Yeah Devs, You dont favor survivors at allllll

xRem Member Posts: 375

This was a badham, They got 4 and a half gens done before I got a down and my power.

I then played out of my mind and barley got 2 dead and regressed all the gens.

Then someone dcd, allowing one to escape and I get a black pip and 2 kills to my record.

This isn't bannable and survivors do it every game.

This can literally guarantee at least 1 escapes almost every game and hasn't been fixed, despite having been brought to attention multiple times.

DC penalties dont fix this as good survivors can do it the once or twice they lose a day.

So please explain to me again how you dont favor survivors?



  • xRem
    xRem Member Posts: 375
    edited March 2020

    It was badham and they're a 4man, I'm not going to do well as katana man.

  • xRem
    xRem Member Posts: 375

    The issue isn't that I didn't 4k, if one would've escaped through hatch normally I wouldn't mind, this however guaranteed it and imo that unfair asf.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    Where is the favouring survivors part in this? You sound like the devs are specifically not trying to fix these issues to please survivors.

    They can't do it so often. Punishments will increase quickly because they don't decrease every day (afaik at least).

    And why do you care so much if they do this? You already won the game.

  • SurvivorsAreRuined
    SurvivorsAreRuined Member Posts: 75

    so Just to sum it all up , frustrations set in so persistently on the survivor side as it doesn’t feel like a perfected system in place for them. 75% of the time I go down I don’t feel like these killers deserve the down let alone the kill. You don’t know what the survivor player you got the down on is experiencing on his/her end of things. Failed pallet drops, lag, bugs, glitches. All kinds of stuff. Then what, forced to be left on hook or Mori’d and now you’re headed back to the menu with barely any bloodpoints to show for it? Yeah okay. That’ll make me wanna queue up again lmao people are selfish sometimes when it comes to killer I swear.

  • Frankie
    Frankie Member Posts: 807

    It's not about winning and losing. People can accept losing. The issue is, the game balance is skewed in favor of one side. In this case, survivors. There's many examples of this being the case.

    Firstly - when something (a perk, item, addon etc) on the survivor side is nerfed, there's almost always a big trade off put in place to soften the blow. Example, toolboxes - the nerf being less charges, and trade offs being faster repair, near instant sabo speed. Balanced landing - no longer reduces stagger if exhausted, but silences your fall noise as a trade off. Instaheals - the styptic in particular. No longer insta heals a health state, but gives you another health state regardless, it's bottled time now. Which makes it just as useful. On the killer side, things are just gutted with no trade off to keep it remotely useful, even when they don't have to be. The best example being Freddy in 2017. Yes, he got fixed, but it took them almost TWO YEARS to rectify that...time is another story...another example is ruin and gearhead. Neither were OP, both were nerfed, and with zero trade offs. They are both garbo now. Not that they were great before, but they are even worse now. Like, nerfed into obscurity. Or something on the killer side that was actually overpowered, like Hangmans Trick in the PTB. It was OVERNERFED to the point of being almost more useless than it was before the rework.

    Secondly, the time in which issues are fixed for survivors is SIGNIFICANTLY faster than killer issues. Some examples being...DS when the Doc rework came out. It was broken. Fixed within days. Meanwhile, sounds, the first lunge of Wraith/Spirit/GF etc...still broken months later. Killer issues. The only thing on the killer side done that fast are nerfs. Examples include (again) Freddy 2017, Oni, Gearhead, Hangmans Trick etc. The evidence is there, and it's pretty black and white, that one side is prioritized over the other.

    Why do you think they are making up this whole MMR nonsense to get rid of ranks and open matchmaking? Cause killers are slowly not playing killer anymore, or just not playing DBD at all, and they need to make queues faster; and yes. They are making it up. They are lying through their dishonest teeth about the MMR. Simply because it is LITERALLY impossible for any sort of algorithm or AI to measure skill in Dead by Daylight. There is FAR too much RNG to determine when someone is good vs when they aren't. Only humans can make that judgement.

  • perezkarlo37
    perezkarlo37 Member Posts: 55

    Isn't supposed to be a challenge for the killer to have a 4k? It's considered a win having 3k, and what I have understood from this post is that killers should always have 4k every time survivors commit mistakes. With matchmaking nowadays, maybe there's a good survivor and the other ones are garbage.

