Freddy Hate

Desh Member Posts: 1,118

Why do people hate Freddy so much? I've been in games as both survivor and killer where Freddy is included in the game, and survivors will either DC (not as common since the penalties but still happens regularly enough) or give up chase and commit hook suicide. According to the stats provided by the Devs (link down below), Freddy is the strongest killer overall, but among ALL ranks, he's not even highly picked. He's not even a hard killer to combat, he's just good at maintaining pressure due to his power. So what's the issue?



  • FichteHiro
    FichteHiro Member Posts: 711
    edited March 2020

    At higher ranks, some of his Add-ons probably. There are certain Add-ons that have a huge snowball effect and that are sort of unfun to play against. I guess Survivors don't like taking the risk of some of their Pallets being fake, lol. Anyway, Thanatophobia and his Gen speed Add-ons can create a snowball-effect that is hard to recover from as a Survivor. But they do exaggerate a bit in my opinion.

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118
    edited March 2020

    So comparatively between Old and New Freddy, I'd say the Reworked improved him significantly if anything. Yes you have your forever Freddy's, but I've battled plenty who've had a wide variety of perks. Hell I run Ruin and Surveillance because of the beautiful way it complements its power.

    And I can see that right. Myself as rank 1 killer, I typically don't use add-ons. When I do, it's the kids drawing just to get more BP but it significantly lessens the capability of Snare. But excluding myself, most Freddy's don't really use add-ons that I've seen. You got your couple that'll use rope or chains. But beyond that, it's like meh.

    And to both of you, this insta hook death crap happens before they even know what his add-ons or abilities are. Ope, Freddy in game? Guess I'll die.

    100% agree, very dull to play after a while. But if you remove the teleport, the snares are no different than the trappers trap (minus the fact Freddy can just put another one down constantly, however it does remove the old one once exceeded). And the teleport can be combatted better of survivors actually woke up. If there is no add-ons that hinder gen repair, they'll stay sleeping.

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146

    I have become so fond of playing Freddy, he is now either my second or third main killer, wraith being first and Myers challenging Freddy for second place. He has great gen pressure and good anti loop tactics, no matter whether using snares or fake pallets.

  • RobMeister88
    RobMeister88 Member Posts: 351

    Because most people just want easy escapes. They can't fathom not being able to bully a killer. The people who DC when they're getting demolished are the same people who are toxic, and most likely are the remnants of Ochido's toxic cult following. It's the same with some killers who refuse to lose, as soon as they go up against survivors who don't run in straight lines and hide in lockers, they DC. It's just entitled toxic people in general, and mostly mains. Most survivor mains are entitled because they only understand the survivor aspect of the game and feel entitled in that the game should favor them. Most killer mains are entitled because they only understand the killer aspect of the game and feel entitled in that the game should favor them. Most survivor mains want easy escapes every game and most killer mains want easy 4K's every game.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Survivors don't like killer that give them hard time = having mobility and good chase power. Freddy has that and small slowdown inbuild too thus making him pretty strong. Still, good survivors won't be greedy after getting hit by the snares and just rush gens so that's that. Unfortunately noobs will scream the loudest for nerfs to him even when he has just enough counterplay to not even be S tier like a spirit or nurse (really good one). Doesn't stop them from whining thou.

  • Owlzey
    Owlzey Member Posts: 442

    Unpopular opinion, but I actually like playing against Freddy...

  • ggezbaby
    ggezbaby Member Posts: 404

    Survivors don’t like that they can’t just bomb the hook in front of the killer and use Borrowed Time. They also don’t like that he can set down a trap and slow them down so they can’t keep abusing the same loop around a pallet. Basically, they don’t like that they can’t bully him or loop him endlessly. :)

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    I don't get the survivor ideology of "boring" killers. Like what abot him is boring ? That he slows you down while also beiing able to move fast over the map to apply preassure. He's got completely same standart M1 playstyle as so many other killers.

    Literally the same mindgames and loops as you do with Wraith, Shape, Bubba, Clown, Legion, Plague and Ghostface just a little less greedy. Nothing really extremely different or deep about all of their playstyles either. Are they all boring ? If so then that's pretty sad since then you won't be having much fun in DBD if you don't enjoy classic chase gameplay.

  • Andy111777
    Andy111777 Member Posts: 62

    I want to try a build for him that probably annoys people a lot... It involves nemesis, trilling tremors, dead man's switch and the class photo addon xD

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    His snares are in plain sight and easy to see; if you care enough to hear him put it down, you're definitely close enough to see him put it down. The first time you wake up as a survivor from another, it's okay. But after that, it's hard yes. Yes it could be an add-on. but it makes sense. The whole point is to utilize the alarms placed around the map. Dream pallets, going beyond memory of when you were awake, maps can identify fake pallets. Yes, he can recycle through his snares and pallets quickly, but he can only put up to 8 snares/10 pallets at a time. He needs add-ons for the dream pallets.

