Why nerf Huntress with this newest Patch?

Snapshot Member Posts: 914
  • Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to be hit by projectiles that visually appear to pass over their head while performing various interaction's animations.

That means to me that survivors working on a gen, or on a totem cannot be hit by huntress anymore by aiming just a tiny bit above, making long-shot hits behind gens impossible.

What do you think? Was this necessary?


  • leyzyman
    leyzyman Member Posts: 355

    Ok, this is with all honesty, it does suck when, as a survivor, you get hit when the hatchet was clearly above you by a meter.

    Do I think they should have done it now? No.

    Should it be fixed eventually? Yes.

    So in my opinion: good idea, bad timing.

  • kamisen
    kamisen Member Posts: 794

    @OtakuBurrito While bugs should be fixed, I think it should be evened out across the board. There are so many obstacles that Huntress cannot reach due to bad meshing. Imagine not being able to trust visual input and memorizing each loop by heart, and then they only fix one part of the problem. It’s rough when they seemingly cater to one side only.

  • GHOSTfaceP3
    GHOSTfaceP3 Member Posts: 1,364

    Question why wasn’t deathslinger buffed? The feedback was overwhelmingly that he was kinda meh...yet no changes ? Why? Also sabo changes went live?

  • Maníaco_da_garrafa
    Maníaco_da_garrafa Member Posts: 144

    ikr, imagine trying to fix the hitboxes...

    damn, these devs are the worst!

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited March 2020

    How can you consider it a nerf? It was possible only because before Huntress there was no need for a smaller hitbox during actions, but since survivors are crouched it makes sense their hitbox shrinks too.

    It took them 3 years to make this change, stop being a drama queen.

  • Snapshot
    Snapshot Member Posts: 914
    edited March 2020

    We're not talking about the hatchet flying "way" over their head, but just slightly .

    @OtakuBurrito I am just bringing this to light, in no way overly complaining. Just want to start a discussion, but you clearly are the one overreacting to this post.

  • kamisen
    kamisen Member Posts: 794

    I definitely agree with you, so I’m not trying to argue against the hitbox fix here. But what about all the map assets that block hatchets way above their borders? I get that this is an easy fix in comparison, but if you clean the house, can you at least do it all directions? Or address that it is, in fact, an issue that needs fixing.

  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512

    I don't mind them fixing issues on both sides. I don't. I'm still holding out for the day Myers' stalk gets fixed along with his audio bugs. But realistically I know it takes BHVR a while to fix bugs period.

    Should Huntress be looked at on killer side? Yes. But also take into account BHVR has been open in saying chases, hits, and grabs will ALWAYS favor what the killer sees meaning Huntress is still strong just not as overly silly. It was overly frustrating being hit by a hatchet behind a t/l wall on autohaven when you not only see it fly over you head/hear it hit/miss and still get hit by it. Like crouching behind/next to a vault and still being hit. That was just dumb.

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    Hmmm maybe because the hitbox completely didnt match the survivior model. Obvioisly thats a good thing

    IMO they should just make normal hitboxes, this change is just a band aid but whatever.

  • kamisen
    kamisen Member Posts: 794

    @OtakuBurrito We’re on the same page. I’m also holding my breath for stalks (and all other powers that need confirmation from the server).

  • DrownedFish
    DrownedFish Member Posts: 107

    Just pressure the gens better.

  • VigilStrange
    VigilStrange Member Posts: 57

    No, the whole point of a PTB is to mass test for bugs and exploits that internal QA can't or wouldn't think to try. If the issues people brought up with Deathslinger's consistency are prevalent enough, then adjustments will be made. They aren't "Willfully ignoring feedback" they will take that feedback, along with any other information they can gather with the Chapter going live, and make changes based off all the data. Not just a one week sampling. Just like any other game studio would do.

    The only "feedback" they likely ignore is when someone says "Ur game sux. Fix it."

  • YukariTheAlpaca
    YukariTheAlpaca Member Posts: 184

    So it it just the crouching hitbox now for those actions?

    This game only has two hitboxes. It is also not like these things were unavoidable. You could just stop that action and crouch. It added a learning aspect to understand what you could and could not get a hit at. Now Huntress is even more basic.

