Devs, are mori's ever going to be touched?

Quick summary. Got into a game, very quickly was downed due to me not paying attention. (Fair enough) I then get farmed off hook and instantly mori'd. This seriously needs to be looked at because it's probably the most unfun thing in the entire game.
around the same time they nerf keys i hope.
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They can't nerf Moris without needing keys. They both need balancing.
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Complaining about mori's? I mean, survivors have a much more easier time with gens now. What more do you want, let it take 3 hits to go down and have to leave them on the floor for 10 seconds before being able to hook the survivor?
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Please only helpful and meaningful comments. This is useless bait. Thanks
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Couldn't agree more.
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I cant use mori and play seriously . The only time i do when someone brings a key. So vote up here for removing those 2 things from a game.
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Then change the key, it’s a free escape with no downside while a mori has downsides and requires a hook
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If you see a mori, do gens. They're not overpowered if your team does not suck. Think of it as an increase in dificulty level.
Now keys.... that is BS...
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I agree! Mori’s need to be removed. Killers are already fast, have plenty of abilities, plenty of ways of finding people. Why do they need them? Yes gens fly - which once it gets down to the last gen or two it gets tough for survivors. but Mori’s, they just outright ruin the game.
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So do keys
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Nope I disagree with you. They nerfed toolboxes to slow down gens why do they need to change the key too? The key is for a hatch that doesn’t even show up until they’ve done an adequate amount of generators anyways. They have to do more gens then there are people alive. Killers get easy hooks and rehooks with only a one time use DS to worry about? Not even that because they have ebony Mori which disregards that? Screw that. That’s not fair at all.
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No. Keys can’t be used until they get an adequate amount of gens done. Which is practically all of them. So how does that make any sense? It’s not as good of a benefit as taking someone out of the game because you STILL have to put in the work to get use out of it. Mori’s let killers take short cuts. It’s not the same.
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Yeah but a key is a free escape lots of the time, it also requires no skill and it has no downsides while a mori requires skill by getting a hook, and has pipping downsides, and a mori doesn’t effect GOOD players since they know how to deal with them, plus you can’t just find a mori in a chest
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Honestly they could remove both and I wouldn't complain.
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Delete both and the game will become much healthier
being able to bring a free win condition into a game is actually horrible
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I don't have a problem with mori's in concept like everyone else does. My issue with them has always been that the game is basically just "over" immediately as soon as someone takes on.
Like people either kill themselves on hook, mess around and just give up because they know there is no chance of actually winning that game normally, it's going to be one person out hatch or no one at all, that's it. No one is winning, no one on either side is getting all that many blood points, it feels like a complete and total waste of the entire queue process all while taking all your items away because they brought an offering.
I think if they bring a mori it should CHANGE the game not immediately ruin the whole game.
One example would be if when they bring a mori all blood point gains for everyone are increased by like 300% or something- suddenly everyone is trying their best despite the circumstances for rewards- or maybe even iri shards or something like that.
Other options could be to make it so that all gens become blocked, the mori kills after first down but the survivors have a new, much easier objective balanced around the mori gameplay- changing the entire game mode up and also increasing rewards a little bit more than usual for everyone.
Like we should be trying to make seeing a mori, a rare offering, a GOOD thing that BOTH SIDES enjoy greatly. There is no reason not to make it a rewarding experience short of BHVR either not wanting to put in that kind of effort, or being self serving and not wanting people to gain more rewards.
