Survivor base is sliding down hill
As of today's release of patches 75% of the people I am playing with are quitting thanks alot dev's if I am losing so many friends and associates there has to be others as well so I guess maintaining the killers happiness is worth losing a large amount of survivors. Good job you are successful and being honest I was leaving anyway to play resistance when it drops but this has made my decision so much easier.
Meh, I really haven't seen much difference or seen a depletion in players on ps4. But i understand if the new changes aren't for you. Good luck in resitance.
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It's actually kind of sad right the only escapes we are getting are when 3 people dc due to bad connection or poor etiquette from the killer tunneling/ camping it's been 4k all day and the killers aren't even that good most of the time we get frozen at a window or pallet and they get free hits
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I just went against a try hard, lag switch Myers. I'm gonna play some Resident Evil 2 today, not dealing with that today
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I can completely agree with that logic
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I don’t understand are you complaining about the toolbox changes
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Also why do people have to do that thing where they announce they’re leaving just say that the game doesn’t fit your style anymore and say thanks for all the good times you had.
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Thing is I never said I was leaving today it's still a pain in the bum and honestly i don't have many good memories i play because my wife likes to play fortunately for her she hasn't had to deal with this absolute nonsense that has occurred so far today
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I love that game. Im actually dropping dbd for awhile next month when resident evil 3 launches
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If you're gonna come in here and start whining, at least give a reason why. At least other survivors explain why they're upset. Coming in here and doing nothing but complain about nothing in general is a 100% way to garuntee absolutely nothing gets accomplished.
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Nothing is going to get done either way I could go through the list of changes starting with how the tool boxes are basically useless now or how they added another ranged killer with improvement to hit boxes so they shooting people around corners and what have you. The doctor was already a huge pain in the bum and they just made it even worse. The problem is if the killer mains out there decide that something is too good for survivors to have they unite to get it removed and the survivor don't get any compensation for it the loss.
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Survivors finally upset for a change, god I could cry it's so wonderful.
Thank you BHVR.
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Admittedly, since the Ruin change happened before the Toolbox change, it's not technically compensation. But you're an amazing level of dellusional if you think that the toolbox changes were even close to as devestating to survivors as the Ruin changes were to killers. Toolboxes aren't even needed to stomp killers if you actually know what you're doing as survivor since that change.
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Run has opened up new combos for killers which in will not discuss because I don't want more killers using them but ruin now has been way more helpful then old ruin due to the combos available
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changing the game.. in the wrong direction. dumbing it down so they can get a couple new players lmao, most people quit this game because of the gameplay they don't fix the physical gameplay, just items and perks. i don't feel i should lose things for surviving though leave it how it was, i used to deplete most of my stuff anyway, i switch from character to character at lvl 50
I have 10 3rd prestige characters on ps4
i also noticed im starting to run into the same people more often as survivors, hope thats not a bad sign
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i'm in the same situation but most of the people i know started leaving once ruin was nerfed and the match making got really bad. it was kind of the last straw for them. a lot of people have said that they are only staying because there's no game like dbd out there at the moment. well that may not be the case much longer. i'm also leaving once project resistance comes out in april.
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If you are running into same people it means there smaller pool of to people to pull from meaning less are playing
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It is quit funny but you killer mains don't understand if survivors quit who are you going kill and complain about I for one will be happy to see this game fail if not just for satisfaction of the killer mains got what they wanted and the survivors decided that game wasn't worth playing anymore
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Unless you are on PS4, are you sure that it was lagswitching and not... something else?
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Oh yeah because sabo wasn't fine the way it was
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I came on today thinking oh new killer let's try find him I play as survivor mainly btw and even all I found was other survivors kept disconnecting as every killer I found just hook camped and was tunneling it just took all the fun away from the game really that's all I seem to find now in games so I can see why survivors will just dc as it ruines the game for them.
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Killer base declining? Survivor base declining? Dev base declining?
