Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

QoL Grind Improvement

Alright, so were getting up there in perks and this grind is kinda getting crazy. Now before I get into this, I basically look at survivors as skins, as the perks are what matter (exception Blendette has her own 5th perk slot), So I think it should be within the realm of a casual player to be able to unlock all the perks for all the survivors, without spending a crazy amount of time in the game.


It takes roughly 31-42 hours to perk out a new survivor on DBD. Given that a casual player gets about 10 hours a week into the game, that means it would take them roughly 3-4 weeks to play a new Survivor they just spent 7$ on. And this happens every 3 months and only extends the time.

A lot of the numbers and math is in the spoiler tag:

So how long does it take to Perk out a new survivor? While I have figured that it takes about 1.6 million to get to level 50. How many perks do you get for this. We are going to assume you get the maximum Perks per bloodweb and at the cheapest (unrealistic) cost. Levels 1-40 (1 perk per web) = 40 perks and levels 41-50 (2 perks per web) = 20 perks

So after spending about 1.6 million BP you will have a total of 60 perks out of the current 234 (each perk as 3 tier levels) perks that current exist. Now assuming you get two perks per bloodweb now, you still have to get 174 perks, meaning you need to go through at least 87 more blood webs. Note that its actually more than 87 as once you get down to only needed 3 perks you are likely to only get 1 or 2 perks per web.

But because I want to keep things simple, let's go with 87 more bloodwebs you have to complete. After doing some math, I realized that it usually cost me about 35-45k to complete a blood web. As I said I want to use the least amount of BP and the entity is on my side, lets say 35k perk Bloodweb. 87 Bloodwebs times 35k means you still have to spend 3,045,000 Blood point to perk out a survivor. This means to just perk out one survivor it would cost nearly 4,645,000 BP or 6,245,000 BP to P3 and Perk out a survivor.

So how long does it take to earn 1 million BP? Well lets break it into two sides, starting with survivors as their side will be slower. Lets says you manage to play 5 games per hour (realistly you would probably play 3-4 games per hour). Lets also assuming you are running WGLF and are getting 2 stacks perk game (rarely do I see people earn all 4 every game). On average, from what I can till a survivor earns between 15-20k per match. So we're going to use the upper number. So 20 BP from the game + 10k BP for WGLF means you earn about 30k per game or 150k per hour. So it would take you 6.7 hours to earn 1 million BP. Meaning it takes roughly 31 hours to perk out one survivor or 42 hours to P3 and perk out one survivor.

If you play killer, lets assuming the average is 25k per match, with BBQ having 4 stacks per game. Meaning you earn 50k per game or 250k per hour. Meaning it only takes you 4 hours to earn 1 million BP. So 19 hours to Perk out a single survivor or 25 hours to P3 and perk out one survivor.

Which honestly, I wouldn't consider to be that all terrible, except for the fact I basically just bought a 7$ character I can't use for 31 to 42 hours of gameplay. I don't know about you guys, but I get to maybe 10-15 hours a week. Work, Girlfriend, D&D and just general life. Meaning this new survivor I wouldn't be able to play for at least 2-3 weeks assuming I am just BP farming for just them.

So what is my solution? One many people have suggested and an easy one, remove perk tiers. This drops the number of perks needed to perk out a survivor from 234 to simply 78 perks at current at least. I would also suggest going back to one perk per bloodweb. What would this impact? It means you would have to go through a total of 78 blood webs to perk out one survivor.

How long would this take, well let's say it still takes 1.6 million BP to get to level 50, at which you would have 50 out of the 78 perks. Meaning you need to only go through another 28 blood webs. Using our number above, 35k per Bloodweb times 28 means you need an additional 980k BP. Which means the total to perk out one survivor would be 2.6 million BP to perk out one survivor or 4.2 million to P3 perk out a survivor. So 17 hours to perk out one survivor instead of 31 hours or 28 horus to P3 and Perk out a survivor instead of 42 hours.

I've seen quite a few post about the grind of perks in this game, But most of them don't take the time to talk numbers, I wanted to talk numbers because, honestly, I wanted to play Zarina but after P3'ing and perking out Tapp, Kate and Jeff. And just perking out YUI... I honestly don't have the heart or love for the game to spend 31 to 42 hours to P3 and perk out any new survivors... If it happens over time it happens. But it sucks that I basically wont every play Zarina for this reason.


