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What map puts you into bad mood as soon as you load into them?

Laakeri Member Posts: 835

As survivor: Hawkins

As killer: Haddonfield & Ormond


  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,330
    edited March 2020

    As killer...

    Any of the Red Forest maps - They're all too big and I prefer playing M1 killers

    Maps with an annoying window or loop - Ironworks of Misery, Rancid Abattoir or Crotus Penn Asylum

    Any of the Farm maps because honestly they're literally just corn and none of them really accurately depict a farm anyway.

    As a survivor I literally don't care. Maybe Gideon Meat Plant but that's just because that map is incredibly boring. Maybe Hawkins? Can't really think of one off the top of my head that I genuinely hate or puts me in a bad mood unless I get the same map multiple times in a row.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    Swamp. I hate all swamp maps. Survivir, killer doesn't matter.

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    As killer and survivor in order of displeasure: Lery's, hawkins, haddonfield, the yamaoka maps, the game,

  • Clockso
    Clockso Member Posts: 853

    Ormond as a killer, i just hate how this map has a lot of safe pallets in the main building and a lot of strong tiles connected to each other like a long pallet loop with a long wall jungle gym right next to each other and they all connect to the killer shack

    and as survivor nothing really

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    Swamp maps followed closely by Yamaoka Estate maps

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Survivor: The game

    Killer: Coldwind Farm, Mac Millian, Autoheaven, Haddonfield, Disturbed ward

  • GhostrickSpecter
    GhostrickSpecter Member Posts: 460

    Survivor: Shelter Woods I guess? I personally don't have any map I hate as survivor unless the pallet rng is really bad

    Killer: Blood Lodge, the safe pallets are broken as hell

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited March 2020

    Survivor. If it's Oni or Billy, Coldwind. So much open space they can dash anywhere. If it's a stealth killer, Lerys+the game. Too many corners and close quarters.

    Killer. Swamp+bedham sucks all around. Everyone runs to the boat or the school. If I'm playing my Nurse I hate coldwind. Corn is my kryptonite.

  • TapeKnot
    TapeKnot Member Posts: 248

    For both sides: Coldwind farm. I just really, really, really hate corn.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    Red forest maps or Ormond. All wayyy too big. If the survivors are even semi decent and you aren’t on a top tier killer you aren’t about to have fun.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,565

    Haddonfield is ridiculous.

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,434

    Survivor: Shelter Woods, Rotten Fields, Ormond, and Hawkins

    Killer: Rotten Fields, Ormond, Léry's, and Haddonfield

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620


    As survivior, as a killer, as a crow, as a ######### anything

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Indoor maps for me, killer or survivor.

    Also Haddenfield as a killer.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293


  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    A lot of them. to be honest. To simplify things, I'll say any corn map or Disturbed Ward.

  • GhostofYharnam
    GhostofYharnam Member Posts: 597

    Haddonfield and the Yamoka maps

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    Any map with C O R N

  • shane32
    shane32 Member Posts: 383

    Yamaoka Estate.......No other map makes me cringe as much as this one.

  • Jacoby2041
    Jacoby2041 Member Posts: 843

    EVERY time (literally 100% chance not even exaggerating) every single time, 100% guaranteed I've said it like 4 times already in this sentence and I'll say it again it always happens guaranteed: Every time I play Plague I get Grim Pantry. I hate that map so much I'd rather play on Haddonfield that's just how bad it is. On the bright side I have every inch of that map memorized to the point that I can picture it vividly in my mind at all times, every spawn, every orientation, I could replace the map generator for that map with my brain and nobody'd notice the difference

  • Quol
    Quol Member Posts: 694

    Any cornfield maps.

  • Polychrome_Baku
    Polychrome_Baku Member Posts: 404

    Survivor: None, because every map is doable as survivor. Even Hawkins if you're not a moron.

    Killer: Ormond, Grim Pantry, Haddonfield, Mother's Dwelling, Suffocation Pit and Coal Tower. I despise levels with a central building that has a goddamn god window or loop. Bonus angry points if the level is also huge.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    Survivor: Gideon Meat Plant

    Killer: Gideon Meat Plant

    but let's be real. I lose faith in a majority of maps I load into when playing Killer.

  • DeadVision
    DeadVision Member Posts: 30

    Haddonfield, the swamp maps, and the Sanctum of Wrath.