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No instead they give Mori’s I’m literally every level bloodweb. It needs the label “common” rather than ultra rare. The chances it spawns are TOO high. It’s ability is too much to have those thrown around all Willy nilly. This game is based on survivor and killer interactions and someone has to go down and get hooked eventually. So Mori is kinda too much. Because everyone wants to feel like the match was worth it. People want points, people want to have fun. The Mori just ruins the fun. But even then like, survivors still have to do gens to use the key. So it’s not a fair comparison. Every time I bring that in I’m in the position where I have to keep working on gens constantly. So it’s not like I’m coming in and just bouncing on the killer. He still had plenty chance to run around and get people. I think fun should remain a good part of the game too along with its competitiveness. And like I said keys can’t compare because we still have to do all 5 gens unless YOU HAVE already killed someone. But then it raises the question why do you feel like you deserve ALL 4 kills every single game? Why shouldn’t there be Alternative ways out for survivors ? Otherwise it’s not really fun for survivors. I don’t want to feel stuck in a game. Hatch is necessary. It’s about having options. You as a killer aren’t entitled to getting all 4 just as I don’t feel entitled to surviving. But Mori’s are too much. It’s just not that serious. I think killers have plenty of ways to get all 4 Mori is taking it overboard. In the end if a few get out good for them, it shouldn’t be a big deal. Everyone has fun in the end.
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🤦🏼♂️ Some of the comments in here have made me lose most of my brain cells
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I don't see moris being reasonably touched without them reworked entirely from an offering to something that triggers under certain conditions, being base kit,
I wanted to touch could rather than straight nerf them make them something that affects the game more directly for both survivors and killer. Making them actually effects the game mode itself or the enviroment.
The main problem is you got 1 guy vs 4 and killers have been arguing for a long, long time not that killers are bad-although that was true for a time- but that the killer experience is so sweaty that ti can quickly become unfun. Especially when you see some guy loop a pallet which you have no play you can really make against and watch 3 gens pop.
No breaking chase don't work on most maps where there's loops all over the place. Especially half wall loops where you can't even mind game the stain.
Moris are meant to make the game less stressful and make the killer actually feel like killers and not errand boys who get butt danced and looped endlessly.
I personally wouldn't mind moris being changed into stuff that directly effect survivors afflicted and killer. Changing up the game mode.
Ebony removing gens and putting the match on count down. Maybe massively increasing the killers radius except when in chase then he has none. But effectively revealing the downed/hooked and moried player and killer along with all other players for a short period. Like 10 seconds.
That could be a way of turning mori from-do gens but I get to kill you after one hook...oh, some dupe unhooked you in my face too bad- to a game of deadly hide and seek.
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Here's an idea to change both since they are pretty common nowadays! 😁
Ebony Mori
Once all generators have been completed, all survivors can be killed by the killer.
Ivory Mori
Once all generators have been completed, only one survivor can be killed by the killer.
Cypress Mori
Becomes basekit
Keys (Dull and Skeleton)
They both take 20 seconds to open the hatch, add-ons can be used to reduce the time it takes to do so (up to 10 seconds).
When a survivor attempts to use a key on the hatch, the HUD will blink the hatch icon and the killer hears an audible warning.
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Honestly I feel this, played against a Spirit with Mori. Teammate knew killer was by hook looking the direction and had spine chill, yet they still unhooked me and I got insta-mori. Also the Kate wouldn't take any hits.
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Useful and meaningful? I'm pretty sure that is meaningful. You're only pointing out mori's but didn't want to point out keys? Maybe when they fix gen speeds. Then they can look into mori's and keys.
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Isn’t this idea for Mori rework basically NOED? Because It’s not like anyone’s coming to rescue you lmao
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Not really, the odds of you not catching someone after the generators are completed is slim.
Due to the nature of Exit Gate spawns, you can just keep both of them in LoS and chase the first survivor who wants to attempt an escape. Even better the last generator can be completed while you're in a chase with a survivor and you can kill them, then quickly pressure the Exit Gates. 😁
If you play it smart and not kill anyone, you can trick survivors into thinking you don't have it and then you surprise them. It's like using a hatchet or corrupt purge to hide your NOED, then you give the survivors a nasty surprise! 🙂
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Gen rush is a lot more unfun and way more common imo.
