Best insult I've heard yet from a survivor. (I'm a survivor main too)
sweaty hands wrote this.
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Lel. What kind of newb gets salty about dying to a Trapper of all things. Especially a low rank trapper.
Also me:
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You did not lie. I laughed my a** off reading that post.
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Did Yosemite Sam write that comment?
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..................... so he abused you for not farming with an Endgame build? And he's 10 ranks HIGHER than you?
I never say this, but it's THAT moment.
Talk about entitlement!
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lol me too dude me too 😂
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pretty much sums it up 😂😂
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I can confirm that it wasn't that player
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Well I mean they are rank 4 and you're rank 14 so clearly they deserved to beat you because that's what rank means.
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People always complain about how survivors have the edge over the killer, but I routinely see Rank 11 killers roll over groups of survivors several ranks lower.
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So he got mad because you didnt want to farm? Rip DbD.
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meh, too forced, wonder if they were a super proud 12 year old who wrote it down somewhere to copy paste it in this case.
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Lol I love how you made a sad face pointing to noed. If someone said this to me I would write "I used one second chance perk, I bet u use 4 of them. GG ez idiot" and leave. Honestly when someone insults me for using noed I laugh since I realise I did a great job as a killer
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I bet you that person is a 10 year old kid
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Eric Cartman playing DBD.
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Not gonna lie I would have laughed so hard I'd probably end up chatting back and giving them a thumbs up for such a unique insult.
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I dont think I've ever typed that much in post game chat! I laughed my ass off reading it.
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lmao that dude went OFF
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######### is dad wankin?
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I’ve seen someone say the entirety of this is for Rachel to a killer.
I laughed way too hard at it tbh.
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That's pretty good, my favorite one I've got was someone saying "I'd never be Monto" because I was playing Oni.
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Usually because those survivors shouldn't be there to begin with.
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This reminds me of that one meme that was a guy typing what looked like a paragraph to tell someone to shut up
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Dunno. Looks like someone trolling.
Usually the angry ones don't type so much.
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I guess someone who is playing with his dad's penis?
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Not nearly enough use of the word "varmint."
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Probably some sort of educational course, not sure 🤔
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Why is it always 'survivor mains' that make these sort of posts.
Back in the day they'd claim they played 'both sides equally' guess they had to up their game.
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Sorry but i almost peed a little reading that lol
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What do the Dad’s in question think about this?
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Wow someone is really salty lol I'm laughing reading his comments
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Or maybe it could be the other way around?
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Nope. Its braindead easy to get red ranks as a survivor. Play however, as long as you live so long and maybe get out.
As a killer, you have to play to their emblem system every game. Mori all 4? No red rank pip. Kill too fast or have people give up on first/second hook? No red rank pip. Have 2 escapes and gens done faster than you can handle? No red rank pip. Get the very elusive 4 man hit squad? Definitely no red rank pip.
It is CONSIDERABLY easier to get red ranks as a survivor than it is killer. So, more times than the opposite, survivors casually get to red ranks without even really trying, and end up facing lower rank killers (12-7) who may technically be a higher skill than their "rank", but due to the fact they're SO good that they cant get emblems, they cant rank up.
Or they're actually that rank, deserve to be, and the suurvivors are a higher rank than they are supposed to be. Leading them to believe that the killers are just in a better spot. That the game is killer sided.
But true red rank survivors who play well, have the edge over true red rank killers.
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Everything that you have just posted only verifies my original post that rank 11 killers can steamroll lower ranks. I think that my ultimate point that ranks are meaningless kind of got lost on you. Maybe the red rank survivor should be green. Maybe the green rank killer should be red. It DOES go both ways.
(And just because a low rank survivor dies it doesn’t mean that they don’t deserve that rank. Even the best players die on occasion.)
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i never laughed so hard at a screenshot in my life oml
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No, I was responding to your response of my ORIGINAL comment. I'm not arguing OR missing your original intent.
You said rank 11 killers steamroll lower ranks.
I said that's because the survivors dont belong there more often than not.
I elaborated.
So maybe you're missing the entire point of this conversation?