    Again, all of that is avoidable if you stay awake. Which is the premise of it. It was supposed to be how The Plague was designed to work with constant cleansing but survivors just stuck out being sick so they couldn't give her corrupt. The devs at that point had to go in and give her buff so that she could.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Don't know what is your definition of safe pallet but mine is that such pallet can be vaulted from each side safely since you have full view of the killer thus you don't even need to loop it. Freddy needs to break these as all other killers do. Also you counter his snares as you do with hag's traps. Don't run the same loop 10 times. After he starts to set them up and if you're at unsafe loop just throw down the pallet early to get some distance and move to another loop. The slowdown isn't as sever as people claim it is since then clown wouldn't be considered as one of the worst killer in the game. People lose to the snares because of greed for more loops then they deserve, everything else are basic M1 mindgames.

    Calling his snares incredibly powerful imao is like calling Clown A tier killer. Once the pallet is down if Freddy (same as Clown) doesn't break it he won't be able to catch up most of the time unless he fully bloodlust you which makes it already a good chase since he had to waste a lot of time to build BL up. Bad survivors might get hindred by them but good ones who know their limits won't care as much. Same with his passive sleeping. If you know what you're doing he won't be able to get much bonus time from it.

  • Mo4ntus
    Mo4ntus Member Posts: 416

    yeah he’s a strong killer it’s pretty unsportsmanlike to ######### on hook tho And there are 3 ways to wake yourself up 1 of which technically in chase if you use spine chill and a medkit there’s a chance to wake yourself up

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303
  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Literally every killer power hinders you in some way. Why don't you hate on Clown how boring he is since his power slows you down even more then Freddy's and also distorts your vision. I don't see anyone calling Clown boring or unfun to play against. Probably because almost no one plays him since he's discount super weak version of Freddy hat is in desperate need of rework to make him actually dangerous like Freddy is. Seriously everyone just cries how something they don't like makes their matches harder.

    if anything old Freddy was definiton of boring. There was only 1 viable playstyle against him and that was to loop him. Nothing else worked, no juking, no stealth, no mindgames, NOTHING. His power denied almost all aspect of DBD except boring running around a piece of wood against killer that had no chase power whatsoever. If that's the kind of gameplay you enjoy then I can easily see why you don't like new Freddy.

  • Haku
    Haku Member Posts: 614
    edited March 2020

    Clocks spawn on the other side of a map for a reason. So that you cannot use them that easly all the time. And gens are usually on edges on the map at least maojority of them. Imagine doing a gen on any side of Azarovs and you tell me it is easy peasy go get the clock on the other side of that map ? Really ? It seems we don't pay attention to map design. Yes they do counter it but sadly you cannot use them just like that. And also keep in mind he puts you in dream state the moment u get hit once. Or when the time runs out - and he does not have to do ABSOLUTELY anyting. It is impossible to stay awake when YOU want. It is RNG bascailly based on what you/the killer do. He may start a chase with you just when the timer runs out and you will be trapped in dream world even att full health. You can't counter that and you dont have any saying when he may pop up out of a gen next to you ....

  • Haku
    Haku Member Posts: 614

    Yes they are if you run to them but are really hard to indentify in a chase around loops. Even if you notice he does something you just cant tell where exactly he places the trap until you run on that side where the trap is supposed to be. If I am not mistaken he raises his hand when he channels the snare but he does not have to place it right away. He can move around with it until he place it and his hands will move down after. THere is no way a survivor can follow freddys hand when you have to actually look where he is going so you can avoid getting hit. Again he does not get slowed down at all and he can still catch you after placed trap and hit you instantly. Like it is missing so much set rules. He is given SO much freedom. Esp when you consider with all the new maps design safe pallets are almost non existent . I am not sure what you are even supposed to do on these maps.

    About plague her power is cool but very strong. I mean if she has her power up all you can do as a survivor is hide in a locker and wait for it to run out. You cannot loop her power that easly unless you find a very long wall with a pallet. I guess that is doable but only early game. Late game all pallets should be gone

  • Mellow7
    Mellow7 Member Posts: 793

    They DC cause the survivor mains can't gen rush vs him so whenever the match lats longer than 6 mins they have a anyuersym.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    I'm sorry that you find so many killers boring, that must suck. I enjoy facing both but if someone doesn't well, we can't do much about it can we. You do you I guess. Tbh I still think that people complain about Freddy only because he's strong so they want him to have more drawbacks which I disagree with. Killer's power imao should not be hindering him but help him catch surviors unlike popular belief that killer has to be 100% on point with each use of his power or he gets screwed monumentally.

    As for waking up against old Freddy, you can still do that know you know. Skillchecks mid chase happen against new Freddy too and it screws him over royaly. You don't get those 10s of immunity which was total BS. I think there shouldn't be any discussion about getting 10s of complete immunity from killer only due to getting random skillcheck, a bit busted wasn't it. Also pallets have easy counter. Just wake up and count the amount of real pallets in general area around gen you'll be working on. Then you can safely loop without any drawbacks. PGTW issue is more of that perk beiing really good then Freddy beiing strong. Without it his teleport wouldn't have nearly as much power as it has.