    Main idea: We won't get always a 4k every time survivors play badly. If it was supposed to be like this, then we would get 4ks at least a 90% of the games.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    You won after getting your first down with 4 and 1/2 gens done. This is not proof of being survivor-sided. You could've picked a better example, of which there are plenty.

    That person DC'd for whatever reason that we just assume being to give the hatch. Truth is only they know and they will receive their penalty. You will have to settle for a 3k and 29k bp. Not a bad day at the office. Survivors routinely settle for a 3v1 when a teammate DCs or suicides on hook. It looks to me like you got the better bargain.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    An another example that killers lack serious game sense if you conclude the game would be survivor sided from what you told us. Hilarious.

  • SL33PY
    SL33PY Member Posts: 71

    I play both killer and survivor pretty equally and survivor is so much easier and way more fun than killer most of the time. I’m not a toxic jerk either but that’s all I seem to play against as killer. These are the scummy babies that will write you crying when you kill them no matter how you play. It seems like survivors constantly write me crying over the most petty things imaginable. I never get hate messages from killers ever. I’m not even bad at killer but let’s be real as a killer you have to almost always play perfect to have a chance against a decent squad while as a survivor you can make multiple mistakes and not cost your team at all as long as your team is decent. mistakes as a survivor are nowhere near as devastating as simple killer mistakes can be. Over half of my killer games end with 3-4ks but its such a hassle most of the time that I barely enjoy it. As a survivor I survive around half the time but I don’t even care if I die at all, camp me tunnel me idc I won’t write you crying. The devs have tried to balance the game but it’s really hard when all everyone does is cry about everything on both sides. The problem is not a lot of people want to play killer anymore which is why the que times have been worse than ever for survivors until deathslinger came out. I’m sure they will get really bad again soon because at the end of the day killer just isn’t that fun.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    This is why we have such a big disconnect between sides.

    If you haven't played killer competitively in high ranks it is hard to understand how sweaty it is most games to maintain rank.

    Then we ate also conditioned by emblem system that we need that 4k to "win".

    You play well, try to play as fair as you can without cucking yourself , and bam safety pip. Makes it feel like a loss.

    So cycle continues...gotta play super sweaty next time to make sure you pip.

    What do you think killers. Would you accept 1 or 2 ks as a win, if emblem system would allow you to pip that way?

    Rewarded more for hooks and gennys defended.

  • BigBubs
    BigBubs Member Posts: 1,131
    edited March 2020

    I have a feeling it's the salt talking.

    Also...if you are rank 1 then why do you even care if you got safety pip? There's nowhere to rank up to. That's just entitlement now.

  • Nøti
    Nøti Member Posts: 12

    you're rank one, who cares if you pip or not it does nothing, and if it's that important to you that survivors don't get gens done early play a high mobility killer and just patrol gens, but don't whine over a decent game where 3 died and you had a weak start

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138


  • CrispyChestnuts
    CrispyChestnuts Member Posts: 175

    I don't understand, you trounced them. What are you complaining about? Also dcing is bannable unless whatever platform you are on doesn't have dedicated servers yet. You got more bloodpoints, you killed all but one survivor, and you got to depip, you win in every sense of the word.

  • monstermaster42
    monstermaster42 Member Posts: 81

    The survivor that DCed, did they happened to be downed at the time and you were going off to hunt the last one/find the hatch? Or did they DC on hook, ooooor did they DC after being hit?

  • Signar
    Signar Member Posts: 10

    Thank you google ads for once again making me question the intelligence of people who hit rank 1. I can't imagine whining about something like this.

  • PB182
    PB182 Member Posts: 80

    Imagine if you got banned for life cause you disconnected 🤣🤣🤣

  • memiieko
    memiieko Member Posts: 187

    That's on you tbh, when I play Oni, I only get 1-2 gens before a down and then at that point it doesn't matter because then I have my power and the ability to snowball and slug

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,175

    But he would have 4k'd and he didn't because of "hatch tech". Being robbed of 2 kills is not killer entitlement. The fact that so many killers complain about this and nothing has been done about it shows that the devs are survivor sided. If there's a game breaking bug or feature that hurts survivors, it's fixed within the month and bans are given out to killers who abuse it.

