The safe pallets are more like automatons. When a survivor reaches it, they have to throw it. And the killer has to destroy it. It's a little bit like old Legion. It works, but it lacks play choices. On the other hand it's probably Gideons structure that give survivors a hard time, because you can't make out, if the killer is on the same level as you or not, etc.
And also navigating the map is still sometimes annoying with finding the fastest way to a hook gen etc. It's a complex map.
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Too much safe and unsafe pallets, some of the safer ones should be more spread out and some of the unsafe could be adjusted accordingly.
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I might have been confusing, I apologize. What I was saying is that the map needs more pallets overall, because it is a small map, but it needs less super safe pallets. What I am referring to is the basement pallets, there are at least 4 god pallets on that map, but after those are gone, what do Survivors do? They have like, 3 unsafe pallets. They need more after those pallets are gone.
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Exactly this. The amount of times I've died because I ran into a room with literally no exit is insane/ But that being said, it's still an incredibly survivor sided map if you know what you're doing. Gideon's has literally the safest location of any map in the game with the double pallet room directly down to the double pallet pathway in front of the basement stairs, in addition to a ridiculous number of un-mindgame-able pallets around the map. The only reason the kill rate is so high is because 1. immersed survivors always hide on it because they're always in heartbeat, and 2. if you use up the safe pallets in an area every chase lasts 10 seconds because there are 2 vaults on the entire map. Gideon is a terrible map, no matter which side you play.
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Lol go against a Forever Freddy on that map and complain about the safe pallets then, trust me, those pallets are the only things preventing Forever Freddy's from getting guaranteed 4K's on meat plant.
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The problem I have with Gideon isn't the difficulty to kill the survivors, it's that it's nothing but: chase survivor to pallet, force the drop, break pallet, repeat untill there are no more pallets
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It's awful map for survivors and great for killers. It really should be changed.
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Gideon is like almost a surefire win as some killers, it's a very killer sided map I agree it should be changed.
There are maps like haddonfield and coldwind that are way too survivor sided as well that need to be changed.
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It's not about balance. This map is just so incredibly boring and unfun. ALL the pallets are safe, either the survivors use them all up before the gens get done (in which case killer wins) or they do gens beforehand (in which case survivors win). There are obviously edgecases, but 80% of the time that's how matches on The Game play out, there is very little skill and very little opportunity for comebacks from either side. In my opinion this map 100% needs a rework.
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It's one of the most killer sided map for most of the killers. The only ones who don't do too well on this map are trapper, nurse and huntress.
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The reason is because pallets are harder to spot + it's an indoor map (and very small on top of that) survivors have not much orientation. This is playing very good in the hands of the killer.
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The Game has a similar issue to Hawkins. It leads to very lame matches involving holding W the whole time.
Lack of window play (not overly strong buildings) such as T-L walls and jungle gyms upstairs is a major factor to why the map is so unfun.
Most the time you will get unseasoned survivors that will camp every single pallet on the map, leading to complete dead zones, which then leads to why the map has such a high death rate. With most other maps the survivors at least have windows that they can use to evade the killer.
Once all the pallets are used up on The Game there is very little that a survivor can do in chase to survive.
If a good team uses the resources efficeiently the map can end up being unwinnable as killer.
In contrast to Hawkins, the Game has an absurd amount of safe pallets with no potential for the killer to mindgame them. Much like how survivors are pretty much dead despite what pallets they use in Hawkins.
The thing these maps have in common is the very little amount of outplay and interaction that can be done between the killer and survivor.
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All it needs is a face lift. If it recieved the treatment Lery's did it would be the spookiest map in the game!
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I would be up for it getting visually redesigned but game play wise it's fine
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I'm usually okay on Gideons. It's only when I'm playing Trapper and Huntress, do I cringe.
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The Game? Nah, son. HADDONFIELD needs that rework in the worst way.
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The only one I can think of is the two story drop.
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True, but if they have BL and good RNG, then it can be a god loop. : P
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If I had to guess, it's because Gideon's layout is confusing, the walls give the killer opportunities to sneak up on survivors, and you can pressure gens on both floors with your terror radius. All of these things become less effective against skilled survivors who know the map, but the strong pallets are much more effective in the hands of survivors who know how to loop them.
For the majority of players who die in The Game because they couldn't tell which way the killer was coming from or it took them a minute to find the stairs, I don't think adjusting the pallets would matter much.
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The only reason why this map is killer sided in stats is because efficiency in pallets is something most survivor players have very little idea of.
They just drop everything after one loop and keep running. Eventually they run out of pallets and have nothing else.
Vs survivors who can efficiently loop this map is a complete nightmare and chances are the pallets will outlast the game itself.
It's the same principle behind a map like Ormond not being more survivor sided in stats. Your average immersed high rank survivor probably won't know how to properly use the tiles in that map. When survivors do know how the map works though it's pretty absurd.
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Gideons meat plant is amazing for killers. When I get this map or I see it in my blood web I'm always ecstatic. Gideons meat plant is almost like an easy 3-4k