Who is worth lvling? Trying to decide. Would like help. :D

Claudette or Jake? They both seem fun but idk if i should do both or just one. I would rather do one since its less time for having to grind bp because i wanna lvl up to p3 50. I would like to do one of them as my 2nd main because i already main someone to begin with. And id just like another choice ( option ) of someone else to main so it i dont get bored.
i say claudette because of the sabo change. plus she has some of the best cosmetics in the game if you're into that.
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yea i dont know, they both have very nice cosmetics i like. I like jakes because of woodzie look but then claudettes has nice sweaters and coats.
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Well if you p3 Claudette, prepare for the tunneling. Many killers think all claudette play immersed.
It's not like some of us just started using her at first and tend to have a certain loyalty towards her since she was our first main.
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I would say you do survivors in this order; Laurie (Decisive Strike), David (Dead Hard), then Bill (Borrowed Time). After that level all the other survivors to unlock all their perks (Buying the highest level perks and perks you don't have from the Shrine, so you don't have to level everyone to 40). Then P3 Your favorite survivor with your favorite cosmetics, and unlock all the perks on that survivor.
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i will admit tho i did get tunneled alot more with claudette it seemed. And it really ruined my fun. But its in the game so nothing you can really do. :D
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Yeah, I just switched to zarina, she doesn't get the hate, and no one in our swf is running her.
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Don't p3, its a huge waste of BP. Lv up every survivor to 40 for their teachables
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So it has to be either Jake or Claudette? I would go for Claudette, she is obviously smaller then Jake and her cosmetics give her some advantage.
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Yea it has to be either. Idk im really thinking.
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He has a point. I P3ed Feng Min before I leveled other survivors. Which I regretted, I could've had 6+ more teachables I could've used in the beginning if I didn't prestige. Get all of them to 40+ and then choose a main. That's my best advice
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i guess ishould of said i already have teachables for all my survivors, So it doesnt really bother me having to p3 50, and i like the clothes.
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Oh well in that case I think Jake, he has some of the best cosmetics in my opinion. Plus he has a man bun and it's basically an in game Monto
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I leveled Claudette up first. Calm Spirit is pretty useful though, especially if you find yourself going up against the doctor a lot.
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jake for iron will, imo one of the best perks in the game if you like being chased since the killer cant track you via sound at loops with walls.
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Well, since you said you have all the perks, choose a girl, they are smaller than male characters and you can hide better. For p3 clothes i'll go for claudette or yui.
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I’m choosing Jake just because Claudette has already scared and scarred my weak killer main heart. Seriously I can pop a shot in the sky and 3 Blendettes will come running out from underneath my feet, scaring me to high heaven.
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Okay thx for answe so far