    She also needs help. If good survivors know how to run the tiles and have good reaction time, you are never getting a hit.

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    Because we're hiding behind a generator or a rock and realistically shouldn't have been hit to begin with? You killers really cry about everything.

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    So it was changes so that female characters have objective advantage?

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    Why did you not apply the same logic to props around the map? There is so much debris smaller than the Huntress, and where she even can look over (since for some reason her camera is placed at her torso), but she can't throw over them.

  • jebbush
    jebbush Member Posts: 35

    If the WHOLE point of the PTB were to test for bugs and exploits, then why did previous killers receive buffs or nerfs after a PTB? You're now making things up just to protect BHVR. The overwhelming feedback from the PTB was saying how weak this killer was. I remember lurking this forum then and seeing all the threads about it. Some of the best killers on twitch like Otzdarva, Zubatlel and Tru3Ta1ent were getting embarrassed trying to win with this killer. And now we're being told that the feedback is flawed because people didn't have enough time to get good with him? BHVR is insulting their fanbase with this response, and old players are not surprised by it because they've been dealing with it for years.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,531

    No. Both male and female survivors share the same hitboxes, they just correctly shrink to roughly the size of the survivor while they're bent over working on a gen, for instance.

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    You speak as if Ranked Matchmaking actually worked to begin with? I rarely ever get a red rank killer at red ranks. If anyone is in a SWF group, it completely negates ranking. Perfect example, last night I was playing with friends who were ranks 15-20 and I'm a Rank 2. Matchmaking goes off of their Ranking, not mine and we were paired with Rank 15-20 killers the entire night.

  • nicnc82
    nicnc82 Member Posts: 372

    Finally, fixing some of the horrible issues with the huntress's hitboxes. It's not fair when a survivor actually got hit when they shouldn't have.

  • jebbush
    jebbush Member Posts: 35

    If the whole point of a PTB was to test for bugs and exploits, why did previous killers receive buffs or nerfs after a PTB? You're making stuff up just to protect BHVR. The overwhelming feedback from this community was that the new killer was weak and needed buffs. And their best response is that people just didn't have enough time to get used to him? I remember watching streamers like Otzdarva, Zubatlel and Tru3Ta1ent getting embarrassed in the PTB trying to win with this killer. If players with thousands of hours under their resume can't win with this killer, what hope does the average player have? BHVR is frankly insulting the ability and intelligence of their audience, and veteran players won't be surprised by it as they've been dealing with it for years.

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    I get it, so devs removed huntress ability to hit difficult shots so that deathslinger doesn't seem as bad in comparison.

    Also, rip huntress mains that could have hit these shots before but I guess they haven't identified any issues with killers struggling against survivors on big maps so we're good there.

  • SpyMature
    SpyMature Member Posts: 204

    Are you actually serious about that high skill ceiling thing?

    "Hey, I can see and hear an injured claudette working on that gen on the 2nd floor of Box building in Mac Millan, and I am lucky enough to have the gen spawn next to the boarded up window, lemme line up my shot" *Bang* *Hit* "Ok, I hit the injured Claudette through that tiny hole in the wall without her noticing...... now what?"

    "Hey, I already hit this daving and now he ran to a loop I can shoot over, Surely I'll be able to easily down him now if he's not careful enough to dodge my shots" *Bang* *Hit* "Ok, time to go around the loop and reel him in" *David starts struggling* "Alright, just a little bit more..... any seconds now" *Chain breaks* *David runs to the next jungle gym while you have to reload your weapon* "Darn"

    It's absurd how Deathslinger is literally just a worser version of Huntress that cant down survivors and has to reload after every shot.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    Thank you! I'm so close to the Funny Number of upvotes

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    Lol you can always go with a pro sided survivor bias opinion followed the next day for a pro sided bias killer opinion and farm those upvotes it works for some on here.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    No names but someone on here use to do polls with an up vote for this and a down vote for that. Even further back it was and up vote or an lol.

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    Since the hitboxes were insanely stupid with Huntress and you'd get hit when clearly you shouldn't be able to be hit...this included me being hit from INSIDE A LOCKER., this wasn't a nerf this was correcting a bugged mechanic. So rationally if you are behind a rock or a gen and an object flies over your head should you be hit? Sure you know the answer to that question.

