Most annoying types of teammates.

These guys don't need any introductions. We hate to be in a team with these guys, but which one of these annoy you the most? And yes, you'll still encounter these guys at high ranks.
Most annoying types of teammates. 171 votes
Teammates who DC/kill themselves on their first hook, early in a match
Teammates who de-pip on purpose mess up the entire match for the survivor team, making them the most annoying in my opinion.
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People who wait for hatch at 3 survs
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Teammates who DC/kill themselves on their first hook, early in a match
A survivor DCing early-game is a very big advantage to the Killer and really lowers your chance of escaping a Trial.
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Teammates who DC/kill themselves on their first hook, early in a match
Honestly, I can put up with all the annoying crap and terrible plays my teammates make (even the walking / crouching around the map when the killer is not around them which is particularly annoying) but teammates who DC just piss me off. If you can't even handle the frustration that comes with a more competitive game like DBD you should not be playing in the first place. Play something you can't lose like cookie clicker or some #########, but don't be a baby and ruin everything for the rest of us.
That being said, if I'm playing killer I could care less if you DC, especially if I've had a bad day. If I've had a bad day I will relentlessly stomp a team into the ######### dirt without hesitation regardless if they had a teammate dc or they were lucky enough to self unhook. That being said I recognize it's a ######### move nonetheless and I can empathize with the frustration the team I might be going against might feel, hence why I'm playing killer in the first place so I don't have to deal with garbage teammates.
I'm very glad to be able to say I've seen much fewer DCs ever since they implemented the penalty, maybe 1 every now and then but unlike before I won't see 1 guy DC causing the most of or the entire lobby to follow suit and leave as well. Most don't want to deal with the penalty so they stick it out which I can respect.
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Teammates who DC/kill themselves on their first hook, early in a match
I roll my eyes everytime someone does this. It really ######### the team over.
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Teammates who walk/crouch walk everywhere even when the killer isn't very near them
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The idiot that goes self care at the corner of the map while you are dying on the hook.
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I hate a mixture of all of these but what I really hate are teammates who purposely get you killed. The teammates who would purposely lead the killer to you, or body block you so the killer downs you instead of them. Or when they body block you so you can’t get unhooked (this happened to me once and it’s the most annoying thing). Those kind of people make me want to pull my hair out and drink bleach
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Teammates who do any of the above, only for them to escape while you don't
Plus teammates who run to the corner of the map to heal (I'm not following you), plus teammates who don't recover while they're downed (I'm not healing you), plus teammates who play for the hatch.
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Teammates who walk/crouch walk everywhere even when the killer isn't very near them
When a teammate unhooks you and urban evades to the corner of the map in their P3 Claudette outfit and you get accidentally tunneled
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Teammates who work with the killer to rat out your location
The others are bad but these are the worst. Especially when I'm trying to let them die so I can get hatch already 😃
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Teammates who work with the killer to rat out your location
The absolute worst for me are the DCers and people who work with the killer. These people just absolutely ruin (pun intended) the match for everyone involved and are basically cheating. All the other stuff is annoying but these people are just the Kings of Douchebaggery 😣
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Teammates who trap you in a locker/bodyblock you at a pallet or a narrow passageway
I hate the ones that dc but jeezus Christ the ones that bodyblock me are annoying af
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Teammates who walk/crouch walk everywhere even when the killer isn't very near them
I hate overly immersed players
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Hatch campers for 2 mins and people that dont tank when they have BT.
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Screw you teammates that taunt the Killer. If I could shove you away from the Exit and into the Killer's arms I would.
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Teammates who DC/kill themselves on their first hook, early in a match
DCs and early games give you such a handicap. Yea there might've been 1 or 2 gens done in that time, but players themselves should be worth more. Quitters never win, and it breaks down the whole morale of the game. As a killer I feel bad when this happens to the survivors. As a survivor, I feel the game is over half the time. The other half i'm hoping my teammates don't follow suit while I play best I can in that situation.
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Teammates who recklessly use all the pallets
Every single option.
But if i have to pick one, i choose "pallet waster". I HATE when i milk a pallet to a maximum, just to see another survivor later to drop it instantly without even trying to loop. The worst are those clowns that camp pallets, drop it AND get hit aswell. When i see this happening with shack or a jungle gym, i want to DC.
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As a Killer exclusive player I didn't vote because I can't really have a say in this but I can't imagine the rage quitters or snitches are too popular. In the majority of the matches I've seen sabotaged by survivors those have been some of the worst.
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Survivors who don't get gens done..
