PSA re: Countering the Killer's Ability

I am so sick and tired of entitled survivors crying all the time that there's "no counter" to something the killer is doing. Not only is this patently false, but as a survivor your role isn't to counter the killer... it's to run, dammit!!!

There's ONE killer, there's FOUR of you, each with multiple 'lives'. You're not supposed to be able to prevent the killer hitting you, or downing you, or hooking you, etc. You don't have to be able to counter everything the killer does because that would make YOU the power-role instead of the killer, which itself is imbalanced.

And, let's be fair, you already have enough counters by way of:

  • being able to heal yourselves and others if you're injured
  • being able to mostly heal yourselves when you're downed, so another survivor can pick you up quickly
  • sabotaging hooks
  • blinding or body-blocking the killer
  • wiggling free
  • jumping off the hook (albeit 4% chance, but it happens)
  • windows and pallets
  • better overall vision (i.e. 3rd person rather than 1st person)
  • you can hear the terror radius, and see the red stain giving you advance notice

As for a variety of "no counters"... let's consider:

  • Apparently there's no counter to a mori? Mori's can only be used if the killer has hooked you once already (i.e. chased, injured, downed, transported to a hook, and then found and downed you again after you've been rescued). Solution is, don't get downed! RUN!! And hide! It's not a free kill for the killer, at best all it does is saves them one hook (because the mori would only take the place of the 2nd or 3rd hook anyway).
  • No counter to face-camping? Do the gens... do your objective. Punish the killer by bringing the game to conclusion. You don't ALL have to make it out.

You know what doesn't have a counter? Keys!! Insta-heals!! And chests giving you these items. There's literally nothing a killer can do to stop you using them, except to slug for all kills which still doesn't guarantee no-one will get the hatch escape thanks to unbreakable and lucky hatch spawns, etc.

So please... stop moaning. And if you don't know how to counter a killer, don't cry like a baby and say it can't be done. There are many that do.


  • AntiJelly
    AntiJelly Member Posts: 1,155

    Your whole "multiple lives" thing is completely countered by a slugging killer.

  • kcwolf1975
    kcwolf1975 Member Posts: 651

    Many survivors will complain/whine about everything. They will even turn on their own and complain about other survivors perks. Apparently you are garbage if you run selfcare.

  • MysticMusician
    MysticMusician Member Posts: 149

    Yup. Even if you are playing like a team player and have other perks that help your team greatly, you are a horrible person for running self care. Usually the need to run self care comes from people not being willing to help you even when you help them so you have to help yourself.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    Strongly agree with this! It's why survivors are still mad about Spirit because "I can't tell when she's phasing" or "I can't loop her"

    It's also the reason why I've stopped playing survivor because killers are too counter able. The only killer I enjoy vs now is Spirit because she's threatening. I get a thrill out of being outplayed (and vise versa) because it makes me a better player, but of course the rest of the survivor community doesn't like a killer presenting a challenge

  • PlaysByShady
    PlaysByShady Member Posts: 590

    Oh really? What's stopping survivors who are slugged from (a) recovering, and (b) splitting up?

    If the killer has one guy slugged on the floor, good for them. Go and do gens whlie you wait for the survivor to recover, and then you can attempt a heal if an opportunity presents itself.

    If two survivors are slugged, then they should both split up instead of hanging out together and holding hands. You've got an insanely generous amount of time you can be on the floor, use to to recover and reposition yourselves.

    So... please explain how you do not have multiple lives in this scenario. You're downed, and can be rescued if you play smart.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    Mori's are seen as unsportsmanlike. You sack someone and remove them from the game. Back to waiting 15 minutes for a game.

    And yeah, if your main strategy against a certain killer is just to die, there's an issue.