  • VigilStrange
    VigilStrange Member Posts: 57

    No, you're question was about the WHOLE POINT of a ptb. It's to test things in a public forum. As for why others things happened at other times, I don't know. I wasn't there to hear the reasons behind those changes being made, and why the changes people wanted for this Chapter weren't.

    I'm not making things up to protect BHVR. I have my issues with some things they have or have not done, but I try to not add on to the pile of negativity that they already hear on a daily basis.

    As for the "Overwhelming feedback" that's what you saw. They have access to more data and feedback than just what you saw some streamers and forum posts say. As for the streamers struggling.. I saw streamers get wins with him. Ones with thousands of hours under their belts. Did the dominate? No, sometimes they would loose.

    The long and short of it is, you were being hyperbolic in your response to Peanits, I gave you an answer. You don't like that answer, and no one and nothing will change your mind.

  • ClawsOfHell
    ClawsOfHell Member Posts: 68

    Unfortunately huntres was only good when she came out after that they nerfed her so much that it's almost unplayable even getting 4k it's so stressful that don't make worth before the nerfs you could wind up a hachet in 2s and she had two add ons to increase wind up speed and tinkerers had a diferent effect that could make this effect even better she could win a lot of loops but now? almost 80% of the pallets has bigger hitboxs to avoid hatchets to don't go through and this it's annoying i'm tired to se my hatchet literraly hitting the air instead of go throught tiny holes that would make that loop unsafe because of my skill(bad huntress don't even try hatchets on loops).

    And the devs say things like "So loops are there to protect survivors against hatchets" but they forget that there almost 20 pallets on the map and almost 10 of thoose pallets has structures on their way the other 5 has biggers hitboxs that hatchets should go through but they don't and the other 5 are unsafe pallets that good survivors don't use 90% of the time and above all that we have map structures that make impossible to hit people far away so it's fun how they have to fix things to make the survivors lives easy just because they can't use their brain to take cover when huntres pick up a hatchet.

    But there always people to say "Oh just run the loop normaly instead of use hatchet" yeah! huntres it's 110% speed you can do almost 6 or 8 loops before she being able to try a hit and if when it's possible people always use dead hard to reset the same loop so it's almost 12 loops around a single pallet to get one damage state so yeah it's very optimal play huntres like that.

    It's fun how the devs always fix things that only the 1% top tier killers can use but all the survivors exploits and infinites loops take almost years to get fixed and most of them are still on the game even after the map rework.

    My opinion as a huntres really good huntres main that invested on her almost 1k hours it's that was completely uncessary i just know ONE huntres that knew how to hit through gens and those things and even her being almost a GOD playing with that killers the game was still in our control the whole match so if they keep making every single good thing that killers have bein considered a exploit and removed soon or later people are gonna quit and start playing survivors and then the lobbys are gonna take longer and longer until the games dies because nobody wanna wait 30m or 1h to just start one survivor match having the risk to be camped by a bubba or tunneled to death with a mori freedy.

  • LethalPugy
    LethalPugy Member Posts: 493

    Key word. Issue. It wasn’t intended so they fixed it.

    What if they fixed an issue that allowed adrenaline to be used twice. Let’s say that existed. We’d call it a bug fix not a nerf.

    This bait was ok i guess.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    The way I see it is that if you can't hit survivors without awful hitboxes then you need to get more practice with aim. Someone shouldn't have to rely on faulty game mechanics just to get hits.

  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117

    Weird necro. Also weird to see people crying about not being able to get hits that they obviously shouldn't have been getting. "I hit air, why doesn't it count as a hit?!" The fact that it took so long to fix is its own issue.

  • Zeus
    Zeus Member Posts: 2,112

    Now I know how I dodged a hatchet after vaulting and crouching. Usually doesn't work

    WARW0LF Member Posts: 200

    lmfao "skilled" shot, there's nothing skilled about throwing broken hatchets at broken hitboxes, get real kid

  • just_teme
    just_teme Member Posts: 195

    this thread is full of clowns and its damn entertaining