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How is it unfun? It’s literally not possible for you to not find anyone as a killer unless you have zero awareness. Are you saying you don’t find anyone and they slam all 5? Not likely. Stop complaining. If anything it should be faster. Thanatophobia, Ruin, aura perks, Mori, they literally give killers all kinds of stuff to disrupt GameFlow and that’s still a complaint? Idk about these 4 man SWFs but playing solo is not really viable because killers have it too easy to find people. Hiding spots are knee high. Adam francis’ fro sticks out so everyone can see it. Every survivor has nothing but highlighter clothes. How is this possible? How is it possible 5 gens fly by you without you getting anyone? Do you HAVE to get all 4 every single match ? As a solo survivor it’s practically unplayable so people get mad when survivors survive huh? 😂
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I'm all for moris and keys getting nerfed into the ground at the same point. As someone who plays both sides it's a good indicator someone is really biased if they think one is fine and the other isn't.
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The issue isn't survivors hiding lol.
The issue is experienced survivors abusing map design, perks, and SWF to make the killer's life miserable.
It's not hard to comprehend.
Killers are at a big disadvantage against optimal survivors. And lousy solo survivors who muddy the waters make it more difficult to understand what needs to be balanced.
Add on top of that incompetent devs that don't understand the complexities of red ranks.
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Ebonys, Ivoris, iri keys and purple ones should go sit on a table and turn daet shet down a bit!
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Why should keys be nerfed? 90% of the time they don't even get used and more killers use Mori's than survivors use keys.
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A key requires gens being done.. and people dying?.. and if you kill the survivor with a key, its useless.
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tl;dr That's called a perk.
Also, if the remove Mori's. I can garuntee you. 80% of the remaining killer base will leave.
If you're going to remove Mori's then: Remove Keys. Nerf generator repair speed: Bring back Ruin. Survivors die on 3rd/4th down. Then I'll be okei.
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A key is BS, but a Mori isn't? Yeah, okay... LMAO
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The problems with keys are the RNG factor of finding one in the game and being able to do nothing about it. Additionally having a free escape for the whole team at the end is bad, however, keys require survivors to work together to do at least part of their objective (depending on how many are alive)
The problems with mori is that you can use it to hook someone, then tunnel them out of the match completely very quickly, since DS doesn't even counter it.
Moris and keys can easily be fixed:
- Make it so keys can't be found in a trial
- Keys only allow 1 survivor to go through the hatch
- Keys are now consumed once a survivor with it dies on hook.
- Make yellow mori base kit
- Ebony and Green mori stay the same but require you to get 6 hooks (no longer requires you to use it on a survivor that is already hooked)
These changes solve both problems in preventing RNG keys, and allowing killers to prepare for them, as well as them having a way to remove one from the match completely. It also prevents the issue of the entire team getting a free escape when a killer works at getting a successful 3 gen. It stops moris from being oppressive in the early game, and makes them a mid to late game option, while still requiring the killer to get a good amount of hooks (remember 6 is half their objective) and makes it more in line with keys for survivors, requiring them to do a significant portion of their objective to be used. Yellow mori also does nothing in terms of gameplay and is just a fun way to end a match.
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At least 3 Gens can get done in the course of 1 chase if the survivor is good enough, maybe even 5. I'd rather moris stay until:
- Keys are looked at.
- The genspeed problem is looked at.
- Survivor perk strength compared to killer perks are looked at. (Why is DS still as strong as it is?! BT is too braindead...)
- Killer powers balanced properly (Trappers QOL changes don't do much, and a lot of killers are still weak and cannot be used at high ranks)
Survivor currently is the power role in the game. They dictate how much fun the killer has, how quick the matches go, and even deny killer abilities (some of them, anyway).
They're only 15% faster than survivors, some are 10% faster. That really isn't much.
A Key can be used at pretty much any time: As last survivor or if enough gens get done, and require no skill. They ruin games for killer players just like moris for killers.
The only balancing I think Moris need are the requirement to everyone being hooked before use. That way stealth play is still an option.
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Can you show us the official statistics you had to use to come to such a conclusion?