  • Huntar
    Huntar Member Posts: 848

    Yup. The devs forgot, apparently from the beginning, which role is supposed to be more powerful. But hey, at least the devs can rest easy knowing that they'll have a bunch of survivors super pleased with themselves sitting in 10+ minute queues and talking about how stupid killer players are.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    It's not that Spirit presents a challenge, she doesn't present anything to the survivors. She doesn't outplay you either because that would imply there is a way for the other side to actually play around her power. And the problem with spirit is that you don't play around her power, you make a guess based off absolutely nothing that she's phasing or not, or if the spirit just messes up and doesn't phase directly to you. That's not you outplaying her, that's just "you guessed right now you better do it again in 5 seconds". That's not rewarding or fun gameplay, nor is it fun for the spirit because she literally has nothing to think about when she uses her power other than "me hear survivor, me phase to sound and press M1"

  • PlaysByShady
    PlaysByShady Member Posts: 590

    I get how they're seen. The issue I'm raising is that of being able to counter it. Mori's aren't free, they require the same survivor to be downed multiple times, etc. On the other hand, keys are not only free (the chests just give them to you), and with them multiple survivors can make an escape with the killer having zero chance to do anything about it.

    I'm not arguing for either to be in the game, I'm just highlighting the absurdity of crying all the time when the killer has something that survivors perceive to be unfair (which is anything and everything), and insisting that everything the killer does having to have a counter when they don't make the same argument against themselves.

  • PlaysByShady
    PlaysByShady Member Posts: 590

    What about watching for the grass to track movements (for both sides)?

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    That's when I draw a line with you and say "It takes being the monster to understand the monster." I use to be like you and complain about Spirit until I started using her. Yeah sure she doesn't give survivors information (which she shouldn't with the amount of crutch perks survivors have, plus that's the way Spirit is designed it literally tells us tips when we are loading into a match) but if you play her and understand how she has to think than you can outplay her.

    One mistake that I see a lot of survivors fall for is her fake phasing when she comes out of phasing or survivors trapping themselves in a loop and letting her keep them in there til her power comes back. If your not in that situation just keep moving

    Every killer is counter able with a lack of information. Survivor mains just insist on complaining because it's easier, instead of becoming the monster to understand the monster

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    You can't see the grass move as a survivor. If you were able to I wouldn't be complaining. That would be more than enough info for a survivor to make a somewhat educated play when she enters phase. You can hear the grass when you're close but at that point she hears your breathing, footsteps, moans and also sees the grass move so you're gonna get hit anyway.

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117

    Moris are a one of the few pieces of terrible game design left in DBD. They need to go.

  • Chicagopimp2019
    Chicagopimp2019 Member Posts: 458

    I think that's the real underlying problem with Morris. It's not getting killed early, but having to wait so long to get into a new lobby.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    It goes both ways with the whining, so I wouldn't necessarily claim one side is more than the other. I mean read the title of all the post on the front page and it is like "Nerf Doc" and "DS is ruining the game"

    However I think the counter to every killers is smart teamwork and a bit of looping. If you get that middle genny early, and force killer to a bad rotation on outside gennys, and be able to loop for 30 to 40 seconds so your team has an opportunity to do gens, you have a very good chance at winning.

    Mori's can be pretty strong, and an Ebony may be borderline broken on Killers that camp and tunnel off first hook. Same for those keys, although that does require a ratio of gens completed to survivors alive. But can still end a game prematurely.

  • PlaysByShady
    PlaysByShady Member Posts: 590

    I'm going to disagree with you here, there's various clues for both sides, e.g. crows, scratches, etc. Yes, to a certain degree there is guess work, but that's the same with any killer and good loops. It's called mind-gaming, you make an educated guess as to what the other player is going to do and play against that. Just because it's a guess doesn't mean it's not fair, nor does it mean the odds can't be manipulated in your favour.

  • PlaysByShady
    PlaysByShady Member Posts: 590

    Pretty sure you can see the vegetation move (and crows fly) as survivor...?

