My game crashes then I've been banned for no REAL reason (PC)


I’ve never left the game but then my system kept crashing for some reason every time I played survivor and now I have to wait 72 ######### hours before I can go back into another game which is ridiculous they need to fix the fact that if your game crashes it’s not your fault now if you physically leave the game then I can understand why they will penalize you for that but if someone never leaves they Should fix that issue

I'm so tired of getting penalized for it... it's not my fault and I wont spend my money for dbd anymore

btw my connection is ok and my ram as well. the last update ruined the game


  • Arxaion
    Arxaion Member Posts: 104

    Yeah I've been having quite a few disconnection issues ever since around the time of the PTB launch. I've already reverted and verified my cache, so all is good there. Yet it persists.