What is up with Protection Hits?


Am I just incredibly unlucky or is there something wrong with them? I just wanna complete this David challenge of take a protection hit and escape but, the game in which I though I got it I did not. I was standing right next to a Quentin when the killer (deathslinger) swung his weapon. I took the hit for Quentin but it didn't register. The second time I thought it could register was once I unhooked that same Quentin the deathslinger fired his Redeemer and I got speared instead of the Quentin but it also didn't register. So what exactly is going on?

Best Answer

  • MTK
    MTK Member Posts: 77
    Answer ✓

    The killer has to be in a chase with someone else when you take the hit. Chances are when you were standing next to that Quentin, the killer's chase registered with you, not him. So when you got it, it was a simple chase hit, not a protection hit. As for the deathslinger case maybe he fired his weapon at max range before the chase started, so it registered as some sort of a stealth hit? But normally if you take a hit unhooking someone it does register as protection hit so that's weird.