New killer makes the game so boring to play

Ever since this killer came to the game I can’t ever have fun.

His ability seems so overpowered only because of how frequently he can shoot it.

I can dodge his shot but then guess what? 3 seconds laters he can immediately shoot me again. There’s no point in even trying to dodge his shots as he can just shoot you again in a matter of seconds.

Just make it so after reloading he has to wait something like 8 seconds to shoot again. Make it so his shots actually have to count just like huntress’ hatchets have to count seeing as you only have 5 of them (at base) and you have to waste time finding a locker to reload them.

Every poop you go to he’ll just shoot over and slowly manoeuvre around and then smack you. You can’t even pallet stun him as he’ll just respect it and shoot you as there’s no penalty for missing shots other than waiting 3 seconds.

I can’t do my pallet stun archive at all because of this bs.

Make it so the deathslinger actually needs to hit his shot and not just spam it.


  • magmamuncher
    magmamuncher Member Posts: 20

    Pallet* not “poop”. I have no idea why my iPad autocorrected it to this.

  • AlsendDrake
    AlsendDrake Member Posts: 103

    If he respects the pallet and shoots you and the pallet went down he has to break the chain manually or eat a stun then reload.

  • ggezbaby
    ggezbaby Member Posts: 404
    edited March 2020

    I think he’s fine. If anything, his slow speed makes up for the fact that he reloads quickly... Just try to keep running because looping doesn’t work for this particular killer. :)

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849

    So you do realize a missed shot is like 2 seconds. If he hits and you break the chain, he suffers a 4 second stun. Only unsafe pallets can he maneuver around to get a hit.

    If you want to make it so he has to wait longer to shoot between shots, you better remove all of his stuns on his shot. You're comparing him to huntress. who has no draw back to her power other than having to stop so often to get new hatchets. However if I hit someone twice with a huntress hatchet, they are down. Many times I can spear someone multiple times and them still stand via them breaking the chain and me being stunned. I can only force them down when I M1 them.

    The only reason I put up with his penalties is because he can shoot so quickly. Probably why his power has so many drawbacks.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Fair enough if you want this to happen but you're going to have to have something that compensates for it.

    You're going to have to reduce stun time for a broken chain. Hits now matter 4 seconds is too much

    You're also going to have to make it a lot more difficult for a survivor to break out of the chain as his shots now count more.

    So if there's going to be an 8 second cooldown on top of his reload time when you're going to have to keep him faster movement speed 115% so he can actually choose between what he wants to shoot or attack.

    If you're willing to accept these compensations then show you could discuss the merits of your changes if not then stop complaining about something that doesn't need to be complained about.

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    That's not realistic tho. Huntress has a windup time which doesn't allow her to rapid fire throw the hatchets because survivors take the windup time to break LOS. Additionally, Huntress can waste MASSIVE amount of time reloading at lockers. Some maps have lockers far apart from each other

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    you know that he's a 110% killer (like huntress) who gets slowed for a few seconds while reloading... right? and also that his ability doesnt even down people, and worse yet, can result in him being stunned for 4 seconds if they're able to break free because the survivor is smart enough to throw a pallet early or just be somewhere they cant be pulled from? His counterplay is stupidly easy in a wide number of scenarios vs huntress' "i throw thing at you and you down" gameplay loop.

    he needs help more than he needs nerfs. At best he's a less efficient huntress who can capitalize better on worse survivor play. It has less to do with his skill, and more to do with survivor play. If it bothers you that much, I have bad news for you...

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    I think he is super fun to play against soooo yeah, git gut

  • ermsy
    ermsy Member Posts: 580

    Why isn't it? I get that huntress has a wind up but slinger doesn't have rapid fire either so my point still stands. And generally 5 hatchets is enough for a good huntress to down a survivor so getting hatchets inbetween downs isn't unreasonable. not to mention the combo she has which slinger needs an additional perk to mimic.

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    I knew it wouldn't be long until people misused the term 'overpowered'

    He's completely fine how he is. Why do you all want killers that are super easy to go against and easy to bully?

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    Him having no windup allows him to use his guns more frequently. But Huntress with windup might charge, then take it back again because the opportunity is lost during windup. U know what I mean know?

  • JPGalvatron
    JPGalvatron Member Posts: 10

    Deathslinger shot OP when he went to poop and it has rustled his jimmies mightily.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited March 2020

    Try playing as him then come back to your thread.

    A missed shot is very punishing. Without add ons it takes him more than 2 seconds to reload and you feel it. If you hit someone, reel them and hit them. By the time you reload they are already gone. The chase music even turns off. Smart people leave the gen they are working on when they hear his TR because it's smaller than most and many deathslingers are running m&a.

    He is slow! Without his gun your basically hag without her traps or nurse without blinks. He is very susceptible to gen rush. PGTW or other gen slowing perks are a must pick for him.

    His power barely slows people down. It takes you a few seconds to mend and some people just don't heal up when facing him like they are up against legion. He can deep wound one person and go after another but unless there's 2 people next to each other he is giving up a chase in the hopes of finding someone else.

    Stop treating him like a normal M1 killer. Treat him more like Doc. Drop the pallets a little sooner. If you wait for him to get in melee range he's in shooting range. He doesn't need to get close enough to hit you he just needs to be able to aim before you turn a corner. Don't loop him at waist high loops. He can shoot you and pull you around.

    Avoid windows. This is his sweet spot. He can reel you in and hit you over top of it so long as your close enough. He is the only killer where I hope people go to windows. The same goes for the fences on Michael's map.

    It's still too early to decide how good he is. I've been using him for the past 4 days and I'm convinced he is weak. I've been getting mostly 3-4k as him but that's because I'm at rank 12 and most of the survivors I've been getting are potatoes. When I face a competent group that knows how to loop him I feel there's nothing I can do. Give it another week or 2. Knee jerk patches are how we got old Freddy.