Was the nerf to Gearhead really necessary?

Gearhead is one of the perks of the new killer with the following descrip: (before)
"You've got an ear for well-oiled gears.
After hitting a Survivor 2 times with your Basic Attack, Gearhead activates for 35/40/45 seconds.
Each time a Survivor completes a Good or Great Skill Check while repairing, the Generator will be revealed by a yellow Aura for as long as it is being repaired."
But now, it was nerfed.
"Reduced the duration of the Perk Gearhead to 20/25/30 seconds (down from 35/40/45) and now only affects Good Skill Checks."
Why was this the case? I thought it was fine, although the activation could have been lowered a bit ( like to 25/35/40)..
They nerfed a perk that's not even good?
30 seconds makes it almost useless for killers.
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Yikes, Wasn't really paying attention to the boards at the time lol
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They nerfed it because it's a killer perk.
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Don't forget the ABSOLUTELY INSANE amounts of feedback that Deathslinger is perfectly fine and not weak at all, and that new Sabo is perfectly fine.
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Oh great, they nerfed an already underwhelming perk that only gave you information every now and then. Super fun and great perk design, really proud of where the devs are taking this game.
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Survivors weren't having fun that's why it got nerfed. :)
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Right? Survivor perks never get toutched.
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It's really not that big of a nerf. As a killer, totally understandable. It isn't going to cut its utility. A single skill check is all you need to know where to go next.
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How long did it take them to rework ds? Even after it's still the most used survivor perk in the game.
They rework killer perks and they become utter garbage after they get done with them.
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The thing to remember here is that for 30 seconds if anyone gets a good skill check that gen is marked as long as it is repaired. So generators can only be marked within the 30 seconds time but remain marked for a while. It's like Discordance in a way, I guess.
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It doesn’t affect great skill checks anymore
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Oh, then I must have misunderstood it?
I thought it would be only highlighted for the duration that the perk was activated. If that were the case, then I guess it wouldn't be a good perk at all lol.
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Yep, its bad
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It was decently good in the PTB and worth considering. Now...the perks never getting used, quite bad.
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After the timer expires and all survivors get off the generator, does it still highlight when someone works on it?
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If survivors stop repairing the generator after a good skill check was passed regardless of the perk activation the generator aura reveal will be cancelled, from what I can tell.
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"Each time a Survivor completes a Good Skill Check while repairing, *the Generator will be revealed by a yellow Aura *for as long as it is being repaired*."
It only highlights the generator.
So, as soon as they leave it, it will be no longer highlighted.
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Oh, ok. For a second I thought it might actually be pretty good
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I will gladly use this perk on my clown when the skill check change gets reverted.