    Well I think we won't really reach understanding since our views on this differ far too much.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    Gen teleporting applies a stupid amount of map pressure. Blood pools apply a stupid amount of loop lockdown. If a Freddy camps the person on hook gon die. Stealth damn near impossible because you don't know where he is coming from and he sees you in a white outline.

    Freddy mains were good with him in f tier now anyone can main him.

  • Mo4ntus
    Mo4ntus Member Posts: 416

    If you take the time to use the clock though it pauses your timer so the longest you can be awake is a minute btw

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    People hate him for the same reason as Doc: they can't be mindlessly looped; you need to use your brain when looping them and know when to drop the pallet and abandon the loop

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    I agree with most people here, i think he's boring. Not strong "boring", just boring to play and play against.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,777

    Is Freddy the NOED of killers?!

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    And what about when freddy is camping, and your alarm clock is right next to the camped survivor?

    You can't save, you can't wake up, and you don't want to watch your team die at the same time?

    BT needs to be proximity-based just off the fact that a facecamping freddy is so damn overpowered.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632
    edited March 2020

    I strongly believe that bad players should not be allowed to post on the forums. Some things you all need to know;

    • Freddy is weak. He is easy to counter, easy to loop, all of his abilities come with visual and sound notifications. Literally his terror radius is BIGGER when you fall asleep, and you don't even get slowed down unless he has slow down add ons - which have been nerfed into the ground that they also don't even matter.
    • His biggest counter is just to wake up. Which is very simple, just don't be stupid and fail a skill check to wake up.
    • Forever Freddy was never, and never will be a strong build. It didn't even bother good survivors, because they rarely stayed asleep for long anyways.

    I find it funny that BHVR can rework a killer to make them balanced, and then you suddenly can tell the difference of a bad survivor or good survivor by just having them answer "Do you like facing Freddy?". Like to me, I don't see him as any more annoying than any other Killer. Heck I would take facing Freddy over Huntress any day. Throw a good Huntress at a good survivor, and huntress wins because you can't just dead brain safe loop her. However all other killers in the game if you know how they work, you just safe loop them till they either give up on you or all the gens are done.

    Post edited by NullEXE on
  • Dpooly
    Dpooly Member Posts: 474

    Because a good chunk of the people that play him (in my experience) just camp and tunnel when he has so much more potential than that. But hey, deprive yourself of BP and dull the game down, I'll just die and move on to another trial.

  • inferjus
    inferjus Member Posts: 479

    Freddy is sooooo boooring!!! I hate to play him or against him. I wish I never bought Nightmare DLC, it's so unfunny.

  • Name_Unavailable
    Name_Unavailable Member Posts: 520

    Simply Boring. I hate the killers that you can only counter them by Gen rush only, like him or like Spirit.

    Just compare him with other killers like Billy, Huntress, and Nurse as top tier killers, They are fun to face and strong but with some weaknesses. You can easily see a huge different between skilled ones and not skilled ones. But with Freddy they all the same to me and can 4k if the team didn't start the game perfect and gen rushed him.

  • AkiTheKitten
    AkiTheKitten Member Posts: 670

    Because Snare Freddy is boring and brainless to play. I'd rather see Spirit or Billy, atleast they aren't brainless to play

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    Stopped reading after the first line. Silencing people based on such a petty thing just isn't the answer. If you don't take an opinion seriously because of somebody's experience, fair enough. But come on that's just petty.

  • minehot
    minehot Member Posts: 69

    The delusion makes me crack up lol. Freddy definetly needs to be looked at.

  • EntityDrudge
    EntityDrudge Member Posts: 184
    edited April 2020

    People hate him because he strikes fear in them. Ya know, like a killer should.

    They bank on pallets and loops having the same tired counters: abandon chase, loop until bloodlust, eat the pallet and break, fake eat the pallet and break

    Freddy has his own counters on top of these. Thus he is unpredictable.

    Survivors hate that. Simple. Once they learn how to run a killer they assume they should be able to run anyone who controls the killer.

    You cant do that to freddy because he has every perk at his disposal along with unique counters that vary in his base kit. Basically if you run freddy, you're actually good. He's not boring

  • EntityDrudge
    EntityDrudge Member Posts: 184

    You hate playing against killers that aren't so weak you can trifle about doing nothing, lollygagging about the map. Fixed it for you. Lol, he makes us have to do our actual objective if we want to live, boooring 🤣🤣

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594
    edited April 2020

    You can still blow up gens to wake yourself up, long as Freddy doesn't bring a certain add on aka red paint brush, you can still wake up with failed skill checks. So going by his base kit, with no add ons. You can still do blow up a gen to wake yourself up trick. Which it's rather easy to tell if Freddy has the add on or not, since another effect of the red paint brush is, it starts all survivors in the dream world. That and Freddy if he is using fake pallets, that mean he is using an add on, that trades in his ability to put down blood snares for fake pallets.

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    All these survivors talking about brainless and skilless but everything perk they use and every strategy they use ise the same tired brainless skilless bs wheres the skill in ds ill wait