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Teammates who walk/crouch walk everywhere even when the killer isn't very near them
For me the most annoying is when you are hooked and you are going to get into struggle state and the other are crouching. The other one I hate is when you get hit first and you disconect! YOU ARE NOT DEAD ON HOOK DAMN
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Teammates who fail multiple skillchecks in a row
This is the death of me...
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Teammates who do any of the above, only for them to escape while you don't
Also those who blatantly ignore you on hook until struggle or your death. Bonus points if YOU or THEY have kindred.
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Teammates who unhook you in front of the killer without equipping Borrowed Time
It used to be the DC ones, but since the dc punishments and realising we can still survive on 3 it's the ones who needlessly unhook right in front of the Killer. I can understand a last second save when in the struggle phase, but if not at least wait until the terror radius goes. I'm not going anywhere!
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Teammates who walk/crouch walk everywhere even when the killer isn't very near them
I hate teammates who throughout the game crouch all the time. People who don't run at all is not very efficient and stops generators being completed quicker as it takes longer for them to reach the generators. As I am quite new to the game, only started around a week ago, I am not the best but in my opinion people need to be more efficient. I don't know why this makes me angry but it does...
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Teammates who do any of the above, only for them to escape while you don't
People who aimlessly walk/crouch through the map without doing gens are the most annoying. But there's nothing more infuriating than the dude who went ninja without doing a single thing during the whole match managing to escape while the others don't.
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Teammates who DC/kill themselves on their first hook, early in a match
and the teammates who hide in a locker for 120 seconds with 3 crows on their head, leaving the other three people dying on their first hook.
But I think people who disconnect at the start of the game are the most annoying, for you don't even have the chance to see them perform any of the toxic behaviors, they just leave the match without making any contribution to the survivors, and we just lose 25% of our team (even 50% or 75% if there are more than 1 DCs) when the game starts.
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Teammates who do any of the above, only for them to escape while you don't
I'm the type of guy that is pretty good at survivor (weird flex, I get it) and when I see other survs in my teams doing stupid mistakes (which is a common thing for me) it irritates me, be it not doing gens, be it being downed 3 secs in a chase, be it DC'ing, not to mention this usually leads to me losing the match because of other players. But I do respect people that at least try to help their teams even if they aren't that experienced and I try to do the best to help them survive even if that means sacrificing myself so they can keep doing what their doing.
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Teammates who trap you in a locker/bodyblock you at a pallet or a narrow passageway
I didnt see the do all of the above to survive. I choose that one.
Except walk and crouch everywhere (this is rank 1 behavior imo)
I hate survivors that run, there are so many killers that pick off survivors easily within the first few minutes of the trial because survivors start match by running everywhere.
Ive had some pretty immersive games where ive repaired a total of 4 gens without even getting seen by a killer and its because i crouch and walk everywhere
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Teammates who work with the killer to rat out your location
These were all good choices, for bad things other survivors do. I chose ones working with the killer, because they know what they are doing and they choose to betray others for their own benefit. I haven't gotten many survivors like that, but they are usually the ones using Bond. Other things survivors do, like suiciding, missing several checks or hiding a lot is also not good, but I don't think it's because they want to screw the team, but because they are impatient, no focused or afraid of everything.
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Teammates who DC/kill themselves on their first hook, early in a match
I had to go with the rage quitters. Losing someone early is 90% of the time a death/hatch sentence. That 10% of the time where all of you make it though is pretty rewarding.
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Teammates who unhook you in front of the killer without equipping Borrowed Time
would much rather die on hook
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Teammates who DC/kill themselves on their first hook, early in a match
I don't care what reasons you think justify it, if you d/c you are a selfish brat. Simple as that.
Stop ruining the game for other people. So what if you don't survive. Just play to have fun and stop worrying about your rank so much.
The whole point of this game for a survivor is to work together as a team. If you d/c you just leave the others to suffer.
I have been at an open exit gate and sacrificed myself on rescues where I die and the other person survives. Multiple times. Thats part of the fun. Taking the risk and enjoying the rewards when it actually works out.
Stop playing with the expectation of winning every game and you will suddenly find you have a lot more fun overall.
Sorry if that seemed like a rant. I just feel really strongly about people who don't care about anyone but themselves.
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Others who aren't mentioned
The teamates who know the killer is halfway across the map and instead of healing you, run off into the distance and usually get downed right after. Especially annoying when you're both in need of healing.
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Teammates who trap you in a locker/bodyblock you at a pallet or a narrow passageway
If you trap me in a locker on purpose or block me at a pallet I guarantee you I'm just letting go in phase 2.