  • TinyMoon3
    TinyMoon3 Member Posts: 45

    Did you ever think the guy meant to dc? There are other reasons you know. The others are errors/bluescreens or their wifi connection failed. Not sure why u wanted to complain about a disconnecting survivor, it's so dumb. I dont get upset when a survivor dc's during a match.

  • madsweeney84
    madsweeney84 Member Posts: 31

    Of course that's what someone who probably mains survivors has read. The gen rush is real, despite how many "nerfs" they accordingly hand out. Which we know isnt the case, that recent buff to the tool box is ridiculous.

    But hey, I dont play anymore, I used to be one of the ones that wait for each new chapter drop, each new skin, I wasted money on this game just for survivor mains to reap the benefits of almost every chapter. Because "1v4 iS tOo OP" or "KiLLeR Op". This a survivor leaning game , when they are making the each aspect of the game more viable towards survivor players.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    Tl;dr: OP's issue is survivors flipping the table to win the game, and he gets penalized.

    In short, it's survivor sided when they cheat to win. Which is a very valid argument.

    Everyone who disagrees is either stupid survivor mains or trolling. Then again, potato, pota-to.

    xBEATDOWNSx Member Posts: 636

    My dude. 2k and a DC so three kills.

    You got outplayed at the start but managed to turn it around. You did good. Accept the win and move on.

  • LintyScorpion
    LintyScorpion Member Posts: 165

    You can tell the survivor mains from the killer main in this thread.

    Survivor main: "bro, you got the 3k, what's the problem?"

    Killer mains: "I don't think survivor should be able to DC to give the other survivor a free escape, it's an exploit in the game and should be punished more."

    Also survivor main: "LOL just mad cuz didn't get free 4k"

  • LintyScorpion
    LintyScorpion Member Posts: 165

    Can't imagine whining that a survivor can exploit the game with little to no punishment?

  • Zamblot
    Zamblot Member Posts: 270

    There's not doing well and then there isn't getting a down until 4 and a half gens have been done

  • LintyScorpion
    LintyScorpion Member Posts: 165

    That doesn't matter, if you DC to give someone hatch, it's an exploit

  • LintyScorpion
    LintyScorpion Member Posts: 165

    The point wasn't that they wanted the 4k, the point was that survivors can exploit the game with little to no punishment

  • Alex_Splicer
    Alex_Splicer Member Posts: 122

    I love how everyone's missing the big picture.

    It's the fact that even after 2-3 kills the game either black pips you or you somehow derank because gens can get done in literally less than five minutes.

    I love good games that actually last and not a bunch of survivors wiggling their way out by gen rushing and NEVER trying to interact with the killer.

  • Vexyen
    Vexyen Member Posts: 10

    Why is everyone saying he 3k when he clearly says he got 2 kills and 1 d/c when you get a d/c it is not the equivalent of a kill you get way less points, as well people are also calling a black pip a win I would consider that a tie at best for both sides...

  • UpsettingDruid0
    UpsettingDruid0 Member Posts: 20

    This entire thing reads as I want a 4k. Killers don't deserve 4ks just like survivors don't so deserve to escape. Who cares that they dced, you played poorly most of the match and that's that.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    I can slug and get a 4k every game but that doesn't mean you got to enjoy the match. Hell as a survivor I can do nothing all match and get a hatch escape, doesn't mean I deserved it or enjoyed the match.

    While I don't understand the OPs complaint about DC penalties (as that person will get a stacking match timeout leading to a ban) I do get the frustration of not getting a pip due to the match ending too quickly to fill your emblem requirements.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    Not enjoying your match is one thing, the other one is blaming everyone but you for not doing good. His attitude is really poor.

  • jooburger
    jooburger Member Posts: 4

    Maybe you just aren't very good. Why got lots of points. Does your entitled butt hurt because you didn't get the 4K you are entitled to as killer?

  • domsugarbooger
    domsugarbooger Member Posts: 24

    Please tell me u aint daying they favor survivors? Lol bc thats funny bc its killers they favor. Lets see they gave u all the end game that is a one sided for the killer. They killed the toll boxes now and sabotage sucks they killed that to idk but it aint survivors getting favored bud. And by the looks of it u did ok by the time the game ended? It just means u need to pick up ur game a little faster so u wont get gen rushed. It happens to me as well but oh well it happens.