Is it just me or nerfing killer perks flustrates everyone?
Why are you keep nerfing killer perks from PTB if they won't become meta anyway?
First surge nerf that was unnecessary, then gearhead. You prevent new perks to meta options but why?
Nothing will beat such a good perks like Pop, Corrupt, Spirit Fury, Enduring, Noed, Discordance. So why nerf them in first place?
Have you noticed that making complicated perks makes them much less playable.
Lets take a look at Gearhead and Discordance.
Discordance - if 2 survs are on a gen then it lights up for 12 seconds
Gearhead - If you hit survivor with your basic attack then for the next 30 seconds if someone hits good skillchecks the gen will be light up for as long as it being repeaired.
The simpler the better.
I understeand that making perk that is simple to use is very hard when theres so many perks alredy existing. So maybe instead of making more complicated perks that do the same thing but worse and require more conditions, make something totaly diffrient.
Maybe make something that will benefit hemorage statuss effect, hell make a perk that involves hindred. We dont need perks that shows us where survs are/ with gens are being worked on, because we know where survs are alredy. If they aren't on a gen why would we care about thier position in the first place?
Correction: you have to hit a survivor TWICE with your basic attack.
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Devs dont actually want variety in perks used for some reason.
Perhaps they already dont know how to balance the current meta, so they just make everything else pointless so its not a factor in balancing because nobody uses it anyway.
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I second this statement. Perk variety please! Include the recent added statuses, or make something entirely new.
Like here, for example:
None Shall Survive; you have a dark and twisted connection with the entity, driving you to ensure the kill. Once a survivor has been hooked twice, they become moriable. Only 1/1/2 survivors per match.
- New Status Effect: Demise
This perk still requires you to down and hook survivors. Essentially, it rewards the killer for hooking and it'll encourage hooking and less snowballing into slugging. Of course it can use tweaks, but you don't have to make more gen perks and then turn around and nerf them later or allow them to become part of the dust collection beside monstrous shrine. Just a penny for your thought.
Appreciate you bring this up! I am curious what everyone else will think 🤔
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The gearhead nerf was bizarre, as is the practice of adding a cooldown to as many perks as possible (zanshin tactics def op otherwise).
The devs are getting better at balancing stuff imo but when it comes to perks I think they make decisions with a magic 8-ball.
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none of the new killer perks are good. But you have have a survivor perk that can insta heal someone. Seems fair
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I got no idea why they keep the meta perks the same, but release way less powerful perks.
Just BHVR things.
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Gearhead would have never become meta.
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Even if so, theres no reason to make this perk unviable even more.
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While also sacrificing their own health state + getting broken.
This perk only counters slugging.
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Who cares as long as the perk wasnt even viable before?
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I agree, The nerf to gear head was just so out of the blue and just not really necessary. And the fact the devs have said they are think of nerfing killer perks that involve slowing down gens because they want to "see more variety of perks being used by killers" was just infuriating.
I'm sure most of us WANT to use different builds that dont involve the generators but we kinda have to due how quick they go. Plus alot of the new killer perks that have come out lately are just not good, only work well with other perks or are very situational to actually be effective
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Exactly because of that. Why nerf something that wasn't viable before? That's silly
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If you release anything as powerful as current meta, you get MOM. And we all know how that went.
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Im the killer who seeks for new builds and Im always excited for new perks the most. But what im gonna do with Mindbreaker, Curel Limits or Zanhzin tactics? Are devs that afraid of putting new perks into the play?
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But MoM was't even tested on PTB, it was added to the game and it was meant to be a suprise. I don't know how anybody could allow it to go live.
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And adjusting the older perks? Just nerf every old meta perk on both sides.
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Is funny because they nerfed ruin because it relied on the inconsistency of skillchecks then the very next update they add a perk that relies on the inconsistency of skill checks
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Skillchecks wasn't the reason they changed it.
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yes, it was one of the reasons. They explain it in the ruin change