I Did It Boys - All Killer Teachables

Arxaion Member Posts: 104

I did it my dudes. I finally got every killer teachable unlocked with all killers level 40+. I've got a survivor kitted out at 50 with most desirable perks as well. It only took almost 400 hours.

I remember my first match like it was a year and a half ago... Huntress in Lery's.


  • Danu
    Danu Member Posts: 281

    Whats your favourite loadouts with killer and survivor now that you have pretty much full perk freedom?

  • LaughingMeow54
    LaughingMeow54 Member Posts: 4

    That's is my ultimate goal. Every perk in the game unlocked. Just curious, who was the last one you unlocked their perks for?

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    Congrats. I did it like...a month ago? Something like that...

    Now I'm p3 and maxing out one by one. Started with trapper who is my main. Currently maxing kate. Don't know who will be next

  • TimeMonster
    TimeMonster Member Posts: 152

    hell... i got almost all survivors P3 (not new one for now) and same with killers (not a new one again... for now)

    All teacheable perks unlocked (exept new survivor... i got killers tho) and aleast one of my survivors got ALL perks for survivors in game (for now it's Feng, but trying to slowly switch to Yui) and my favorit legion got all killer perks (not 3 lvl tho) ... IDK why legion tho - everyone keep saying they are weak, but i just having fun playing them

  • Arxaion
    Arxaion Member Posts: 104

    Last one was the Deathslinger. Before him, it was the Hag. I got Ruin off of the Shrine a long time ago and never bothered to level her up. I believe my first killer to 40 was Legion, followed by either Myers or Nurse.

  • Arxaion
    Arxaion Member Posts: 104

    Legion isn't weak at all, they're pretty strong right now in light of the Ruin change.

  • Arxaion
    Arxaion Member Posts: 104

    I don't have all perks unlocked on everyone yet, just the teachables are all unlocked to potentially grab. However, survivor I've only got Meg to max - the rest of my perks have been from Shrines. Here's the load-out for my survivor and favorite killers.

    Meg: Sprint Burst, Adrenaline, Spine Chill, Kindred

    • Spine Chill I would absolutely never take off of my survivors. Kindred is amazing as well for providing map-wide aura coverage.
    • I may replace Adrenaline with Urban Evasion if I find an archive challenge would better suit it.

    Nurse: Barbecue and Chili, Discordance, NOED, Whispers

    • Whispers I probably use more than I should, but it is such a great perk for not wasting your time.
    • Some may call it scummy, but NOED is an absolute beast on Nurse.
    • Discordance helps a ton in the beginning especially, knowing where to go first. Also helps prioritize generators throughout the match.

    Legion: Ruin, Sloppy Butcher, Surveillance, Barbecue and Chili

    • Legion has very good pressure and the ability to keep people bouncing on and off of generators. This makes the Ruin + Surveillance combo very good for as long as Ruin can stay up.
    • Surveillance on its own is great for locating survivors when there are only a couple left.
    • Sloppy Butcher is a must-have on Legion for increasing that time off of generators. If people refuse to heal, they are playing a dangerous game with Legion's ability to run ahead and zone people off.

    Ghostface: Save the Best for Last, Pop Goes the Weasel, Whispers, -

    • I play around with his last perk a lot. Right now I've got Thanatophobia because I found higher-level players tend to refuse healing more often. Definitely not the best option though. Barbecue is okay, but he doesn't have much of an ability to utilize it to its fullest potential. I'd consider something like Brutal Strength for taking care of terrible pallets or Make Your Choice if you are good about using it. Whenever I use MYC, I tend to inadvertently ignore it and it never gets used.
    • Save the Best for Last is great for chaining hits on survivors, and is also why I was originally using Thanatophobia.

    Deathslinger: Barbecue and Chili, Discordance, A Nurse's Calling, Pop Goes the Weasel

    • I'll start with Pop Goes the Weasel. Given his slow speed, you need to zone off a couple generators at a time when you chase people. Don't kick a generator people are actively working on, but kick one you just pulled a single person off of that other survivors don't know of. By the time the original is hooked, hopefully their progress is lost.
    • A Nurse's Calling is 100% a must-have. Never replace it. His terror radius doesn't do a great job of telling his distance, and he can be right up on you before you know it. This is great with heavy foliage or obstacles where survivors can't see you. You can just pop around a corner and quick-scope the injured survivor. Great for cornfields too.
    • Discordance is a great perk for prioritizing, like I said earlier. You could switch off to another perk, but I prefer having assurance of where to go at the beginning especially.
    • Barbecue and Chili is alright on him. He's slow, so he can't utilize it quite as well. I would recommend switching either this or Discordance with Monitor and Abuse (I don't have it unlocked on him yet). Either way, it still gives good indicators of where survivors are at since most people probably won't run BBQ on Deathslinger.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    Getting all teachables is easy. It's getting everyone to P3 first which is hard.

  • Arxaion
    Arxaion Member Posts: 104

    It's definitely not hard per se, just very time consuming. Something many people just wont ever achieve, be it not buying DLC or just not caring about some perks.

  • KnotEnthusiast
    KnotEnthusiast Member Posts: 464
    edited March 2020

    Uhh...Legion is tied with Clown for the worst killer in the game at the moment. I don't know how removing his only method of not having all 5 gens done in 4 minutes somehow made him stronger, but if ya make it work, good on ya.

    In terms of perk combos I use:

    Huntress: BBQ, Whispers, Nurses, Game delay perk

    Huntress is imo the most powerful user of Nurses, besides perhaps nurse herself. You can get so many downs by chucking a hatchet at a person healing in a corner who doesn't think you see them. BBQ for BP and so you know where to go after a hook, and whispers is super important on Huntress for early and endgame. Early because it tells you where not to look for survivors, which saves a bunch of time on a killer who's quite slow, and endgame because people will play super immersed when they hear the lullaby, so it's nice to have a way to track location.

    Oni: BBQ, Infectious Fright, Monitor and Abuse, Ruin

    Infectious and Monitor are used so incredibly well on Oni, it's insane. The small TR out of chase allows you to get so many free hits, because his heartbeat is already super soft compared to other killers, so if you stay out of sight you can basically be 8m away before they even start running. Then in chase with Blood Fury up, it gives you a bigger TR to synergise with Infectious Fright, allowing you to see all nearby survivors and decide if you want to end your power and pick up the person you downed, or slug and go for the next.

    Survivor: Dead Hard, Borrowed Time, Kindred, We're Gonna Live Forever

    My usual BP generating survivor build. Play altruistic with unhooks to get WGLF stacks, with BT to help with safe unhooks. Kindred to determine if I should save or stay on gens, and Dead Hard because I'd argue that, if used correctly, it's the best exhaustion perk in the game.

  • TrevorLahey93
    TrevorLahey93 Member Posts: 170
    edited March 2020

    Congrats! Currently working on this myself 😁