Highlight gens for survivors
Gens AND hooks are both highlighted for killer, hooks only being highlighted when carrying someone obviously. So, why can't gens be highlighted to survivors at all times? I understand maps and some perks are supposed to assist in finding them. But, I feel as if it's necessary for the entire game.
Some maps are obviously easier to find gens on than others, but I feel like a lot of time is wasted just trying to find them. Survivors whole task is to do gens, so why hide the task in a way? Killers main task is to hook survivors, and hooks are not hidden.
I'm not saying all of this because I'm a "survivor main," I'm mainly just saying this because I find it odd that killers can see both of what they are supposed to see (hooks and gens). Meanwhile survivors are not given any info. on where anything is.
This is obviously just an idea, please don't turn this into an argument post 🤕
Thanks 😐👍
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Killers get gens and hooks shown to them. Survivors really get nothing, that's all i'm trying to say. This was just an idea.
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That reminded me of a stupid quote : "16 perks against 4".
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This, and...
Hooks auras are shown to killers cause, otherwise, you should hook one only if the hook is in your face. The survivor is wiggling, its not like you have a free time to look for a hook, specially in maps like the hospital or the game.
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Well, guess my idea is going down the drain 🤷
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There is already a perk that does that, it's called Deja Vu. You can also use Detective's Hunch, Better Together, or if you don't want to equip a perk, you can use a map.
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I play a significant more amount of survivor than killer, but I'm still fairly neutral in these posts, and I see this as a bad idea. Generators are already being worked on quickly enough as it is, and Survivor is an information game more than anything. If you give them MORE information, then there will be no stopping them.
Part of the survivor game is not just working on the generators, but finding them too. If you've spend enough time in this game to memorise where generators are in relation to certain types of cover, or see the beginning of a 3-Gen strat, then it'll be easier to pick generators to work on and just outright avoid the killer.
Good idea in theory, kind of a mess in practice.
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That's the point? Would kinda defeat the purpose if you always knew where every gen was. And people think gens go fast already. Imagine what this would do.