I was just 4 man SWF'd.

Oberon Member Posts: 84

I am on the verge of uninstalling.

It's going to end up killing this game. The gen times are bad enough, but there are only so many coordinated BT, DS, and Sabo plays you can endure before this game just becomes am exercise in self loathing as a killer.

Oh. And I was called a camper and a tunneler for trying to guarantee a kill during EGC.

Not including the "ez", "git gud", and "noob" comments.

I'm one bad game away from taking another killer away from survivor queues.


  • Dpole3rd
    Dpole3rd Member Posts: 62

    What rank are you??? And sometimes the problem is man that you can sometimes just run into a group that just runs all those perks and they aren't a 4 man swf

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138
    edited March 2020

    Yeah i think you re 100% right. Here s me desperately trying to encounter 4 man swf no luck. I forgot last time i faced 4 man swf.

    Just like you people say on this forum "low quality bait" .

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138

    Figures. Dont even know that they were 4 man swf but cries out loud 4 man swf.

    Killers are trying to look like victims again.

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849

    The problem here, is it is much easier for brown rank survivors to rank up and out of their ranks. Also some of them are in SWF with lower ranks. And their current match making uses the highest rank player to match against.

    So the red, purple, and green killers have much quicker queue times. however brown ranks probably wait between 5-10 minutes if not longer. The game is literally just expanding its search until it finds someone.

    Is this fair, no, not at all... That is why they are trying to do their new MMR system.

  • BeardedMenace
    BeardedMenace Member Posts: 215

    I'm absolutely trash at killer and love when I see power plays with those perks. I honestly just get better... If those are your worries we can all only imagine that you tunnel, slug and camp like a trash killer. So personally you'll be doing us a favor. Killers who can take a beating are still not giving up on the game and understand how both sides work. Killers will be back eventually. See ya.

  • asimplelegion
    asimplelegion Member Posts: 66

    As I rank up I'm increasingly seeing how toxic survivors can be on both sides, I play survivor and killer and I really don't see why everyone is so toxic, just stop being a douche and t-bagging killers who are doing their best

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138

    Those words hardly describe that they were 4 man swf and even swf at all😂

    And those are just your words.

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138

    Well it clearly is not 4 man swf as you would know if it was cause you was there. If its not 4 man swf its not up to discussion here.

    Im not saying its a requirement. Its almost like you putting words into my mouth.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    I would just tell them they have no right of speaking running the meta second chance perks.

  • Oshi
    Oshi Member Posts: 306

    Mother's Dwelling - awesome map for "walking" killers (joke). LeatherKekW, rank reset, three man SWF. Solo surv escaped, almost +2 pip. After game this rank one survivor with 4.5k hours was pretty toxic tho. Game is not balanced around rank and SWF, at all. 

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138

    Because the title says 4 man swf. Whenever killers are trying to make something look op it always start with "but 4 man swf" and here op is clearly exaggerating about so called team of 4 man swf which occurs almost like once a year

  • minehot
    minehot Member Posts: 69

    I had moments when the killer accused me of being in SWF. When some killer's games doesn't go well for them, they always boil down to 'I got outplayed by SWF' when thats not always the case. Players that are soloq and are overly alturisting and look over their teammates exist as well.

  • xGodSendDeath
    xGodSendDeath Member Posts: 440

    Can't wait until NOED is nerfed so you bad, whiny killers lose your crutch perk!

    ::equips BT, DH, DS, Adrenawin and hops on comms with 3 other red rank players::

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    This has been happening for 4 years, and the game is significantly easier for killers than it was 4 years ago and killers are still here, idk how many hours you've had but if this is your first game getting "4-man swfd" do you not think you're overreacting?

  • Oberon
    Oberon Member Posts: 84

    True. But like I said, they didn't deny it in end game chat. In fact, they practically confirmed it. And they kept picking one another up (running from across the map to do so) as soon as I was in another chase. They knew precisely where every other survivor was at all times without any aura reading perks. It was all second chance perks and two toolboxes that they used to sabo multiple hooks upon pickup (not including the Breakout Bill).

  • Oberon
    Oberon Member Posts: 84

    Not my first time, SenzuDuck. You seem to take issue with me every time I have something to say in the forums. You're always white knighting for Survivor mains and setting your sights on Killer mains. This was not the first. It was the worst. I was playing as Pig, so it was going to be a suboptimal game to begin with, but stealth became an impossibility. The only time that crouching was a viable option was mindgaming palettes.

    It was a shitshow, and I'm tired of giving these devs my money. They only listen to money, and with survivors as 80% of their player base, they'll never listen to killers. How long has Nurse been bugged? How long have Killer sounds been bugged? What about Wraith and flashlight interaction? Or permanent flashlight effects on killers?

