if huntress has a windup why doesnt deathslinger?
the instant ads is quite insane when it comes to predicting when to dodge and when to keep running, with huntress you see it coming and can react accordingly. with deathslinger you cant. i think he should have a slower ADS
Because he has a GUN!?
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Because he has reload, and it’s a GUN
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Because he is an entirely different killer balanced around entirely different set of mechanics, stats, and more.
Also I've run 2 deathslingers for 5 gens today, that happened twice in one day I never run red rank killers that long- but I had no issue dodging his gun. If anything it's easier to dodge than a huntress hatchet because the hitbox is so much smaller than her hatchets are and he has to reload after every shot.
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Gun isn't an instant damage state, Axe is.
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Yeah let's nerf him its not fair that he can shoot so fast, clearly op
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how isnt it though..? regardless if whether he m1's or not ur broken and injured how isnt that instant damage
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i have a bunch of clips of his harpoon landing through objects and jungle gyms. the hitbox is questionable
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That is the hitbox of those objects not the Deathslinger's harpoon.
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You must be new here.
Deathslinger needs buffs, not nerfs.
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of a full blown jungle gym wall...?!? elaborate
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You should upload a clip if it's going through a full wall and report that; as that would definitely be a bug that should be fixed. I assumed you meant when it passes through just the edges of objects; things like rocks and such have square like shapes for hitboxes not the exact pixel for pixel geometry of their forms.
Still, that is just a bug and still a far leap from the earlier statement.
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Because he's already mid-low tier at best. Giving him a windup will drop him to sub-clown levels
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if you think hes low tier youre bad
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i have a clip, where can i send you
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I mean it won't do me any good, make a post here and upload the video and put a link to it in your post: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/categories/bugs
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I thought some streamer said you can 100% dodge the shot with reaction. The moment you see he raises his arm, go sideways and he'll miss every single time.
I think it was Scott who said it? But i'm not sure
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A successful shot is not necessarily a down if you manage to break the chain or vault a pallet before the harpoon hits you while injured. That's why Gunslinger can aim/shoot instantly. When Huntress "shoots" an injured survivor they go into the dying state no matter where they are.
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Same reason the Ghostface can crouch instantly but Pig has an animation, they aren't the same thing, one can cause damage every time the other is like a Legion (can injure easily, even deep wounds if wanted, but can't down you with the M2).
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Because Deathslinger's gun doesn't give damage after being shot... only if the chain breaks and if you hit them.
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It's because of his neutral special. Trust me, you are gonna hate his 0 to death combo.
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The Debts-Linger does have a wind up; it's just after firing the projectile instead of before (the part where you literally have to wind in a survivor to get a down)
Post edited by Nos37 on0 -
Have you ever thrown a hatchet? Do you get instant speed and velocity from a simple toss? No, you don’t. You have to “wind up”, by lifting your arm, aiming, and throwing. It’s going to take time.
Ever shot a gun? You point in the direction of your target and pull the trigger. Damn near instant speed from that simple squeeze.
Thats why. Science and common sense is fun.
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-110 killer
-No map pressure
-Easy to avoid power
-Power can be avoided at certain loops or structures, making him a 110 M1 killer.
He's bad.
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Because Deathslinger isn't Huntress.
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Because it's DBD not Matrix.
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there are TONS of shots he can make around tiles that huntress could never. your complaint is a massive case of get gud
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ok, so it's time to remove wind-up from huntress :)
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If you're injured it basically doesn't matter unless he drags you, which is what I was referring to.
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He can't guarantee a kill so it's pretty justified; Huntress can so she should have a windup
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He has to aim down sights. I wish he could hip fire.
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I assume he is talking about dedicated server lag where he gets hit after going round a bend on his screen. A lot of people don't understand how internet connections, client side, server side, and the delays between them work.
Killer actions are dealt client side. If the Killer gets a hit on his screen, it happens instantly for him and can look very far off on the Survivor's screen as the Survivor is told he got hit upwards of 150ms after the fact. This is why you can take damage after going into cover or why Killers look to have 10 foot long hitboxes.
Just another complaint topic without knowing better. And another check mark for how dedicated servers wasn't a good idea for DbD gameplay due to the higher amount of standard lag compared to P2P.
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He has to reload after every shot he makes, I think it makes up for lack of windup.
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Because it's a gun.
And if you gave him slower ADS it would cripple him. He already has to reload after every shot and be pinpoint accurate. You survivor mains really want everything in your favor don't you?
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Maybe because you are literally using a GUN
also because Deathslinger is not a 100% injure with his rifle
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Is he throwing the gun at people? 😂😜