Who is the rarest Killer to go against?

Plague tbh
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For me it's Hag and I'm glad, cause the few Hags I go against are those who put 3 traps around a trapped survivor.
Second place is probably Bubba and Nurse
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Nurse, then Hag.
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There are stories that are told about one Killer. So dangerous is this Killer, that the Entity keeps it locked up until it feels like it's time.
Few have ever seen this super powerful Killer. It stands among the biggest of the Killers, and is known to use its size to pounce on pallets. I have seen it but three times (maybe a little more, but not much), and the sight of it is one to be feared. You will hear this beast before you see it. It's roar echoes throughout the trials as it shifts from dimension to dimension.
Some call it a monster, others call it a true hunter. But not me. I call it... the Demogorgon.
Jokes aside, seriously. Do people even play it?
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I love to play the Demogorgon, he is a good boi
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nurse, hands down
second place would probably be hag
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On the PS4 Nurse.
Very few are skilled enough to use her.
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Nurse then Hag.
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I never see nurse and second would be Demogorgon.
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Hag for sure. I dont enjoy hag very much to play as, but since she is so rare, i play her every once in a while so survivors have more variety.
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I literally never see hag or clown. I'm only rank 12 survivor though so 🤷♀️
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Nurse on console.
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Legion. In the last 3 months, I feel like I've just played against one Legion.
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hag or clown. should be obvious why.
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The more killers that get added to the game the more rare it becomes to see any killer on any given day. I could go days without seeing a certain killers and then one day face them multiple times.
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Xbox: Nurse
I respect the heck out of anyone giving it a shot though
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Demogorgon dropped off pretty fast.
Nurse I've seen more times then poor Demo.
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I'm on console and I don't see a lot of Plague or Legion. I typically see a lot of Doctor, Trapper and Hag.
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Clown and Nurse are very rare in my games. Legion is also a killer that I dont see often.
ALLOT of Oni's, Spirits and Doctors tho.
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On PS4 I hardly ever see Nurse, Hag or Clown. Rarest of the 3 would be Nurse.
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Definitely Nurse. I am on PS4.
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Nurse, Hag, Plague.
On PS4, Nurse.
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Nurse but there's other killers like Demogorgon, Hag and Oni.
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Plague. I've faced her like 3 times in my 395 hours, but most of it was either AFK or Killer.
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Hag and Clown. And I'm not gonna complain in the slightest about not seeing them. Although I would love to swap clown for all the spirits I see...
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On ps4 I rarely ever see Hag to the point even Nurse shows up more than her. Though to be fair I play mostly at night and there are two decent Nurse players I see now and then around that time.
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I've been seeing a lot of Nurses in the last few days. More than anyone except Deathslinger and Oni, the two newest killers, oddly enough.
So for now, for me, it's the Hag.
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PC EU, rarest by good margin is Hag(can count my Hag games over the last 90 days on 1 hand). Unlike other posters I usually see a couple nurses throughout the day.
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Nurse, Hag and Demo. For the last 3 days I played haven't noticed these ones.
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Hag by far
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Nurse, Hag, Demo, Clown.
I'm fine with not seeing Hag. The others I'm a bit "eh" about missing.
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That hurts my soul e.o why waste traps like that??
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Rarest for me is between hag and nurse. Hag being rarer usually.
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Well I've tracked every killer I've encountered in my past 1200 matches(not considering matches where killer dc'ed early or the game didn't start at all) and the one I've gone against the least is Hag, with less than 30 encounters. So for me it's Hag, which is a shame, cause it's a killer I used to play alot as sometime ago...
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I took the time to look at the pick rates (and kill rates) of killers here:
The least used is Hag. I do not get why, she's my main and can be very strong.
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Omg... that sounds flipping hilarious o,o but it would hurt me too much to do that lmao
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Oh wow you see a lot of hag? O,o
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On PS4 I see a pretty good rotation of killers except Nurse and Hag. I don’t mind facing either one though.
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I’m quite fond of Hag but I get FPS drops pretty frequently with her and her playstyle is a naturally bit campy so people can find that unappealing. If you’re not playing Hag a bit campy and returning to the hook with MYC, you’re not playing her to her strongest potential.
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Nurse. I see more top tier plagues and legions than I do ANY nurse.
I am on ps4 however. So that's probably why.
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Red rank on Xbox. Have played for three years now.
I've seen the Nurse less than 6 times.
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Im on ps4 and nurse and hag...although last couple days ive seen 2 nurses and both were very good...always send love mail to people still playing nurse these days...they deserve it..
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Nurse - ps4
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Demogorgon ;<
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Nurse and demogorgon on ps4. Nurse is understandable as using a controller and dealing with the frame rate spikes makes her very frustrating to play
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Probably Nurse and clown the only rare time I’ve seen them have been because of rift cosmetics but other than that nothing
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I don't play much survivor, but I'd say Clown. I have not seen one since December 2019. Might need to put him on a milk carton.
Play on PC.
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Ps4: Nurse, Clown, Plague
If I had to say absolute, it would probably be clown, havent had a match against him in so so long
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Hag, for me.
Considering picking her up tho.