So...Can We Get A Huntress Buff?

Sabor44 Member Posts: 39

Ok yes I am a huntress main, logged hundreds of hours on her. However the last half year I am playing her less and less. The reason for this is because of the constant stealth nerfs that gradually make her weaker, but never given anything to compensate. A while back tinkerer was reworked and every killer was buffed (Trapper, Hag) in some way except Huntress. In addition to this they nerfed two of her add-ons that when all THREE (Tinker, babushka, and grass bead) were combined together was a bit overpowered. They nerfed hit boxes on the most recent patch (again not a bad thing) but when you consider that Huntresses strengths were at her best when she could clip head shots over low walls, or barely graze someone from a corner that was healing she has become drastically weaker.

Again I am not asking for these things back, but give her something to compensate. Consider Plague and Deathslinger, they are both ranged killers, but can arguably perform better (when plague has her corrupt purge up anyway). First their increased movement speed and second the way their projectiles work. Huntresses hatchets take too long to wind up in most situations and it is easy for survivors to dodge unless you have time to fully charge it. In which case most survivors will have already found cover or a high wall.

Her most viable builds currently are increased hatchet speed (which you need both addons to match the strength of one previously) and her infamous iridescent head +infantry belt addons. The former makes her slightly more competitive while the ladder makes people DC instantly.

Finally the biggest point of all is that Huntress (more than any other killer) Is EXTREMELY map dependent. Due to her increased terror radius, slowed movement speed, and high obstacles she might not even be able to viably use her killer power at all. Each new map is amazing and stunning, however the amount of lowered walls is becoming more scarce for her to even effectively end loops.

Things working for Huntress

-Can apply pressure to specific loops.

-Is great for mind gaming where a survivor can go.

-Can down survivors in rapid succession IF they are caught in the open.

Things working against Huntress

-Decreased movement speed

-Slowest projectile charge time

-Increased terror radius giving more time for survivors to react

-Very add-on dependent

-EXTREMELY map dependent

-Weakest killer when looping high walls with no line of sight

In conclusion, Huntress is not a bad killer and even other killers deserve a buff more than she does. I would gladly give up iridescent heads if it meant that I could play a match without letting out an extended sigh that I got a map that is either too large to apply pressure or in doors so I cannot throw hatchets.


  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    I like Scotts idea of making her a 115% speed killer, with a catch, each hatchet she has decreases her movement speed by 1%, that way, if she has all 5 hatchets, then, her movement speed will be 110% (her current movement speed).

    That would help her when she runs out of hatchets, she can just go back to being a normal speed killer and M1 survivors easier.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    Wat? Her Lullaby isn't directional anymore so you can sneak in a hit while they're trying to figure out where you are. Much different from a terror radius. She's also a huge pain if you can master hatchets at pallets which doesn't require open space.

  • Sabor44
    Sabor44 Member Posts: 39

    I like this idea, it has potential and would give her utility outside of hatchets

    Yes you can sneak a hit at low ranks or areas that there is zero visibility. I scarcely see a huntress sneak a hit at low rank where it is easy to 360 your camera. Also yes if you can throw hatchets at pallets when they drop them, most survivors at low rank won't even bother dropping a pallet unless they know you swing through

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
    edited March 2020

    What if Huntress moved at 115% movement speed, but after throwing a hatchet she is slowed by 1% per hatchet she is carrying for a certain duaration (10 seconds?)?

    The same could be done with Deathslinger; normal move speed for map pressure, but 110% during chases unless his gun is empty.

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