Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

How much "smurfing," is going on right now geesh

johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

Also before anyone comes back with, "ranks don't matter," I think we all know they do to a degree. Getting to high ranks either requires skill or time, and with enough time things become at least a bit easier even for players who aren't great. Let's get to specifics.

Okay, so watching my girlfriend play killer tonight, she plays maybe once every three months, a bit of killer and survivor, has very few perks and doesn't play video games in general. But she gets in the mood, so she played two games keep in mind she is rank 18 killer still. First game was against a split of ranks 5, 5, 17 and 16 so let's keep in mind those 5s were probably red rank yesterday. You can imagine how fun that game was for her.

Second game was against a rank 19, 17, 17 and 17 so those guys were probably yellow yesterday right? But 3 of them had Dead Hard (no Davids) and at least two knew how to fake pallet slides at loops. I mean this wasn't basic yellow rank running they were doing, it was pretty obvious IMHO that they depipped right before reset so they could play new killers.


  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726

    smurfing is 1 thing, but rank reset exist and you can tell its only up to 4 ranks, its 16 pips (16 single pips or 8 2x pips) but here comes spicy part, when youre soloQing in yellow ranks you might die on 1st hook, be facecamped and noone will ever try to help or your team will just die in 30 sec (because if you take what supposed to be yellow rank surv and killer, killer should be op for them)

    and here is shocking fact for you not every good player has time to play over 16 games per month per role, for example i have friend that is pretty good looper (he know how to 5 gen loop bad killer) but since spirit came out he doesnt play that much, and he is hard stuck below rank 15 so you will tell him "just play more games"?

    matchmaker being ass is another case, BTW shouldnt we get beta version of new matchmaker "batch matchmaker" ??

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Your friend would be an exception, so you’re telling me my GF was so unlucky she faced 3 really good players who haven’t had time to rank up at all and all happened to play tonight and together?

    And where are you getting 16 games, it’s 4-5 pips max. I go from rank 4 to rank 5 survivor and am back to red within an hour or two. You don’t go from 4 all the way to 8 for example.

  • Thrax
    Thrax Member Posts: 974

    With rank reset and new dlc it may seem worse as some are trying it out after a small break. Maybe more people at home because of covid-19 as well.

  • rephaim
    rephaim Member Posts: 96

    Boarded up in the house playing Susie

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    Or here's a thought.. Rank reset happens every month.. Last month there was a bug which caused people to derank further than they should (Rank 4 down to Rank 12). People tend to take breaks and return for patches. During this time, even a Rank 1 could have depipped back to 20 if they werent active.

  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726

    "where are you getting 16 games, its 4-5pips max" 4-5 PER RANK xd i guess math for you is hard so let me explain it to you :)

    after new rank reset my friend is in R17 with 0 pips and to not be deranked to R17 again he needs to be at least in R12(lowest green rank), and count with me :) from R17 to R16 you need 3 pips, from R16 to R15 you need 4 so its 7, R15->R14 +4 so its 11, R14->R13 +4 so its 15, R13->R12 +4 so its 19 (well so its even more than 16 because i didnt count R17 pips),

    so youre telling me EVERY good/decent player HAS TO PLAY over 19 games per month? you bought the game, became good so now even if you dont have time/youre done after 4 games you HAVE TO PLAY?? i played this game for 2,5 years had 2 over 6months breaks (ranks back to 20 because it was old rank reset)

    and let me tell you this for a lot of players (with hundreds hours) after playing 5-10 games of surv soloQ are done with game for another month because its so painful to play, and ofc you can tell why you tell "a lot of players" because pretty much 80% of my dbd friends on steam are like that xd (i have about 50 friends that play dbd) and every single one has over 400h xd, even i became killer main because i cant play surv for more than 4 games per week because soloQ with 3 potatos is unplayable(but on surv im keeping myself between purple and red but that may change soon) that 1 i mentioned earlier has over 2k hours which he hit like year ago and since then he got like 100 more (100h in year)

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    A lot of yellow ranks are as skilled as purple or red. Dead hard is not hard to get by the time you reach yellow ranks. And it doesn't mean they depip. Whenever I play survivor, I just stop just before I reach rank 4 and then don't play until the next reset. Also not everyone plays the game every month.

  • Exiled1990
    Exiled1990 Member Posts: 18

    I am in the boat where I have over 1.6k hours, I know what I am doing on the game, consider myself pretty competent at survivor, but due to play solo queue, having a social life, having a full time job, and a girlfriend that likes to spend the vast majority of my freetime together I am left unable to get up in ranks before the next rank reset shunts me back down.

    I don't think the majority of people 'smurf', I just think the rank system from the very first inception has been a poor experience, that only works for the people that have lots of free time, or those fortunate enough to have crafted a streaming/content creating career and somewhat rely on proving they are one of the best by some sort of figure.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    I've done it to chill/test meme builds or just play with low level friends

    whats better, 3 brown ranks vs. a red rank killer, or 1 red rank vs a brown rank killer.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Listen, I have a social life, kids etc but it literally takes 4-5 pips to get back to your prior rank if you’re really telling me that this many people don’t play two hours a month I have a little reverse funnel sales program to pitch to you

  • Exiled1990
    Exiled1990 Member Posts: 18
    edited March 2020

    I highly disagree with your simplistic response for a number of factors that you aren't taking into account (getting bad teammates due to rank reset, playing other modes, requiring more than '4-5 pips', being unable to play, playing much better games over DBD, etc), but I only came here to put forward a different point of view, rather than get into a battle of witty retorts lmao.

  • HarryToeknuckles
    HarryToeknuckles Member Posts: 158

    What the smurf are you talking about?

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    how are you disputing it takes more than 4-5 pips to get back to your previous color? If you were 1 you go to 5 it takes Five to get to 4 from there

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    You just pointed out how rarely your gf plays. These people could easily be in the same boat. I don't play often enough to reach or maintain a high rank. The people in the matches you mentioned could be the same. Not saying people don't smurf. But it's not the only explanation.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    On the opposite side I see survivors that are red rank that have very little time on the game and still hide around the edge of the map doing nothing

  • Exiled1990
    Exiled1990 Member Posts: 18

    Oh, so you mean 4-5 'Ranks'. Pips are gathered from matches, and with enough pips you rank up. Failure to amass pips leaves you at the current rank. Loss of pips potentially drops you down ranks. One good game could get you 1 pip, one great game could get you 1-2 pips, one bad game could get you -1 pip. So, should Pippy Longstocking have a run of bad form, get bad teammates that hinder her progress, or not have the required time to amass the required amount of pips to secure the several ranks needed to go beyond the rank reset drop value, then she is running at a deficit each month.

    Add in that some days she may want to only play killer in that game or two she may have spare, other days she may simply need a break from the monotony of the aforementioned issue of matchmaking in the lower ranks for veteran players, and numerous other variables both in game and away from the game, then you may begin to see why 4-5 ranks could be something of an issue for people of certain skill levels, but limited time.