    But the moment that survivors start to encounter survivor-specific bugs or players can't make transactions, the devs are all over it.

    SWF is toxic to the community without proper balancing, but they're never going to balance it because they don't care about anyone except the dedicated survivor base who feeds them with more and more cash.

    I had one of the worst, most toxic, abusive matches of my life, and it's the straw that broke the camel's back.

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138

    Again you havent even proved that you faced 4 man swf.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    People always complain about matchmaking when they're not paired with potatoes though.

    Anyone who equips a loadout for dealing with sweats are going to crush any casual player. It's a self defeating system.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    So you're saying the game isn't balanced even though you (rank 9 killer) won against red rank SWF using Leatherface with suboptimal perks and suboptimal addons? What's balance in your book then?

  • Oberon
    Oberon Member Posts: 84

    I explained myself already. What they were doing, what they said, how coordinated they were from across the map.

    You don't have to believe me just because you're a survivor main who's never been hit by this bullshit.

  • Oshi
    Oshi Member Posts: 306
    edited March 2020
  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138

    Im not survivor main and i crush swfs regularly but never seen any 4 man swf lately.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    i have no idea who you are, I just replied to a post, sorry that you're having a hard time as killer, if you put more hours into it you'll do better.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    So you lost a game, got mad so you can to the forums...and what?

    You think because you had a bad game that BHVR will suddenly remove the ability to play with friends? Not only is that the worst thing they could do, it shows your lack of understanding of the other role

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    Just block comms thats the only unfair part

  • Nakedwildman
    Nakedwildman Member Posts: 198

    I guess you just did expect something different from the Game. This is a Survivor based Game. m1 Simulator. Killers are not worth to mention, Nobody, Developers included do care about you, youre opinion, or your expirience as Killer. I mean, The Gameplay Decisions made just can be opined from a totally drunken, or maybe a High Main-Civilisation-VIII Player that didnt even installed dbd to test it at least once the past 4 years.

    Just play another Game, and remember, BHVR is not the way to go, they soon will figure out, they cant live from "new players" only, because veterans more and more are about to leave, and a lot of people are complaining about the Game. :)

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    I see all the survivor mains who lie on the forums and strongly defend how over powered survivors are finally woke up, and are waiting in between matches to flashlight spam, and teabagg killers before telling the killer to kill themself in the end game screen.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,836

    or maybe the team was just better than you, its as simple as that

  • Steve0333
    Steve0333 Member Posts: 529

    Bt and ds are not indicators of a 4 man swf, they are common perks used in almost every match.

    Object of obsession and head on are probably the two most used perks in 4 man swf, especially OoO. While head on will tell you depending on how coordinated its use is. If you chasing a survivor and the survivor runs by some lockers and suddenly two survivors jump out and stun you and this happens multiple times during the match, you know for a fact its a 4 man swf on comms.

    4 man swfs on comms should be obvious, no question. If it's not then it probably isn't a 4 man swf.

  • Steve0333
    Steve0333 Member Posts: 529

    Another perk you might see in a 4 man swf is no mither but only if all 4 have it. If you jump into a game and you seen4 no mithers you know you are going to deal with a 4 man sabo squad that cant be slugged.

  • Kate_Main_01
    Kate_Main_01 Member Posts: 504

    My goodness. Imagine misunderstanding my message so blatantly and ignoring every positive, supportive thing I said in this just to... Do what, exactly? Low brow bait a 'git gud' comment? This was hardly a productive post.

    But since five people liked it let me explain something super elementary about my post for everyone. I was addressing how BOTH sides of this game complain about the other side's perks, calling them overpowered. "For every Killer complaining about DS there is a Survivor complaining about NOED - that's the very nature of a game that isn't 100% based on player talent. Everyone will point fingers at the in-game Skills/Perks rather than their own ability."

    Have you been on the forums long? I ask because if you check Survivor threads BBQ is one of the more complained about perks. If you are as new as it seems, welcome! Be prepared to see the most run perks on both sides being complained about by Survivors and Killers alike! Nobody here quite enjoys any of the opposite side's perks. :)

    "The matchmaking needs some work. And as a whole, Killers AND Survivors need to be kinder to one another and remember that we are all just trying to play a game we love." <- The key part of my post.

    Happy gaming. <3

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    removing SWF will kill this game


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited March 2020

    I 100% wouldn't blame you dude. Toxic survivor groups are the worst, they often don't even do the objective as fast as they could; because they KNOW they can bully you and still all escape, so they do. Chain stun, tea bag at every chance, insult the hell out of you post game- all while having like THOUSANDS more hours experience in the game.

    This is one of the most insufferable game communities I've ever seen, so trust me when I say I get it.