Deathslinger Excessive Hook Camping?

Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

Literally every Deathslinger ive gone up against today has had to resort to camping proxy camping the hook.. Is he that bad that this the only way killers can win using him? Hiding near the hook, waiting for someone to save and just shooting them?


  • FichteHiro
    FichteHiro Member Posts: 711


    It depends on a lot of factors, such as the Killer's playstyle, your rank, etc. . First of all, "camping" is a tad bit subjective. What do you mean by "camping", facecamping or the Killer being around the Hook?

    And no, most Killers don't camp, and his ability isn't bad enough that he must camp in order to win. However, some things like the fast Gen speed do influence the Killer to camp, which I do not encourage in case you're talking about facecamping, since it isn't a fun experience to be facecamped.

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    Not face camping.. Proxy camping. 4 Matches in a row, they've literally just sat within hook radius hiding and waiting for someone to come up just to spear them before they have a chance to unhook. Even had one use noed and hide near the basement of Gideon's waiting for people to run down and make a save.

  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050

    Well, he is a new killer. Maybe instead of trying to win matches from the get go a lot of people are using hooks for target practice?

  • Steve0333
    Steve0333 Member Posts: 529

    Camping is the worst way to deal with fast gen speeds. If the killer is camping then they cant really complain about gen going too fast because obviously they are doing nothing to get survivors off gens. It really makes no sense to camp with any killer but leatherface. At least with leatherface you might be able to snowball the game by camping since you can down multiple survivors at once.

  • BattleCast
    BattleCast Member Posts: 698

    Have you played some killer yet or do you only play survivor?

    Everyone that’s played killer knows that sometimes leaving the hook is not the best option. It does not mean that they suck at the game it’s just because the generators pop too quickly and it’s worsened when you play a killer with low mobility like deathslinger.

  • FichteHiro
    FichteHiro Member Posts: 711

    That is frustrating, but it's unfortunately a playstyle Killers can adopt. I'm pretty sure it's a coincidence though, not all Killer/Deathslinger players are like this, it's quite the opposite really. Camping is not that common.

  • finitethrills
    finitethrills Member Posts: 617

    He has no mobility, and a reduced movement speed, so that already makes him prone to occasionally needing or using somewhat less fun tactics. Also, a lot of slinger are going back and trying to peg the unhooked, but it's kinda hard to hit the actual target when the two Survivors are right next to each other.

    At 110, it takes him longer to even get away from the hook, and lowers his chances of finding someone else before you're unhooked. If a killer doesn't have someone in his sights when an unhook happens, there's zero reason for him not to go back to where he knows at least 2 Survivors are.

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    I guess. I just don't see how that's fun for anyone.. Killer or Survivor. Might as well just play a face camping bubba at that point since it's funnier to watch.

  • finitethrills
    finitethrills Member Posts: 617

    Not much fun to be had randomly wandering the map looking for a chase either. If a killer doesn't have at least one survivor engaged nearly constantly, they are probably going to get stomped.

    Slugging isn't really fun, either, but it often takes up more of a Survivors time and less of the killer's to do it, and there's a lot of occasions where the killer needs to shift that pressure off himself.

    A lot of tunneling complaints come from dudes who get unhooked while their savior ninja vanishes and they just stand out in the open when the killer swings back by. It's not fun, either, but it's sort of ridiculous to expect the killer to not at least take a swing at the guy he can see before he wastes half a Gen looking for the one he can't.

  • FichteHiro
    FichteHiro Member Posts: 711

    Agreed. Killers wanna try to win as well, and in case a Survivor is unhooked near you and you didn't even have time to go away, going back is the most logical choice even though it might not be fun for the other side.

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    I do play killer (Wraith and Legion main) and have used Gunslinger a little bit.. I know it doesn't need to be done in order to 4K with Deathslinger. I just had a string of 4 straight matches where every Deathslinger had to resort to proxy camping and running noed just to win.

  • palotheas
    palotheas Member Posts: 118

    I've had some natches where I've not even made it out of shooting range and someone unhooked so I just did a 180 and shot in the notification bubble. I'm usually hoping I get the unhooker but sometimes they don't even want to body block.

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    Oh, im not even talking about that. If they didn't have time to run away, it makes sense. But these people were legitimately just standing there watching the hook. Every time you'd go in for a save, whether it was 10 seconds or 20 seconds later, the moment the survivor was unhooked they'd immediately have a spear shot on us.

  • FichteHiro
    FichteHiro Member Posts: 711

    As I said, it is a coincidence the majority of Killer players doesn't camp. While it is frustrating to have the Killer camp, they have some reasons to do it, such as the fact that Gens get popped very quickly and since the Deathslinger is a low-mobility Killer, he isn't able to apply much map pressure without downing and hooking Survivors. That's why Killers eventually slug and camp, at least on the paper. I do not encourage anyone to do it, but it's a kind of a part of the game.

  • RobMeister88
    RobMeister88 Member Posts: 351

    A lot of people are really going try hard with him on Xbox. Even with 5 gens still left they will waste 2 minutes to tunnel the person off hook and as soon as one gen pops, they will camp for the rest of the match. They're sweating harder than 6th grade me trying to run a mile in less than 7 minutes.

  • finitethrills
    finitethrills Member Posts: 617

    Well yeah, any and every killer can get a 4k or not with or without having to sweat for it. It depends match to match. This is a pvp game, though. Most people play those to try and "win", whatever their definition is of that. If you're playing battlefield or some such and see an obviously injured enemy, you don't just let him limp away, you finish him off.

    There's a lot of wiggle room in saying stuff like proxy camping. Lots of Survivors seem to define it as returning to the hook when they're still there, no matter how much time has passed.

    A lot of people forget, ignore, or straight up don't realize what info the killer has. I saw someone complaining about a streamer face camping him when the streamer was a) at least 15m from the hook, b) just slugged someone who ran in for the same less than 2 seconds after the hook, and c) was staring right st the other two Survivors who were not very stealthily wandering around a cart closer to the hook than the killer was.

    So what is a player who is trying to win to do right now... Hell, what is a player to just to play somewhat effectively win or lose supposed to do there? Just walk away? Related, if you're going to get called a face camping tunneled even in situations like that, what reasons do you have to not do it. Killers get burned out having to listen to it no matter how nice they try and play, and a lot of them just get to the point of Eff it.

    Lastly, killers don't know what they're getting into. They don't know until things start going way south that the fun potatoes they were playing around with are actually loaded for bear and are about to take him to church. If you have no idea what to expect from matches, and considering killers can lose an entire match based on one or two mistakes or a few missed shots, it lends itself towards having to be a bit vicious just to be sure you don't blow a match from the start because you were expecting the super saiyans to arrive.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    I can confirm. I'm already calling him the Campslinger. Before reset I counted two rank 1s, one rank 2 and one rank 3 doing that. Although, to be honest, I know one of the rank 1s and he always camps. After reset, it's still the same routine. Unfortunately, I have to finish the survivor challenges, so I'm stuck with the summer camp XD. But yeah, if it's a 'slinger, assume he's brought the tent.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238

    If in your scenario he did get other survivors while camping, they made it wpork and therefore are the ones to blame instead the killer.