  • aregularplayer
    aregularplayer Member Posts: 906

    the game, stupid map

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063


    Mothers Dwelling, Temple of Purgation, Rotten Fields, Cowshed, Ormond, Blood lodge


    The Game, Hawkins, Coal Tower

    Basically for Killer the Largest maps or ones filled with of "corn blindness" are the worst because I generally don't play the Highest mobility killers, and the Gen Spread is so heavy that if every survivor splits up and starts working gens, then by the time I actually chase and hook one of them 3 gens pop. It's crazy how difficult it is to apply pressure on those maps. Whereas with survivor, the smallest and most claustrophobic maps make it far more difficult to avoid the killer without playing heavily immersed and stealthy, and unfortunately that means if you go up against Doctor on these maps, then you're totally screwed and have to rush the gens asap to even have a chance of escape. The same could be said for playing against a Nurse or Hag, but at least with them you aren't screaming every minute and giving away your location, so stealth play can still work to a decent extent. Also I find it ridiculous that, despite the lack of a scarecrow, the corn fields in any map featuring them have 0 crows within the corn... This is great for survivor since we don't have to worry about the killer tracking us because of them leaping into the sky, but likewise it's terrible for the killer who already has a hard enough time just seeing survivors in the corn at all, no matter how tall they are.

  • MrAnxiolytic
    MrAnxiolytic Member Posts: 29


    Killers:Ormond.all swamps map and yamaokas

  • Unironicalygoth
    Unironicalygoth Member Posts: 175

    As killer red forest and the coldwind farm thats all corn as a survivor I guess probably Hawkins lol

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,141

    Survivor; Hawkins and Shelter Woods.

    Killer; Any of the corn maps and Ormond.

  • Satelit
    Satelit Member Posts: 1,377

    Yamaoka and Hawkins

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,770

    Father Campbell's and Azarovs as Survivor

    Rotten Fields and Disturbed Ward as Killer

  • Hannon
    Hannon Member Posts: 221


    i can’t see sh*t on that map

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229 forest is pretty bad too it's too big to patrol properly.

  • deollie
    deollie Member Posts: 168

    Any swamp map.

  • GreezyWeezy
    GreezyWeezy Member Posts: 72

    None. I go into matches as an emotionless bot and just think logically with a lazer focus on objectives.

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    I don't like any indoor map but Hawkins is the absolute worse.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    As killer - Coldwind. Any of them.

    As survivor - Hawkins

  • Bigesttroller
    Bigesttroller Member Posts: 18

    Haddonfield for both sides cuz too easy on surv too hard on killer

    Hawkins laboratory because the pallets are #########

    Ormond because it is way too big

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293

    Rotton fields Ormond and haddonfield

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,840

    Yamaoaka, Red Forest, Backwater Swamp, Mount Ormond Resort, Coldwind Farm.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Survivor: Lerys, Bedham, Swamp.

    Killer: Lerys, Haddonfield, Bedham, Swamp.

  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662

    as survivor: the game, hawkins, shelter woods

    as killer: red forest and springwood

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138
    edited March 2020

    Any map that blocks my vision. The worse map would be Yamaoka. On the positive note whenever i see maps like Haddonfield, Preschool, Auto heaven , Lery, Theatre and any map where i can see things clear it puts a smile on my face and makes me feel bad for survivors...

  • KayK99
    KayK99 Member Posts: 94

    As killer, the corn fields. As survivor I'm fine with them all

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    As survivor I don't care. As killer, I dislike the Coldwind, Yakaoka, Badham and Hawkins.

    I suppose if I had to pick one it would be Coldwind. Yes, the corn...just a pain in the rectum.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Haddonfield in general, but lately, I get pretty salty if I load into Hawkings as Trapper. Might as well have no power at all on that map.

  • OperationMintyHippo
    OperationMintyHippo Member Posts: 406

    As survivor: Hawkins

    As killer: ironworks of misery

    In general? Temple of purgation. Literally is so unnecessarily big. I hate it so much.

    We can sprinkle haddonfield in there too.

  • OperationMintyHippo
    OperationMintyHippo Member Posts: 406

    I swear this happen to me too lol. And there's always a billion trees that spawn so I can never hit anybody with the puke. I'm on xbox as well so playing her makes me very framey. (Doc as well)