  • Seltas0208
    Seltas0208 Member Posts: 1,056

    Or at least, if they don't wanna remove perk tiers make it so you get 2 perks guaranteed per bloodweb. Not just at the max level

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849

    Alright, lets say you earn 2 perks per blood web, meaning at level 50 you would have a total of 100 perks out of the 234 perks. Leaving 134 perks to still get. As you are getting two perks per web, you need to complete 67 webs for a total of 2.3 million BP. Meaning to perk out one survivor would cost you 3.9 million BP and take you roughly 26 hours. To P3 and perk out a survivor it would cost you 5.5 million BP and take you roughly 37 hours to do so.

    Which yes does shorten the grind, but 26 hours to perk out a single survivor seems kinda long to me.

  • Seltas0208
    Seltas0208 Member Posts: 1,056

    It is. But that's just what I'd like to see if the devs are adamant that they're keepi g perk tiers

  • neekocheeko
    neekocheeko Member Posts: 88
    edited March 2020

    Every person I've introduced to this game left because of the grind. It's way too much especially if you want to play both sides especially with how slow you gain BP. Tiers are pointless, and so many killers/survivors have only 1 good perk that you need (worse on killers since they all use different builds) so you end up leveling them just to get a certain teachable.

    It's also frustrating that you can pay money for dlc, yet still have to grind for hours to unlock everything for each character/teachables.

    I wouldn't hold my breath for any changes though. This is why I am always hopeful for another competitor to come out to dbd, so it can kick their butts in to gear.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    How about giving everyone tier one perks at base once it's unlocked. Then you're just grinding to upgrade it.

  • BeHasU
    BeHasU Member Posts: 830

    And remove the "gain 50% more BP in x category", they are just useless.. Let's say you use this offering in hunting category, if you max out that category you will get 4k bp more, minus the 3k you spend on that offering you will only get 1k bp out of that offering. They aren't really good imo. If they get rid of all these offering, including the 75% and 100% and leave the pudding and the cake.

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849

    They game should have a grind, the longer you play it, the less the grind should be. But spending nearly 31 hours to perk out one survivor, or 42 hours to P3 and perk them out is a GRIND. Given that most people are likely playing for 10-15 hours a week, you are saying they would have to dedicate all of their play time for 2-3 weeks to accomplish this. Something more like 17 hours means someone should be able to grind out all the perks they need in a week or two. So they can actually use the new character they just bought.

    The only reason I can think of why they wouldn't attempt to reduce the grind, is because they feel like people use this grind to feel their time between releases... Which I am sure is partially true. But In the short term, I think it would give people a reason to P3 again. 28 hours isn't an unreasonable time sink to P3 a survivor.

    Also making this move, would reduce the grind to 17 hours now, but in a year, you'll have 12 new perks. Adding 12 more blood webs to go through (As I said make it 1 perk per bloodweb) adding about 420k BP needed to perk out a new survivor.

    To be honest, never thought of that. I really don't mind them to be honest, there isn't a lot of offerings they can do for this game, and they need something to feel bloodwebs up with.

  • Supernaut
    Supernaut Member Posts: 1,533

    The archives say hello.

    I've been helping my daughter unlock all the teachables for survivors and with the archive challenges, am breezing through them.

    If all perk tiers were removed, you would be kicking your heels by the time you got to the teachables!!!

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849

    Yes, I probably have to go through the rift and determine how that mathematically accounts for this. As you noticed, I specifically left out, buying owned perks from the store as that will give you 600k. I also left out dailies when determining how much BP you could earn. Lastly, I left out Bloody Party Streamers/Birthday Cakes as well.

    Please keep in mind that I also assumed you were buying the cheapest route every web and that you were getting at least 2 stacks of WGLF or 4 stacks of BBQ every game. I also went a step ahead and removed about 8-12 bloodwebs you would have to go through as due to after a certain point you would no longer receive 4 perks per bloodweb, it will dwindle down to 3, 2, and then 1. I also used the assumption that you always got 2 perks per bloodweb, but we all know the entity can be greedy and screw you out of perks causing you only to get 1 instead of 2 per web.

    So the number's I am using assume best case scenario, when in reality, they will be higher. Yes, getting 25k-50k by completely a right should save you a few games.

    But let's use some math, let's say you do all of the survivor rift challenges. That gives you 675k BP, that means you have to farm up an additional 3,970,000 million BP instead of 4,645,000. It should still take you about roughly 26 hours to earn enough BP to farm up enough BP to perk out a single survivor. REMEMBER this can be shortened by either buying already owned teachables getting 150k, or by getting more stacks of WGLF, or using BP offerings.

    For example, when I help out my girlfriend earn BP, I play spirit with all BP perks and on average get around 80k BP per game, instead of 50... That means I can earn about 1 million BP in 2.5 hours instead of 4 hours. There are things when you want to Farm BP that does decrease this time, however the numbers were being used as if you were a casual player, just playing the game.