Can you guys make your minds up?
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I agree
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All things consider as of today I know survivor side is dropping drastically I ran into the same people 3 games in a row and as killer I ran into same group back to back then a third time a few games later so I don't know what to tell you considering it takes 4 survivors to 1 killer to make a game go I would think that running survivors off would hurt the player base as whole more but what do I know it's only simple math
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I had this like 2 or 3 days ago I found the same ghost face killer 3 games in a row 😂
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Don't be going around spreading false information brother, if you're saying toolboxes are "useless" I suggest trying sabo. Unless you're upset that you can't end a game in 5 minutes. Also you're complaining about The Deathslinger having an accurate hit-box? From my experience I haven't seen anything that would seem like a BS hit, in fact I feel like I get hits stolen from me/from the killer more (mind you I usually play with 50ms on PC). You say The Doctor is a huge pain? Don't play his game, you can't loop him. (funny because a lot of survivors still don't realize this) Drop the pallet early instead. And the fact that you say killers have to "unite" to get things nerfed.. Lets see... the only instance I can think of is MoM, which we have are own fair share, Freddy got nerfed in about a week into his release when he wasn't even that strong, meanwhile MoM was OP as all hell, it was literally a "get out of jail free" card that couldn't be countered in any way if you were an M1 killer. You HAD to deal with it. It took almost 3 years for DS to be reworked and its even STRONGER than before. Before we could at least juggle and have Enduring to counter. Now? The survivor is invincible for a whole minute with nothing to counter it. The syringe took 3 years to be nerfed but to compensate, they buffed the styptic. And now toolboxes, you didn't need them in the first place, survivors can already end a game in 5 minutes if they're efficient. If anything survivors cry more for killer nerfs if you ask me, the longest thing that lasted was The Nurse, the only issue she had was her add ons and they still touched her base kit. People were fine with The Spirit at first until tons of people grew hate boners for her and they nerfed her as well, they nerfed The Oni from PTB, and then nerfed him AGAIN (He is how ever, in a better spot now) They nerfed Ruin, they nerfed Hangman's (which I'm fine with, it was strong af) and hopefully thats the end of it. The game is still not balanced but if you think killers have it easy, you're dead wrong bud. I'm not saying survivors have it easy either, both sides have their fair share of frustrating things. But don't make it seem like its only one side.
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I bet that was fun right? I want variety and if they stomped you one game or you them 8s fun for anyone?
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Yes, my game froze up when in chase and only when in chase, the rest of the time it was perfect connection
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By simple math this 4 Survivors need that 1 Killer so losing a Killer will tremendously impact the other 4 Survivors, but losing only 1 Survivor will slightly impact the Killer.
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Also I was running into same people for some time before even the Ruin changes so that could also mean that it always was like that.
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To be fair this is my opinion it not false information and if you played survivor with ds you would know that 90% of the time it's a joke and the syringe is basically useless most of us that use it gets hit right after using it
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I never said the syringe wasn't nerfed how ever it is still strong. If you're able to pull off the heal mid chase you waste A LOT of the killers time. And DS being a joke? Are you sure we're playing the same game here? I'd say about 80% of the time when I have DS, I'm able to use it.
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It's not getting use out of it's a matter of it actually getting you away from the killer every ds I see from either the survivor is caught again within 20 seconds
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Killer on ps4 have dedicated server there is no p2p anymore. The Real Issue is the FPS Hiccups and Freezes. On Killer screen the game freeze for a second (example) and he swing in this moment and you get the hit because of this freeze. And you can stay out of sight doesnt matter the Killer Screen decide hit or no hit.
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If a survivor is smart, they're gonna run into a place where they KNOW they're going to be safe, also those 20 seconds can still cost the killer the game. If its early game it can cost the killer 2-3 gens which is 40-60% of the survivors objective completed, meanwhile the killer got around 8% and cant even get up to that 16% just because of a perk.
