Chains of Hate dlc isn’t fun, repetitive matches etc.

uuid Member Posts: 17

so the chains of hate dlc just came out and I’m getting so bored already. All I’m going against is deathslingers who tunnel and use noed to win, but you can’t expect anything different as it is a new killer. It’s really starting to piss me off because it’s just repetitive bull crap which is there to only enjoy for about 3 matches until you realise every killer player is drooling over the deathslinger. So it isn’t really fun, who would want to put up with some repetitive ######### which isn’t fun anymore?


  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    Sorry, I am in love with the new Killer.

    I never had So much Fun playing new Killer in like... ages.

  • Godot
    Godot Member Posts: 806

    hey killers, how dare you try out the new killer hm? how DARE you play as the new killer?

    you did the same thing with the legion when darkness among us came out. how DARe yOU???//

  • uuid
    uuid Member Posts: 17

    I’m not saying they shouldn’t play him I’m just saying it’s getting so boring so please don’t get so wound up because that’s what I’m seeing rn.

  • uuid
    uuid Member Posts: 17

    stop what, am I not allowed to have my own opinion on a killer? This is what forums are for. And I’m not saying they shouldn’t play deathslinger btw.

  • Godot
    Godot Member Posts: 806

    bro I'm going against Deathslinger almost every match and they are exactly like you explained so: tunneling, camping, etc.

    not much anyone can do about that and it indeed is slightly boring, but it's not something we can make a fuss about because it won't do anything, and as I said, people are just trying out the killer for now and see if it's fun.

  • uuid
    uuid Member Posts: 17

    I do, well at least I try. Like every time a new killer comes out, they usually tunnel to win because they struggle playing them. It’s pretty hard to counter noed when I can’t have a single second away from the killer.

  • uuid
    uuid Member Posts: 17

    Yeah I see that, but it’s pisses me off so much that I reach my boiling point. But I can’t expect anything different rather than, “they’re trying out the new killer.” So I’m probably just going to take a break from dbd if I don’t get a single match where the killer isnt deathslinger.

  • FichteHiro
    FichteHiro Member Posts: 711

    People will keep on playing Deathslinger for a long time since he's much fun to play as for most people and since he was just released.

    This game is a bit repetitive sometimes, and it's just the nature of Dead by Daylight, it's not a sandbox game. If playing the game is annoying you because you just go against the new killer, then you should maybe take a break, idk.

    Also, you're being quite a bit destructive with your criticism, constructive criticism is always welcome, but saying the game is a "repetitive *bad word* " isn't really gonna help anyone.

    Using NOED isn't fun for the Survivor side but I can understand why they do this, there isn't really anything you can do to apply map pressure as the Deathslinger other than downing and hooking Survivors since he hasn't got any movement abilities.

  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261

    Sorry...From now I will send a survey to the survivors, so that they can choose my killer and my perks.

    Again, my apologies.

  • Member Posts: 1,398

    Well what do you expect when Deathslinger has zero gen defence is slow as ######### and punished harder than Huntress for a power that is weaker. This killer is forced to play "scummy" because playing "fair" against anyone with braincells is ######### pointless.

    Blame the ######### devs because they are the ones who force killers to play like this and make the game a pain in the arse.

  • uuid
    uuid Member Posts: 17

    I do agree it isn’t helping anyone by throwing out curse words etc, but I do reach my boiling point whenever this kind of thing happens, because rn I’m relying on dead by daylight as my entertainment source as overwatch is just bad in my opinion and I just don’t have a taste for any other games. But the nature of dead by daylight is just like a chain loop. A new chapter comes out and everyone plays the killer and about after a month everyone just goes back to playing their main. And then when a new chapter comes out it repeats. So yeah, you really can’t do much other than just play the game.

  • uuid
    uuid Member Posts: 17

    That is true, the ranking system is bad enough as it is and most matches for me are either face camping, killers giving up and dcing, or just a noed win, even though noed is an easy counter.

  • scenekiller
    scenekiller Member Posts: 890

    I mean... that's what happens, and it makes sense - it's new content.

    Not sure what the big deal is. You've even said you know how this goes and have seen it before, so just deal with it?

  • uuid
    uuid Member Posts: 17

    no need to, even though I’m pretty sure you’re being sarcastic, I don’t wanna seem gullible. But I didn’t say you had to play another killer other than deathslinger and pick specific perks so you can deliberately lose the game. I’m not a little bossy boots boi. Just play as who you want, and even though like I said, you probably are being sarcastic, don’t listen to me.

