nerfs lol? gens are being done faster now also swf really ruins the game

You know I'm not a bad killer but, holy crap how are generators being done so fast? I had 4 games since the new update. Every game I have been completely gen rushed too a point I can't even stop to chase anyone.

I wanna blame my ping but, hey 65ms isn't bad right? Still getting mocked and looped for days.


  • jebbush
    jebbush Member Posts: 35

    yup and just to make swf stronger they buffed sabotaging. the devs don't have a clue what their game is like outside of brown ranks. watch this video to see what kind of skill level the devs are at

  • jebbush
    jebbush Member Posts: 35
    edited March 2020

    And since the devs don't have good players that can have a deep understanding of what's balanced and what isn't, they have to rely on community feedback to make balancing decisions. And community feedback is a horrible way to balance an asymmetrical multiplayer game, because vast swathes of the community will have only played one side and comment from only one perspective. This is why the game is in the state that it's in.