Why on earth is Scrapped Tape back, and unchanged?
The ONE change is that instead of a yellow rarity it’s now a green rarity!
I’m sorry but Scrapped Tape was utter garbage with no clear synergy with other add ons and it’s now more expensive garbage.
Is it for the “memes”? Like come on - at least give Doc bonus bp then. It’s just a giant and expensive waste of space that Doc doesn’t benefit from at all.
It should be changed to something like the shock therapy turning into a smaller static blast - the exact opposite of sniper Doc.
Can we please stop this trend of gutting and changing killer add ons to the point of either outright benefiting the survivors or just being junk cluttering bloodwebs. Come on - every killer add on should be somewhat desirable to the killers.
weird champ I don't think anyone actually used this add on when playing as doctor unless they were new to the game and uninformed
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I know. It’s a garbage add on that should have been left in the dumpster.
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Isn't that the add-on that made the shock a ring?
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Yes. The donut one.
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BHVR logic: if it sucks for killer, make it more expensive in bloodweb.
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Oh god I remember that
Before doc got reworked, I put that with the add-on that increased how big shock therapy was
I never tier 3'd anyone
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That and adding reversed skill checks to Doc's base kit are the two changes I find a bit questionable. Hopefully they'll change the addon in the future.
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The devs didn't want to give him his Exhaustion effect back (too many Survivors rely on it) so they just gave him his worst add-on back and didn't even bother to change it. It's basically wasted space on the Bloodweb.
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They really should've just filled in the hole. At least then it would've had some actual utility.
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Exactly! It should operate in the opposite way of Interview Tape. But it’s garbage. A waste of space and bloodpoints. This is the kind of thing that does not inspire killers to keep playing killer.
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I actually got a kill with it once.
A Dwight was trying to rescue someone on 2nd hook on a hill and I jumped off a two-story building while charging. The shock was just close enough to reach him and the person on hook died. Got a good chuckle.
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The only use I can think of is to combine it with Interview Tape so that the middle of the "shock donut" is filled in. Makes it near impossible to miss shock therapy. But yeah, there's no reason to use it, especially since his other add-ons got QoL buffs.
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Oh! I was wondering why I never got that add-on anymore. It's one of my favorites! Glad it's back. Dunno what you guise are on about. Being able to hit Survivors behind you is nothing but win.
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Is it? I don't recall that. I still prefer the ring over the default as I seem to hit people easier with the ring.
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I don't think the "cult following" would have complained to a buff.
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I find it hard to believe the 2? members of the cult following (is this cult by any chance a cult of wanting killers to be hindered?) would see their definitely unpopular perk be more expensive than before AND WITH NO BUFFS, and be happy about it.
I’m sorry @Peanits but I think meme add ons are turning into a very old joke for people who are not part of a cult, and they have lost their appeal - if there ever was any.
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I welcome Donut Doc back, I missed him very much
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Any chance we could see a bit of an update to it? Say, filling in the hole, or at least making it a bit smaller?
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I think it would be cool if it shocked in the middle first, and then the outside afterwards. It'd be like a ripple effect that if used correctly, could increase a survivor's madness tier super fast.
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So you make it rarer and don't improve it at all? o.O
Like...what? xD
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Who wants to meme when gens are flying by.
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Scrapped Tape has a cult following? Where?
But still why couldn’t you guys buff it instead of leaving it in its useless state? Don’t think the cult would mind if their add-on got stronger.
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You don't really believe that? I smell horseshit ;)
No, the add-on is pure crap and not even worth getting it for free. Now it's 5000BP? What are you guys smoking?
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Scrapped tape is the reason why I ended up with over 600 Iridescent Queens. It's such a bad add-on, and I never purposely bought it in bloodwebs, much less ever used it, I only had so many of them because they were in the path to better add-ons. Bringing it back is going to have a similar impact on my inventory, only now it costs more. They could've at least made it so that the inner 3 meter circle is where it will hit 8 meters away from doc making it a max 7m circle with range add-ons. The whole "Ring" thing makes it so bizarre to handle or hit survivors with, and if you add the range increase add-ons they just make it a huge ring with an even bigger center area of safety which becomes ridiculously difficult to hit survivors with. I have no Idea who actually likes this stupid thing, or why, and this is coming from someone who has loved/mained Doc since his release.
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Except for the players who are not cultish users of a very bad addon who may be forced to spend points on it to get to better addons.
This is much like filling a lootbox with garbage except for 1 good item forcing players to spend more resources than are reasonably necessary to get that particular item.
I just realized that the bloodweb is a lootbox...
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On the bright side, now you have 600+ iridescent queens
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Shouldn't it not appear as much now if it's green? Plus, again, optional. You don't gotta take it. Especially after you P3 and get all the perks on a character, you only need to pick specifically what you want.
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Cult Following is not what should uphold balance. Actually changing numbers or effects is what balance is about. The entire time it was missing there could have been buffs that would have made it actually something desirable, but the entire time nothing was done about an add-on numerous people showed there was an issue with and the stats would follow up to show as well.
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*laughs in Salt pouch, binding offerings, broken keys, 80% of medkit add ons, 50% of toolbox add ons, 70% of key add ons, 50% of flashlight add ons, and other waste of space literally no one uses that plagues every survivors bloodwebs*
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Oh, that's a really cool idea. Make it so they can only be hit by one layer of it, no matter what. I'd also kinda like to see outside first, and then inside, so that you can make plays where survivors are forced to stand still for a second to dodge it, but don't just get away free if they do. It would be a much better zone denial tool like that.
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So by that logic...there’s a small cult following for nurse why not give her back no cool down ? Since your going with that maybe be consistent