Why on earth is Scrapped Tape back, and unchanged?

pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

The ONE change is that instead of a yellow rarity it’s now a green rarity!

I’m sorry but Scrapped Tape was utter garbage with no clear synergy with other add ons and it’s now more expensive garbage.

Is it for the “memes”? Like come on - at least give Doc bonus bp then. It’s just a giant and expensive waste of space that Doc doesn’t benefit from at all.

It should be changed to something like the shock therapy turning into a smaller static blast - the exact opposite of sniper Doc.

Can we please stop this trend of gutting and changing killer add ons to the point of either outright benefiting the survivors or just being junk cluttering bloodwebs. Come on - every killer add on should be somewhat desirable to the killers.