  • FichteHiro
    FichteHiro Member Posts: 711

    Yeah, but it's how it works unfortunately. Now, with the Ruin Nerf, if the Killer wants to 4k at red ranks, he needs to adopt this sweaty playstyle. Playing the new killer after he launched also happens every time. I mean, you need to get over it in case you don't want to make yourself mad every time you play the game.

  • uuid
    uuid Member Posts: 17

    Just suck it up, but it’s happened so much to me the process pisses me off, you can relate right?

  • uuid
    uuid Member Posts: 17

    i’ll get over it at sometime point, like I said, I’ll take a break.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    As said, new dlc. People want to play him. Get over it.

    What gets me is you bringing up NOED.

    Just. Cleanse. Totems.

    Did you know if you did that, you can deny NOED in the endgame? Woah. . .

    Or you can just take a break for two weeks and let the hype die down some. If playing the game is getting on your nerves that much, maybe you really do need one.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Speak for yourself. I'm having a blast. New killer is a lot of fun for an fps fan like me. New map is fantastic and looks beautiful, art team really nailed it. New survivors story is cool but after playing her a bit her perks are kind of underwhelming. I like her story and outfits though.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    Maybe multiplayer games are not for you? You can't force real people to play the game how you want...

  • Kagari_Leha
    Kagari_Leha Member Posts: 555

    I just love the new dlc and i mean, isnt dbd just repetition of matches against the newest killer / high tier killers all the time ?

    We had a week of only demo, a week of only oni, a week of only doc, and now only deathslinger, and sometimes between all that you get 3 Forever Freddies and 2 Spirits. Almost as if it wasnt new that player prefer the new killers uh.

  • Calabrum
    Calabrum Member Posts: 102

    You forgot Ghostface. There's always a Ghostface. Lol.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Well Deathslinger is one of the most unique killers they've made so far, and also one of the most fun so prepare to see him a lot for the next few weeks (Or just take a break...). While he isn't fun to play against you're just gonna have to live with it I'm afraid there's not much to be done about it.

  • VIle
    VIle Member Posts: 167

    Played 20 matches tonight. Got 20 Deathslingers. Yeah, I'm bored too OP don't feel bad. It's one thing to be excited, I get it, woot woot new shiny, but we're also allowed to be bored when it's the same dish served over and over and over.

  • Schmierbach
    Schmierbach Member Posts: 468


  • Haku
    Haku Member Posts: 614

    People still don't realise this but the new map as good as it looks is terrible for survivors. Most of the pallets are unsafe. There are breakable walls near any decent loop and probably 1/4 of the map is actually a dead zone . Also many gens are exposed in very obvious places where the killer can see you from far. About the killer I find him not really that special mnore like they gave him without thinking how to counter play against him. Yet to find counterplay to his insta shooting. Currently you just run run run till you die and hope your teammates are genrushing him. His synergy with any exposing perk is just stupid strong and people claim he is a worse version of Huntress....

  • Forge
    Forge Member Posts: 33

    I understand this pain. I remember when EVERYONE was playing Myers.. ugh! But as the days go by, this should cool down slightly. However, long term, I think the Devs will most likely nerf him (Sad, but a true, possible fact) HOWEVER, they should take a second look on how to make former Killers MORE fun to play as.

  • uuid
    uuid Member Posts: 17

    I’m not forcing them, I’m just giving my opinion on the new dlc and how the nature of dead by daylight is a rinse and repeat process

  • uuid
    uuid Member Posts: 17

    Yeah I was thinking of taking a break since it’s the same repetitive stuff over and over again and it’s getting boring. But like I said I can’t do anything to stop it.

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171

    I think you should take a break from DbD.

    Not necessarily for even a month or anything, but a week or so of no DbD. Do something else with your free time instead; play a different game, watch a show, read a book, go jogging etc.

    I get what you're talking about is a problem, but it's not a problem that is going to get addressed.

    The most you'll achieve here is getting harassed by people who think you're upset because you're losing to the new Killer/bad at the game.

    So yea, take a break for a week or two, and games should be a lot less samey when you come back (maybe not with the NOED and camping/tunnelling, but at least the Deathslinger part).

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    why did you make this thread?

  • uuid
    uuid Member Posts: 17

    me being dumb, I don’t know if I’ve responded to this already, but I’m not trying to force them to not play deathslinger, I’m just showing how this rinse and repeat process is really starting to annoy me. I don’t really like the nature of most single player games, such as adventure games they usually tend to be. I just prefer games like dead by daylight.