Deathslinger is hot garbage

Holy ######### is he fun though, but it’s near impossible to apply by gene pressure with him against decent survivor. I place him near OG Freddy tier that’s how bad he is, but he’s definitely one of the most fun killers in the game. Please buff my boy of cows
It's not problem with him - it's problem with gens speed
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Exactly, he can’t apply gen pressure because they go too fast and t can’t travel fast enough
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We know. Everybody knew. He's trash in high rank play, but the devs only look at the low end of the spectrum.
Best bet is to force a three gen, but even then, he moves so slowly I don't think you can capitalize.
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Idk what you're talking about, but no. They nerfed Gen speeds with the whole toolbox thing. And now survivors are more focused on saboing hooks quickly when you carry someone rather than gens.
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Gen speed is fine and Deathslinger looks to be a decent killer addition.
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Agreed. Maybe he's "fun" but he's a bottom-tier Killer with too many weaknesses.
The PTB feedback forum was filled with "Buff Deathslinger" posts and yet we got no changes. :/
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its map design
if people dont know this by now then i wager they dont understand the game at all
as to OP, its kinda obvious huntress is just better
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I suggest running NOED on him, punish survivors for ignoring totems.
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I did have a game in PTB as Deathslinger where three gens were SUPER close to each other, and all three were tagged with Surveillance. Even with three people left, it was straight-up impossible for anyone to properly start a gen. Granted, this was an extreme circumstance, as I was surprised by how close the three gens were. :P
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The problem is that no matter how fun he is, on top of map design, on top of gen speeds, on top of some of your shots not hitting due to dedicated servers, at the end of the day, even if you hit all your shots, your still just a neutered huntress.
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So, 5 minute games are fine?
Yeah, makes sense.
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Exactly. Even in the best circumstances, Huntress is just better.
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I like him, he's fun.
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Imagine releasing a 110ms killer that can't reliably down good survivors with their power.
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I like him because he’s fun, but he’s nothing else
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I mean, I was able to apply enough pressure with him, sorry that you're having trouble with this killer, maybe if you put some more time into him it would increase your chance of getting kills. Good luck!
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I’ve been playing killer for two years, I can’t tell a weak killer when I play one. But thanks anyways
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But people buy buy buy so the devs never feel the pain. If players just boycotted a weak dlc maybe we’d see progress
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I notice there's basically no difference between reeling a healthy survivor in, and letting them break free. all that changes is you get a longer stun when they break free. So he's basically a cross between Huntress and Legion, if they only crossed the downsides of both of them.
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I run inner strength and detective's and I go out of my way to wipe every totem off the map...yet I'll do like four of them and NOED still activates...three people can't do 1 totem? But some of them are like just crazy placement wise. One was inside a bag making it invisible on three sides and the only side you could see it was facing a wall without Detective's it would have literally never been found. I have also seen them inside a bush and one in a little alcove shielded from view by two small walls behind another wall...without some perk or something to alert you to their location it can be impossible to find them and the other times they are just out in the open like found two of them in the basement room at Badham.
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in the sorry state of this game right now old freddy may be dare i say good
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He gets gen rushed like every other killer. It's not a problem with him but with the game right now. He is pretty damn good as a killer.
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No he’s not 😂 almost every game I’ve had I’ve looped him and gen rushed him..and that’s with ransoms imagine swf he won’t stand a chance
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I also think he is fun. Not good. But fun.
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His design is lackluster where the only unique aspects of him is his leg and his weapon
For me it's not fun to play against him, he either hits impossible shoots or misses every single shoot , and even if he does it's a 50/50 % chance you'll be able to control your survivor against him