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i know. i don't play survivor anymore. if breakable walls are applied to all maps, i'm out and not touching survivor ever again. and my only 2 friends i used to play survivor with, i barely ever play with them anymore because they prefer killer now..
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I threw down a pallet and my character just stood there. I've seen pc lag switchers, and my game had the exact same type of "lag", not what you described
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u must be a whiny killer main go cry to your mommy to buy u more dlc
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Look we are not going to agree on anything here so don't waste your time your clearly a killer main entitled to your 4k so it's fine I understand I like 4k to but it's not needed to make me feel adequate
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No it really wasnt fun as he camped and everyone got hooked and let themselves die so they didnt get the timer ban
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And that's the game we have today that's fun players right? They want to stay on play and after spending a day playing against those kinds of people.
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Well the group I play with dont play as much because of how much camping killers do and because of the amount of doctors you find which sucks cause I think the game is good other than that as I've not had many problems with it
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I actually liked the update. The only problems I have is the addon changes and the toolbox nerf. Toolboxes definitely needed tweaked, but they feel pretty much useless now.
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Have You actually used toolboxes after the update? I have. I was able to complete half a gen in a few seconds with a purple toolbox and brand new part, so they definitely aren't useless, you just can't use them on multiple gens any more.
The only reason there are a low number of survivors atm is because everyone wants to play the new killer, this happens every time a new one is released. Survivors still drastically out number killers, so even if survivors were to up and quit I bet killer lobbies would still be instant.
Seriously, stop acting like a spoilt little brat. Learn to deal and adapt to these challenges, like how you survivor mains continuously tell killers how to. All these changes are doing is ripping the power role from survivors, so now you'll actually have to develop some skill instead of just abusing broken game mechanics for the easy win.
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Of course the servers are strained lol it’s the release of a new chapter and the game is half off there’s a lot of players on today
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Of course the servers are strained lol it’s the release of a new chapter and the game is half off there’s a lot of players on today
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What are you complaining about?
The tool box changes were meant to add some level of tactics to the survivors besides just holding m1 like a drone then optimally looping around the same object. Now you got to use your toolboxes optimally for max effect, or you can still just rush with them. Can't really hurt yourself doing that but you might not get most outo f them.
The tool boxes do their job faster too as well sabotaging is faster. If anything Survivors should be breezing with these changes. It literally fits in flow with the get the gens done quickly as possibly mentality and dosen't make them slugishly sabotage hooks to 99&. Some of the changes even make it so killers can hear the gens getting done from a lower radius so they might pass them by more, especially in chase.
The only actual nerf I can think that happened here is that since toolboxes get used quicker it might promote survivors to go after chests since they might actually need the new items fairly quickly to replace the use up ones.
You're acting like you got nerfed when in reality you got a rework to match the speed of the game. Unless there is some other changes survivor got that I don't know about. Is this a bait thread?
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What are you complaining about?
The tool box changes were meant to add some level of tactics to the survivors besides just holding m1 like a drone then optimally looping around the same object. Now you got to use your toolboxes optimally for max effect, or you can still just rush with them. Can't really hurt yourself doing that but you might not get most outo f them.
The tool boxes do their job faster too as well sabotaging is faster. If anything Survivors should be breezing with these changes. It literally fits in flow with the get the gens done quickly as possibly mentality and dosen't make them slugishly sabotage hooks to 99&. Some of the changes even make it so killers can hear the gens getting done from a lower radius so they might pass them by more, especially in chase.
The only actual nerf I can think that happened here is that since toolboxes get used quicker it might promote survivors to go after chests since they might actually need the new items fairly quickly to replace the use up ones.
You're acting like you got nerfed when in reality you got a rework to match the speed of the game. Unless there is some other changes survivor got that I don't know about. Is this a bait thread?
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I agree. This is just a bait thread.
They have two pages of comments and still haven't listed what they have a problem with in the survivors side of the patch notes.