Besides, does it matter in the first place which one you see the most? They’re both unhealthy for the game so they should both be changed and that’s what should matter.
The key doesn’t vanish once you kill this player. Besides, if you tunnel this player or camp them to get rid of the key, you have already lost the game.
Also the statement “a key requires gens being done” means nothing. The hatch spawns each and every game, the only thing you need to do as holder of the key is stay alive to collect the free escape. A key doesn’t require anything from you.
The only time it requires gens being done is when you choose to escape with another teammate, and with 2-3 gens popping early game, I would still say that keys require as much effort as mories do: little to nothing.
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That doesn’t sound like a nerf to me but a buff.
It’s the same bad design that No Ed currently has. Why would you reward a killer for the survivor completing their own objective?
In fact someone could just bring No Ed, wait for someone to finish a gen down them and mori them on the spot. Not exactly a nerf at all.
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I mean sure, that can happen with meme killers; they will just depip and you will safety because they didn't really do anything and you did (you can win without surviving). If a killer isn't applying pressure anyways and a secret offering is used, you should be able to do bones pretty easily and escape with ease.
It's like Blood Warden, it can 4K by forcing survivors to endure the wrath of the Entity, but there's a lot of things (counterplay and conditions) that need to happen before it comes to that point.
The main thing people dislike is getting deleted from the game — now that only happens if you are caught after the 5th generator. I don't want to nerf the offering even more because it becomes useless. Making some useless isn't always the answer to balance, it needs to have a use. 😄
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Complain as much as you want, but spamming here will be of no use, keys and mori are fine as is.
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because getting a hook is so hard LOL
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Most of the time when killers bring a mori is either because they have a challenge or because they are trying to be toxic about how they play. That’s been my experience.
Personally when I play killer I only bring them if I haven’t seen the Mori before and I always play as if I didn’t have it.
I don’t have a problem with the atm, even if they can seem excessive at times (when no one brought any meta perks or items)... for example.
With the suggestion you are offering you are no longer requiring the killer to down/hook someone... you are depending on the survivor to complete a generator which means a mori that could have been countered before, is now inevitable.
The coolest part about a mori for me is the animation and visual NOT cutting the game in half.
Post edited by Johnny_XMan on0 -
these survivor mains just never have enough,they always want to buff survivor side even when it already overpowered,they genrush like hell in 70% matches i play,this is insane,now they want the devs to nerf mori,never enough for them,that why this game is unbalanced af
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The thing is i do think ebony should have a bit higher restriction. But the other 2 are fine. As well as the mori perks. Infact i think rancor needs buffing to actually work if hatch it closed.
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Right after they fix gen speed buddy. Until then survivors deserve to be mori'd.
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Keys and Moris both need to be looked at. Both are really annoying.
I've had way too many games as a survivor where the killer does one thing when they bring an ebony mori: They tunnel you straight off your first hook, and mori you. That's ALL they ever seem to do. I don't think I've ever ran into a killer who used Ebonies in any other way. Even though I've personally used them in a different way myself. They aren't fun to play against, and there's little reason to actually try when someone has an Ebony unless they are REALLY bad. How is it any fair if I save a teammate, then the killer comes back and goes straight for the person I unhooked -- and even with borrowed time, that only buys 15 seconds.
On the other side I've had a few too many games where THREE people escape through the hatch with the last gen left undone. Last night had a game where I hooked someone a third time, and then found the last three at the hatch and they escape with a key. (Ash with Ashy Slashy, and I sort of expected it, but forgot about it) I had a decent three-gen and they ALL escaped through the hatch. No way of stopping them. How's that remotely fair that they get to cut out and leave with just 4 gens done?
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The official stats?.. I play the game. I play box killer and survivor.. and since the most recent update, the amount of Mori's being used has increased exponentially.
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Hes just telling the truth no bait at all. Complaining about moris when it is so easy to play survivor. I accompany what he says... what more do survivors wants? This is a legit question.