  • AlsendDrake
    AlsendDrake Member Posts: 103

    Best part is that if you use it smart, it can only save time. Either 2 survivors lose 16 sec, net 32, or 1 loses 32, net 32. Oh look, it's the exact same time loss!

    So long as you're not potato it's no issue

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    A couple of points...first "Apparently there's no counter to a mori? Mori's can only be used if the killer has hooked you once already (i.e. chased, injured, downed, transported to a hook, and then found and downed you again after you've been rescued). Solution is, don't get downed! RUN!! And hide! It's not a free kill for the killer, at best all it does is saves them one hook (because the mori would only take the place of the 2nd or 3rd hook anyway)." and then "You're not supposed to be able to prevent the killer hitting you, or downing you, or hooking you, etc. You don't have to be able to counter everything the killer does because that would make YOU the power-role instead of the killer, which itself is imbalanced."

    Don't these two comments contradict each the one hand you say we aren't supposed not to get downed and hooked and then you say we can counter moris by not getting hooked and as you might know there is a mori that doesn't require you to be hooked at all.

    "No counter to face-camping? Do the gens... do your objective. Punish the killer by bringing the game to conclusion. You don't ALL have to make it out." Cold comfort to the person who gets camped and loses PIPs and BP and deranks….shocking as it might be some do care about rank...because someone with pretty low skills decided to camp you until you died from the very start.

    I faced a camper last night...he camped everyone he hooked (and as I unhooked one person he wasn't even very good at doing that), but he tunneled the poor guy right into the ground. We get 3 gens done. I let the third guy get camped to death as no reason to reward a low skill scrub with a 4k and went into hiding near the gate...after about ten minutes he must have gotten bored and asked me to stop hiding...not on your life...not sure what he was doing for the ten minutes but finally he decided to find the hatch and close it. I opened the gate, I went inside, I tbagged him after he finally arrived and I left.

    It was an epic game and making him do whatever he was doing for ten minutes whether it was looking for me (he did come near me twice and had whispers even to no avail for him) or trying to find the hatch it was sweet justice for his rank was a highly enjoyable experience...for him maybe not so much.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    It's not a mind-game if you have no idea how the Spirit plays. If you have iron will and the spirit doesn't have stridor you have one chance to not get hit by her. Then she'll do it again. "mindgames" don't work in a game like this and a killer like Spirit that gives you absolutely nothing to go off. If you played against the same Spirit multiple times, and you know you were playing against the same Spirit, you had iron will, they didn't have stridor, you could probably make an argument for it. But since you're almost never gonna run into the same person multiple times in a row with the same perks there isn't a real way of knowing what to do against her. This kind of logic works in a fighting game but not for DbD since this game isn't balanced for that kind of back-and-forth in the slightest.

    As for the 2nd comment about the grass moving and crows I'm actually not sure if you can see them. If I test it or I find a video of it I'll let you know but I swear you can't see anything of that kind. Like I said, if you could I wouldn't be complaining about her all day.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    There isn't a counter for a Mori. And there's only 2 "Kill" effects in the game that require you to be hooked. Ebony and Ivory Momento Mori's. Devour Hope, Cypress Momento Mori, Rancor and Tombstone Myers don't require a previous hook.

    As for camping, there's no counter for the one BEING CAMPED. The one on the hook loses rank, gains next to no BP and wastes their time because the killer doesn't want to play. This is also dependent on the point in the match where it happens, but still. You're also relying on others, commonly randoms with no communication, to either recognise the situation and capitalise on it, OR have an appropriate perk to help counter the face-camp.

    Keys do have a counter, though. It's called FRANKLIN'S DEMISE. Insta-heals? You have Haunted Ground, Devour Hope, Tier III Myers, Hillbilly and Leatherface, endgame Rancor, Make Your Choice, NoED and Franklin's Demise.

    This isn't a survivor complaint either. It's an objective counter-point to certain elements of your statement. I play both sides and look at them equally. You have the tools at your disposal, it's up to you to learn how to use them and apply that knowledge.